
目前顯示的是 6月, 2012的文章


今天 Chuck 博士的卡片是《帕拉丁 ( 聖戰士 ) 》。帕拉丁是指一個人為了公共利益去幫助弱小和受壓迫的人 , 帶來保護和正義的一種原型。帕拉丁 / 聖戰士 , 活在他或她的使命裏 , 打擊魔鬼帶來光明。這是個美好的一天 , 藉由幫助他人達成公益。祝美好! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) THE PALADIN Posted: 29 Jun 2012 02:04 PM PDT THE PALADIN is the card for today. It is an archetype that reflects a person who works for the common good helping the weak and downtrodden bringing protection and justice. THE PALADIN lives his or her purpose fighting evil and bringing the light. It is a good day to work for the commonweal by helping others today. Have a good one!


今天 Chuck 博士的卡片是《療癒舊傷》。所有的痛苦其實都是出現在現況的舊有傷痛 , 終於這將被療癒。我們所有的問題都有其根源的舊有傷痛。寬恕可以釋放我們所責怪 , 造成我們過去和現在問題的人(問題的本質是我們因自己的事而相互指責)。寬恕 , 療癒導致責怪的隱藏內疚。療癒舊傷可以帶我們到生命的一個新的層次。有個釋放自己的極棒一天! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) HEALING OLD WOUNDS Posted: 28 Jun 2012 03:52 PM PDT HEALING OLD WOUNDS is the card for today. All pain is really old pain coming up in present circumstances to finally be healed. All our problems have old pain at their root. Forgiveness can be used to free others we have blamed for our problems both past and present (the nature of a problem is that we have blamed another for our circumstance). Our forgiveness heals our hidden guilt that led to the blame. HEALING OLD WOUNDS can take us to a new level in our lives. Have a great day of freeing yourself!!


今天 Chuck 博士的卡片是《賦權》。賦權是真正的領導力。當你授權於他人 , 你也讓自己有力量 。這 世界有個誤解 , 認為權力是支配統治 , 而不是共享和相聯繫 。當 世界更連結時 , 就帶來輕易 , 自由和更大的順流。今天生命和 “ 道 ” 要賦權於你。當你分享時 , 它可以幫助你和眾人。祝美好! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) EMPOWERMENT Posted: 26 Jun 2012 01:49 PM PDT EMPOWERMENT is the card for today. It is what true leadership is all about. As you EMPOWER others you EMPOWER yourself and the world which has the misconception that power is domination rather than sharing and relatedness.The world becomes more bonded as a result bringing ease, freedom and greater flow. Life and the tao want to empower you today. As you share that it helps you and everyone. Have a good one!


今天 Chuck 博士的卡片是《要求》。我們認為外在之物 , 是要來讓我們高興的。我們的要求 , 造成別人需依我們的方式做事的壓力。生命中的主要課題之一是 , 即使你無需要求 , 仍可以得到你想要的一切 , 但要求卻說你得要求才能得到。要求阻擋了接受 ;要求源 自過去失去連結時的需要。因此我們試圖去要或奪取而這會阻撓了我們。今天是放下那些你認為應該要的 , 而只是讓它單純的就是那樣子。祝有個美好的一天! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) HEALING DEMANDS Posted: 24 Jun 2012 12:42 PM PDT HEALING DEMANDS is the card for today. We believe that something outside us is meant to make us happy. Our demands put pressure on others to do things our way. One of life's major lessons is if you don't need it, and the demand says you need it, then you can have all you want. Demands block receiving; they come from old needs that arise out of lost bonding. As a result we try to get or take and this ends up thwarting us. Today is a good day to let go of what you think should be and simply let it be. Have a good day!


今天 Chuck 博士的卡片是《聖地 / 避難所》。聖地代表了一個安全的地方 , 甚至擁有著神聖能量。藉由療癒我們內在所有的攻擊能量 , 攻擊能量導致我們對他人的侵犯或他人對我們的攻擊 , 我們將自己的心敞開成為別人的聖地。我們會有攻擊能量 , 這只是我們對分離的自我概念 ; 我們的本體是沒有這些攻擊能量的。我們是完整的 , 不需要什麼 , 也不會受到傷害或發怒生氣。無論你是接受庇護或提供聖所的 , 今天都會是個神聖的一天 。 有個美好充實的 一天! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) SANCTUARY Posted: 23 Jun 2012 01:50 PM PDT SANCTUARY is the card for today. It represents a place of safety that can even contain sacred energy. By healing all the attack energy within us that leads to our aggression or others attacking us, we open our heart to becoming a SANCTUARY for others. It is only our self-concepts built on separation that have attack energy; our being has none of that. It is whole so it does not need anything and so cannot be hurt or get angry. Today whether you receive or provide SANCTUARY can be a sacred day.Have a fine and fulfilling day!


