今天Chuck博士的卡片是《療癒懷疑》。懷疑是一個小我的伎倆,阻擋和拖延我們,因為如果我們往前進,真理就會顯現出來,而且當我們再次順流時,就消融了小我。研究療癒懷疑。懷疑總是來自自我懷疑,這把我們的心靈力量,擺丟在後頭,是信任而不是恐懼,能療癒懷疑。有個美好穿越和免於小我丟給我們一切藉由懷疑而生的障礙的一天!(譯者: 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai)
Posted: 23 Apr 2015 02:44 PM PDT
HEALING DOUBT is the card for today. Doubt
is an ego ploy to hold us up and delays us because if we go forward the truth
shows itself and we are in the flow once more which melts the ego. Research
heals doubt.
Doubt always comes from self-doubt so putting
the power of our mind behind us in trust rather than fear heals doubt. Have a
great day of moving through and being free of all the obstacles that the ego
throws at us in doubt!!