
【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《「我是上主的神聖之子,我仍是上主所創造的我。」》

今天的卡片是《「我是上主的神聖之子,我仍是上主所創造的我。」》,這句話也是引自奇蹟課程。這是我們原始的身分,唯一真實的身分。小我用分裂製造出自我概念,屏障了我們對自己的認識。我們忘了自己是沒有限制的靈魂。因此,我們不只是懷著巨大的痛苦來打造小我,還將這痛苦怪罪到別人身上,沒有認出是自己渴望獨立。小我受制於世界,試圖在世界中滿足需要;然而,我們想要的一切早在創造之初就給了我們,至今仍存於我們的內心裡。我願你這天有著深刻的平安,明白自己真正的本質 ── 上主的神聖之子!

"I AM GOD'S HOLY CHILD. I AM AS HE CREATED ME." is the card for today and a quote from A COURSE IN MIRACLES. This is our primordial identity, the only true one. The ego covered over our knowledge of ourselves as spirit with zero limits by making self-concepts through separation. So, we not only have tremendous amounts of pain to make our ego we blamed the pain on others rather than recognize our desire to be independent. This is our ego anchored in the world trying to get needs met while all the while everything we could ever want was given us at creation and is still within us. I wish you a day of deep peace and the realization of who you really are-- GOD'S HOLY CHILD!!"



