今天Chuck博士的卡片是《PoV願景心理學》。 PoV心理學是基於關係的療癒原則,幫助他人及非宗派的靈性。是心理學和恩典的相結合。它的根基來自於奇蹟課程,遵循愛和寬恕的道路。當伸手去幫助別人時,就代表著要朝向內在面向光。這是個有心的社群,幫助帶著貪婪和死寂疏離獨立的世界,跨進交互依賴且平等的世界。今天擁抱你內在的願景心理學,同時歡迎來找你的愛和療癒。祝你有個美好的一天!! (譯者: 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai)
Posted: 22 Apr 2015 11:40 AM PDT
PSYCHOLOGY OF VISION is the card for today.
The PSYCHOLOGY OF VISION is based on healing principles of relationships,
helping others and nondenominational spirituality. It is a marriage of
psychology and grace. Based on A COURSE IN MIRACLES it follows a path of love
and forgiveness. While reaching out to help others it is meant to reach inward
to the light. It is a community of the heart meant to help the world step from
dissociated independence with its greed and deadness to interdependence and
equality. Today embrace your inner PSYCHOLOGY OF VISION and welcome the love
and healing that comes to you. Have a great day!!