
今天Chuck博士的卡片是《療癒內疚》。內疚導致生病或受傷。內疚是每一個問題的根源。這是朝向真理的好日子,是釋放的美好一天。每當有內疚就會有自我懲罰,因為懲罰是無法分辨對象的每當你因內疚而自我懲罰時,你也就懲罰你所愛的每一個人。我們都會有內疚感,但我們卻用它作為抑制恐懼的防衛和對老天的抗爭而不往前進。今天是放下你和他人之間內疚的牆而這是我執用來建構自己的。有個幸福的一天!(譯者: 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai)
Posted: 26 Apr 2012 12:21 PM PDT
HEALING GUIILT is the card for today. This is the guilt that causes illness or injury. This is the guilt at the root of every problem. It is a good day for the truth; it is a good day for release. Whenever there is guilt there is self-punishment and since attack is not discrete whenever you attack yourself out of guilt you attack everyone you love also. We all feel guilt but we use it to not go forward as a defense against fear and as a way of fighting Heaven. Today is a good day to let down part of the wall of guilt between you and others that the ego uses to build itself. Have a happy day!!



