今天Chuck博士的卡片是《療癒內攝》。 內攝的形式就是藉由吞下別人的痛苦,來試圖幫助他們。這造成黏連和病態依附。我們用心靈力燃燒了我們所吸附到的,但通常所吸附的量,原比我們可以燃燒掉的多,這產生巨大的情緒負擔,我們一直隨身帶著,甚至還不自知。今天是放掉我們已經從每個人身上所吸附的以及所有的內攝機制。讓上帝做祂的工作。讓老天不用再救濟。讓上帝盡他的職,讓你成為他的小孩。有最美好的一天!(譯者: 賴裕源 Translated by Ian
Posted: 11 Jul 2014 02:15 AM PDT
HEALING INTROJECTION is the card for today.
This form of interjection is where we swallow others' pain in an effort to help
them. This sets up fusion and co-dependency. We burn off what we suck up with
our psychic ability but usually we suck up so much more then we can burn off
generating huge emotional burdens we don't even realize we are carrying. Today
is a day to let go of all we have sucked up from everyone as well as all the
introjection mechanisms. Give God back His job. Get Him out of the soup line.
Let God do His work and you be His Child. Have the Best Day!