今天Chuck博士的卡片是《療癒退縮》。退縮是憤怒的一種形式。療癒退縮是寬恕的一種形式。它醫治犧牲,過勞,疲憊和虛弱。在失去幸福及成功之處帶來幸福與成功。它產生開放的流動和輕易,也再一次有所接觸連結。接觸帶來意義以及有能力去接受。有個很好療癒的一天!(譯者: 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai)
Posted: 16 Apr 2012 12:19 AM PDT
HEALING WITHDRAWAL is the card for today. Withdrawal is a form of anger and HEALING WITHDRAWAL is a form of forgiveness. It heals sacrifice, strain, exhaustion and weakness. It brings happiness and success where it was missing. It generates openness flow and ease where contact is made once more. Contact provides meaning and the ability to receive. Have a fine healing day!
Posted: 16 Apr 2012 12:19 AM PDT
HEALING WITHDRAWAL is the card for today. Withdrawal is a form of anger and HEALING WITHDRAWAL is a form of forgiveness. It heals sacrifice, strain, exhaustion and weakness. It brings happiness and success where it was missing. It generates openness flow and ease where contact is made once more. Contact provides meaning and the ability to receive. Have a fine healing day!