今天 Chuck 博士的卡片是《祝福》。你可以用祝福取代評斷 , 判斷耗損你 , 使你犧牲因而讓你和世界受苦。祝福具體提升、助長及有所幫助。它敞開你去讓你明白 , 每時每刻你都是被祝福的。祝福產生順流並使你感受到你自我最好之處 , 而評斷增添了你的內疚。所以今天盡力去祝福 , 你會覺得深深被祝福。這是個簡單可行之事 , 你可以是解答 , 而不是問題。你的我執寧可你去評斷而不是去看見 , 當任何沒有愛的狀況時 , 就是在呼求幫助 , 因為評斷產生內疚和分離 – 這是由我執而來的。因此 , 祝福自己。祝福他人及祝福這世界。祝美好! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) BLESSING Posted: 22 Jun 2012 02:48 PM PDT BLESSING is the card for today. It speaks of the BLESSING you can do instead of judging which exhausts you, throws you into sacrifice and generates suffering for you and the world. Blessing enhances, fosters and helps in general and specifically. It opens you to help you realize all the BLESSINGS being offered you at every moment. BLESSING generates flow and helps you feel like your best self while judgment increases your guilt. So, BLESS your ass off today and you will feel very blessed. This is one of the simple things you can do to be part of the solution rather than part of the problem. Your ego wants you to judge rather then see the ca...


今天 Chuck 博士的卡片是《浪漫》。浪漫是在生命和關係裡 , 顯示什麼是可能的階段。它通常伴隨著愛和愉快。它可意味著在生命或關係有了突破性的進展。它是值得享受的階段或步驟 , 但不要執著抓著 , 因為越抓著 , 它就消失的越快。有個美好浪漫的一天。這是可放鬆和慶祝的時候。最好的浪漫是當新的層次結合發生時。祝美好! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) ROMANCE Posted: 21 Jun 2012 08:56 AM PDT ROMANCE is the card for today. This is a stage that shows what is possible in life and relationships. It is usually accompanied by love and euphoria. And it can mean a breakthrough achieved in life or relationships. It is a stage or step to be enjoyed but not held onto as it disappears all the quicker then. So have a good ROMANTIC day. It is time to relax and celebrate a little. The best ROMANCE is where new levels of joining occur. Have a good one!


今天 Chuck 博士的卡片是《困難》。許多的人和情況難以面對 , 其實可能是容易靠近及輕易處理的。今天問題和解決困難的答案比比皆是。你的幫助 及往前踏進另 一個新的層次 , 是可以使所有一切有所不同。擁抱你是永恆的靈性和是神的孩子的天命 , 這種完全的轉化是不會有問題的。有個美好的一天! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) HEALING DIFFICULTY Posted: 20 Jun 2012 09:42 AM PDT HEALING DIFFICULTY is the card for today. The situations and people that are DIFFICULT may be both approachable and easier to deal with. Answers to problems and solutions to difficulties abound today. Your helping, giving and stepping up at a new level can make all the difference. There is no problem that you embracing your destiny as eternal spirit and Child of God wouldn't completely transform. Have a wonderful day!


今天Chuck博士的卡片是《歡迎》。歡迎讓我們敞開去接受,溶解我執之牆。這允許愛及合ㄧ經驗。歡迎除去了分離的距離,而只存有結合。歡迎是療癒與不時地奧秘的很棒禮物。歡迎是招待的精神及幫助我們記起我們是合一的。祝美好。 (譯者: 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) WELCOME Posted: 19 Jun 2012 03:34 PM PDT WELCOME is the card of the day! It opens us to receive , melting the walls of the ego. This allows love and the experience.of Oneness. It cuts the distance of separation so there is only joining. WELCOME is a great gift both healing and at times mystical. It is the spirit of hospitality and it helps us remember we are all One. Have a fine day!


