今天Chuck博士的卡片是《靈性的交會》。 這奧秘之愛的禮物,帶來一體且欣然接受聖靈。靈性交會超出身體的狀態。是如此的深層和豐富,創造出人間天堂的感覺。所有的界線隨之消失,只有它存在我們的內心裡。今天有個很好的機會,讓我們可以透過摯愛的伴侶,朋友或親友,體驗到被寵愛的日子。有個最驚喜的一天!(譯者: 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai)
Posted: 03 Dec 2014 11:18 AM PST
COMMUNION is the card for today. This is the gift of mystic love
that brings union and welcomes the Divine. It is a state beyond the body. It is
so deep and rich it creates the feeling of Heaven on earth. Boundaries fall
away and only the other is there within us. Today is a day of great opportunity
where we can experience the Beloved through a beloved partner, friend or
relative. Have the most amazing day!!