今天Chuck博士的卡片是《感謝》。感謝是任何使我們低潮和穿越問題的一種解藥。我執建立問題的主要原因乃是阻擾,延緩和讓我們分心。而感謝在另一方面將在我們卡住時,能產生順流。只要寫下有關你所感謝的一切,感謝將會帶你走出你對問題的強迫思維。有許多值得感謝的,而且感謝打開了愛的大門。有個最感謝的日子!(譯者: 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai)
Posted: 30 May 2013 03:06 PM PDT
GRATITUDE is the card for today. GRATITUDE
is an antidote for anything that gets us down and even for getting through
problems as the whole reason the ego sets up problems is to stop, delay and
distract us. While GRATITUDE on the other hand will create a flow if we have
been stuck. Simply write down everything you are grateful about and it will get
you out of the obsessive thinking about your problem. There is so much to be
grateful for and gratitude opens the door to love. Have a most grateful day!