今天Chuck博士的卡片是《友誼》。當看見朋友樂趣的分享其好壞時光,我們所經驗到的喜悅及夥伴關係,就是這天的能量。朋友能幫助景況不好時,能走得更好,及分享歡慶之事,通常讓生命更幸福。今天,交朋友且享受友誼所提供的一切。有個甜美的一天!(譯者: 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai)
Posted: 25 Apr 2013 01:39 PM PDT
FRIENDSHIP is the card for today. The joy
and partnership we experience when we see a friend along with the fun and
sharing of good times and bad is the energy that is up for the day. Friends
help bad times go better and share the celebrations also, so that life is
generally more happy. Be a friend today and enjoy all the friendship offered.
Have a sweet day!!