
今天Chuck博士的卡片是《尊重真理》。 藉表彰真相,我們放棄了欺騙和自欺欺人。這意味著我們看到,我們所有的怨尤都是虛假的,因為都是基於共謀和選擇,如果我們允許自己去看看自己潛意識下所隱藏的。我們所做的,只是躲藏,逃離我們的使命,附和大眾,而不是閃亮自己,且設法要注意力和特殊性以及要許多永遠無法讓我們幸福的虛假目標。歌頌真相意味著沒有人可以受責怪甚至包括我們自己內疚只是用來控制他人和自己的一種方法,執著,攻擊神來攻擊自己。今天去感受帶著真理的自由和輕易,及專心獻給它。有個美好的一天!(譯者: 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai)
Posted: 01 Feb 2015 01:12 PM PST
HONORING THE TRUTH is the card for today. By HONORING THE TRUTH we give up deception and self-deception. This means we see that all of our grievances are false as they are all based on collusion and choice, if we allowed ourselves to see what we have hidden from ourselves in the subconscious mind. We did it all to hide, run from our purpose, join the crowd rather than shine, and try to get attention and specialness and many more false goals that could never make us happy. HONORING THE TRUTH means no one is to blame not even us; guilt is just a way to control others and ourselves, hold on and to fight God by attacking ourselves. Today feel the freedom and ease that comes with truth and our dedication to it. Have a wonderful day!