今天 Chuck 博士的卡片是《承諾》。承諾是為了某事或某人 , 全心全意地給出你自己。承諾療癒了衝突和死亡區。它讓生命變得輕易 , 所以你總是可以知道 , 若有百分百的給出自己 , 生命會是輕易的 、 自由的 , 是往前誇越的。機會是開放的 、 流動的和富有靈感的。沒有承諾 , 就是你在欺騙自己。承諾會更新關係 、 工作和生命。如果你沒給出最好的自己 , 你就不會在他人身上看到最好的 , 這將導致爭鬥或退縮。任何的關係或工作狀況 , 需要你持續的在親密和成功上面的承諾。有個輕易的一整天! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) COMMITMENT Posted: 18 Jun 2012 10:51 AM PDT COMMITMENT is the card for today. COMMITMENT is the giving of your self wholeheartedly to something or someone. This heals conflicts and Dead Zones. It makes life easy, so you can always tell if you are giving yourself 100% because life is easy, feels free and is leaping forward. Doors of opportunity open and there is flow and inspiration. Anything less than COMMITMENT and you cheat yourself. COMMITMENT renews relationships, work and life. If you are not giving your best you won't see the best in another and this leads to fights or withdrawal. Any relationship or work situation needs your COMMITMENT for continued intimacy and success. Have an easy, full...


今天 Chuck 博士的卡片是《信任》。信任就是將我們的心靈力量投資在積極的方向。我們要不是投資在信任上就是投資在恐懼上。奇蹟課程強調地說:“沒有問題是信任無法療癒的。” 今天做個改變 , 積極的運用你的心智!有個有趣的一天! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) TRUST Posted: 17 Jun 2012 08:55 AM PDT TRUST is the card for today. TRUST is the power of our mind invested in a positive direction. We have to invest it somewhere either board trust or toward fear. As it states so eloquently in A Course in Miracles: "There is no problem that trust would not heal." Use your mind positively for a change today! Have a fun day!


今天 Chuck 博士的卡片是《療癒罪惡感的偶像》。罪惡感的偶像是我們改編罪惡感是種好的思維 , 以為是會拯救且讓我們幸福的。但罪惡感所造成的卻正好相反。罪惡感促使我們懲罰自己 , 退縮而不去修正錯誤 、 記取教訓及往前邁進。罪惡感的偶像建構了我執 , 且通常被存留在心智的無意識層面裏 , 所以當發現到罪惡感的偶像或任何偶像時 , 是讓我們有機會釋放自己得以自由的時候。就如奇蹟課程特別強調的 , 攻擊是沒有分別的。所以當我們懲罰自己時 , 就是在懲罰每一個人 , 特別是我們所愛的人。罪惡感只會擊退愛和神。罪惡感是一種幻象 , 將錯誤變成一座紀念碑。今天就讓我們放下罪惡感的偶像。有個非常美好的一天! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) HEALING THE IDOL OF GUILT Posted: 16 Jun 2012 08:16 AM PDT HEALING THE IDOL OF GUILT is the card for today. The Idol of Guilt is where we have made guilt into a god thinking it will save us and make us happy. But guilt does just the opposite. It has us punish ourselves and withdraw rather than correct the mistake, learn the lesson and move forward. An Idol of Guilt builds the ego and is usually kept at an unconscious level of the mind so to discover Idols of Guilt or any idols is to have an opportunity to free ourselves. Attack is not discrete as A Course in Miracles so eloquently puts it. So to punish ourselves is to punish everyone especially...


今天 Chuck 博士的卡片是《要求》。要求來自需要 , 而需要來自失去連結。我們利用要求,來填補因分離而產生的縫隙 , 但要求只會導致挫折和失望。要求基於評斷 , 試圖將自己擺高 , 而將他人貶低 。 今天是個放下要求的好日子 , 因為需求從未使我們高興過 , 卻拖延了我們需要去做的改變 。 有個美好的一天! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) HEALING DEMANDS Posted: 15 Jun 2012 09:01 AM PDT HEALING DEMANDS is the card for today. Demands come from needs and needs come from lost bonding. We use demands to try to fill in the gap left by the separation but demands lead only to frustration and disappointment. Demands attempt to make us superior while putting others below us and so are based on judgment.Today is a good day to let go of demands as they never work to make us happy putting off the change we are called to make. Have a fine day!


今天 Chuck 博士的卡片是《喜樂》。喜樂來自愛。這是我們與生命和他人的創意連結。當我們結合在一起,它療癒我們,而我們與人結合的程度也是我們體驗喜樂的程度。有個最美妙的一天! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) JOY Posted: 14 Jun 2012 10:50 AM PDT JOY is the card for today. JOY comes of love. It is our creative connection to life and others. When we come together it heals us but to the extent we join with another is also the extent we experience JOY. Have a most wonderful day!


