【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《療癒靈性與物質的大戰》
今天的卡片是《療癒靈性與物質的大戰》。這場大戰分裂了心靈,造成了衝突。小我不想讓我們有所明白、成就。我們不知道,其實此處是有路可走的,我們其實可以達成更大的平安、獲得更大的指引。今天,問問自己有多少場這樣的大戰?祈求天使空中救援 將你載到彼岸。祝你這天有份深湛的平安、愛與喜樂相隨!
THE GREAT WARS OF SPIRITUAL AND MATERIAL is the card for today. This Great War splits the mind in conflict so we don't realize that there is a step past it in much greater peace and guidance that the ego doesn't want us to realize and reach. Today ask how many of these Great Wars you have and ask the angels to airlift you to the other side. Have a profoundly peaceful day and the love and joy the go with it!!