今天Chuck博士的卡片是《慈悲》。慈悲將我們彼此連結也將所建造的幻象世界溶解。在我們受害的底層,隱藏著我們無情,將我們彼此分離且論斷他人,而不是在這個非常的時候,帶著我們的靈魂禮物,去靠近幫助他們。今天是慈悲流動的日子,藉由它,我們扭轉了我執,要分離的意志。有個最美好的一天!(譯者: 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai)
Posted: 17 Jul 2014 11:03 PM PDT
COMPASSION is the card for today.
COMPASSION bonds us and dissolves the illusion the world is made of. Underneath
the places we have been victimized there hides our hardheartedness that
separated us from another and judged them rather then stepped up, brought out a
soul gift we had brought into this life for this very time and helped them.
Today we reverse the ego's will to separate with the flow of the day--
COMPASSION. Have the best day!