【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《療癒過度擔心》
今天的卡片是《療癒過度擔心》。擔心是小我狡猾的攻擊方式。我們以為擔心某人,是在關心他;其實,是對他沒信心。針對對方的恐懼,是一種攻擊。然而,我們可以放掉擔心,反過來,給予對方信任與祝福。祝你有個精彩美好、 蒙受啟發的一天!
HEALING EXCESSIVE WORRY is the card for today. Worry is a sneaky form of ego attack. We think we care about someone if we worry about them but actually it comes from a lack of faith in them. Our fear for them is attack but we can relinquish worry and instead trust and bless them. Have a brilliant and inspiring day!!