今天Chuck博士的卡片是《療癒心碎》。我們的心碎用報復,仇恨和自我憎恨來鞭打我們。這還可能導致破碎的夢,這會是最痛的一種心碎。然而,心碎象徵著我們有著偶像和崇拜假神,我們以為這神會拯救我們且使我們幸福。所以現在是我們在接受所發生的事情及放下我們執著的療癒過程。我們不可能有個心碎,除非它對我們是重要需要去療癒的舊有碎片或還殘留著的心碎。讓我們祈求造物主的幫助,且記得我們是上帝心愛的孩子,配得每件好事......而心碎和隨之而來的痛苦,復仇等,不是神為我們設想的旨意。有個療癒和重新再生的美好日子!(譯者: 賴裕源 Translated by Ian
Posted: 28 Dec 2013 12:34 PM PST
HEALING HEARTBREAKS is the card for today.
Our heartbreaks tie us into revenge, hatred and self-hatred. They can also lead
to shattered dreams, which is the worst pain of a heartbreak. Yet, a heartbreak
signals where we had idols, false gods we worshipped that we thought would save
us and make us happy. So now we are in a healing process of acceptance of what
happened and letting go of our attachments. We could not have had a heartbreak
unless it was important for us to heal an old fracture or heartbreak that we
have been carrying. Let us ask the Creator's help and remember we are God's
beloved Child who deserves every good thing…And heartbreak and its attendant
pain, revenge, etc. is not God's Will for us. Have a great day of healing and renaissance!