
今天Chuck博士的卡片是《“一切力量都是你的”》。這是奇蹟課程的一段話......我們乃是依造神的形象而被創造出來。所有的力量來自上帝,神就是力量創造了我們有力量和無限的靈性。而我們創造了我執,藉由分離,幻象,黑暗和痛苦掩蓋了這個身份。一旦當我們不再需要我執來導航這個世界,通常這在19歲左右時發生,我們被呼召去消融我執,去發現到神所賜給我們的禮物和力量。要強化我們的心智,我們只需祈求這些禮物和恩典。今天祈求你所需要的力量。它會給你信心和恩典,這將使一切變得輕易。有個美好且有力量的一天! (譯者: 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai)
Posted: 19 Jun 2013 03:01 PM PDT

"ALL POWER IS YOURS" is the card for today. This is a quote from A COURSE IN MIRACLES...It speaks of how we were created in God's image.  All power is of God and God as POWER created us as powerful and as unlimited spirit. We made our ego's and covered up this identity with separation, illusion, darkness and pain. Once we no longer need the ego to navigate this world which comes at about age 19 we are called to dissolve the ego to discover all of our God-given gifts and power. To strengthen our minds we need only ask for those gifts and grace. Today ask for the power you need. It will give you the confidence and grace that will make everything easy. Have a fine and power full day!



