今天Chuck博士的卡片是《療癒原初的罪惡感》。原初的罪惡感是構成所有罪惡感的基礎。它是大墬落時的罪惡感,是第一次的分離導致所有的分離,而受苦的世界來自罪惡感和分離。今天是一個奇蹟的日子,我們可以著手處理並承認我們原初的錯誤,並擁抱上帝確認的原初純潔無罪......今天讓自己透過當被生下來時就已經確認的純潔無罪的真理而受祝福。它會改變一切。有最美好的一天!(譯者: 賴裕源 Translated by Ian
Posted: 16 Feb 2015 10:44 PM PST
HEALING PRIMORDIAL GUILT is the card of the day. Primordial guilt is the guilt that underlies all guilt. It is the guilt of The Fall, the first separation that led to all separation and the world of suffering that came from guilt and separation. Today is a miraculous day in which we can approach and acknowledge our original mistake and embrace our primordial innocence established by God…Let yourself be blessed by the truth of your innocence today that was established when you were created. It will change everything. Have the finest day!
Posted: 16 Feb 2015 10:44 PM PST
HEALING PRIMORDIAL GUILT is the card of the day. Primordial guilt is the guilt that underlies all guilt. It is the guilt of The Fall, the first separation that led to all separation and the world of suffering that came from guilt and separation. Today is a miraculous day in which we can approach and acknowledge our original mistake and embrace our primordial innocence established by God…Let yourself be blessed by the truth of your innocence today that was established when you were created. It will change everything. Have the finest day!