愚蠢本是可以避免的輕率錯誤,但現卻擊敗我們偏離了軌道。今天,我們可以認識到並修復已經偏離了軌道;我們可以糾正我們和其他人過去和現今正犯的錯誤。願有個修正大小錯誤的美好一天!(譯者: 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai)
Folly is a frivolous mistake that could
have been prevented but now knocks us off track. Today we can recognize and
repair where we have gotten off the track; we can correct the mistake we and
others made and are making. Have a great day of correcting major and minor
HEALING FOLLY is the card of the day. 2016/10/21