今天 Chuck 博士的卡片是《靈性的交會》。靈性的交會象徵著心智結合是如此地巨大,身體在愛中消失了,使我們結合在一起。當我們回到合一和天堂的經驗時 , 奧秘的結合就發生了。靈性的交會使我們回到精細無限的愛和光的場域經驗裏,這提醒了我們都不斷地朝向進化中。有個極深度和美好的一天! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) COMMUNION Posted: 14 Aug 2012 06:42 PM PDT COMMUNION is the card for today. It signals a joining of minds so significant that bodies fall away in the love that brings us together. Mystic joining occurs harkening us back to the experience of Oneness and Heaven. COMMUNION leads us back to the exquisite experience of boundless love and the fields of light that remind us of what we are all evolving toward. Have a most profound and wonderful day!