今天Chuck博士的卡片是《預言家》。它是種原型,即內在的力量正在以更棒的方式在發展及顯現。就如一切的才能,是來幫助我們及身邊的人。預言家讓我們看見未來,看到未來的趨勢和可能性。能夠預測某個程度的成功,以及準備所可能會遇到的問題。正如老話所說:“凡事預則立”。預見好事,使我們能夠敞開去接受。有個快樂的一天!(譯者: 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai)
Posted: 18 Apr 2012 11:12 PM PDT
THE SEER is the card for today. It is an archetype that speaks of a strength within that is developing and showing itself in a greater way. Like all talents it is meant to help us and help those around us. THE SEER allows us to peer into the future and see future trends and possibilities which thus allow us to predict an outcome with a certain amount of success. To see a problem allows us to be prepared. As the old saying goes “Forewarned is forearmed ". And to see good things allows us to be open to receive them. Have a happy day!
Posted: 18 Apr 2012 11:12 PM PDT
THE SEER is the card for today. It is an archetype that speaks of a strength within that is developing and showing itself in a greater way. Like all talents it is meant to help us and help those around us. THE SEER allows us to peer into the future and see future trends and possibilities which thus allow us to predict an outcome with a certain amount of success. To see a problem allows us to be prepared. As the old saying goes “Forewarned is forearmed ". And to see good things allows us to be open to receive them. Have a happy day!