今天Chuck博士的卡片是《願景》。願景是一個對積極未來的覺知。當靈感來時,我們就有個新及更好的方法。從陰柔女性面的勇氣,我們對靈感敞開,而完美夥伴的陽剛面,就使它在世界實現。今天是極富創意的,如果你能放膽去看到新及更好的方式。它將使你帶著新的意義和更深的真實往前邁進。祝美好!(譯者: 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai)
Posted: 17 Apr 2012 12:10 AM PDT
VISION is the card for today. VISION is awareness of a positive future. Inspiration comes in and we see a new and better way as a result. From the courage of our feminine side we open to the inspiration and our masculine side in perfect partnership makes it real in the world. Today is highly creative if you have the courage to see a new and better way. It will carry you forward with new meaning and higher truth. Have a good one!
Posted: 17 Apr 2012 12:10 AM PDT
VISION is the card for today. VISION is awareness of a positive future. Inspiration comes in and we see a new and better way as a result. From the courage of our feminine side we open to the inspiration and our masculine side in perfect partnership makes it real in the world. Today is highly creative if you have the courage to see a new and better way. It will carry you forward with new meaning and higher truth. Have a good one!