今天 Chuck 博士的卡片是《作對》。作對是故意要走在錯誤的方向。我們說“不!”是因為我們可以說 , 而不是因為它是真實的。它是因害怕改變及權威衝突所驅動的一種壞態度。縱使是最積極的人 , 在無意識裡也有這個元素。今天是個很棒的一天,去意識覺知到這種會導致y在我們日常生活中困難和痛苦的不真實心靈模式。有個受祝福改變的一天! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) HEALING CONTRARINESS Posted: 13 Jun 2012 11:28 AM PDT HEALING CONTRARINESS is the card for today. Contrariness is willfully going in the wrong direction. It is saying, "No!" because we can and not because it is true. It is having a bad attitude driven by a fear of change and authority conflict. Even the most positive people have elements of this in the unconscious. Today is a great day to ask to become aware of such untrue patterns in the mind that lead to such hardship and suffering in our everyday lives. Have a day of blessed change!


今天 Chuck 博士的卡片是《療癒核心個性》。一個核心個性是有著很深的恐懼導致譴責或壓抑的議題。與其他許多從屬相關的自我概念 , 就形成這個問題的個性群集。移除一個核心個性,隨後就會將其他的個性顯現出來而被療癒 , 現在這阻擋恩典及光明流動的核心個性被移除了。有個很棒療癒的一天! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) HEALING A CORE PERSONALITY Posted: 12 Jun 2012 07:52 AM PDT HEALING A CORE PERSONALITY is the card for today. A core personality is a heavy lump of fear leading to a theme of assault or depression. Many other support and ancillary self-concepts form around this making it a constellation of personalities. To remove a core personality brings all the others to the surface for healing soon after and what stopped the flow of grace and light is now removed. Have a great healing day!


今天 Chuck 博士的卡片是《神是真實的》。這是認識到我們只是盡力相信我們的自我概念,而不相信我們依畏在神裏 , 完全地為神所眷顧著。當尼采說上帝已死。他指的是當上帝死了 , 人們是如何的過活且就把金錢當作神看待。但神是真實的,我們可以開始在別人和自己的身上看見神的純真無罪,以及如神一般的靈性和光的形象。有個美好的今天! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) GOD IS REAL Posted: 11 Jun 2012 07:39 AM PDT GOD IS REAL is the card for today. It is the realization that all of our efforting is simply to give credence to our self-concepts and we could just rest in God instead knowing that all was taken care of for us. When Nietzsche said that God was dead . He was referring to how people were living as if God were dead and had made money into God. But GOD IS REAL and we can begin to see others and ourselves as God does- innocent and in His image as spirit and light. Have a wonderful day today!


今天 Chuck 博士的卡片是《達摩》。達摩是服務的生命路徑。這是個致力於關心他人的愛的道路。當你給出時 , 它就會回到你的身上 。 祝美好! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) Sunday, June 10, 2012 DHARMA DHARMA is the card for today. DHARMA is the life path of service. It is a path of love that devotes itself to caring for others. And as you give so is it given to you...Have a fine day!


今天 Chuck 博士的卡片是《療癒進入無意識的自我》。無意識的自我 , 意味著自我經由痛苦或精神的耗損 , 完全沒有了自己 , 進而沒有意識 。無意識的自我 , 是個死寂的重量 , 阻擋了我們的往前進。去除一個或多個這些錨 , 在我們的生命將會有令人振奮提升的功效。尋找他們。今天就決心去找尋他們 , 並將這些無意識的自我釋放掉。祝美好! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) HEALING A SELF THAT WENT UNCONSCIOUS Posted: 06 Jun 2012 03:30 AM PDT HEALING A SELF THAT WENT UNCONSCIOUS is the card for today. It signifies a self that either through pain or through giving itself so totally nothing was left from the psychic expenditure and that self went unconscious. Unconscious selves are dead weight that hold back our progress. The chance to remove one or more of these anchors have an uplifting effect on our lives. Look for them. Be determined to find and release these unconscious selves today. Have a good one!


今天 Chuck 博士的卡片是《藉恩典而行》。其真實地意思是讓恩典藉由你來達成。透過恩典凡事都能!這是個大師層次的原則 , 為你的生命帶來輕易和成功。做個選擇吧 , 讓老天透過你來完成一切 。 親愛的 , 深深地愛你 , 祝福你有個美好的一天! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) DO IT THROUGH GRACE Posted: 05 Jun 2012 11:48 AM PDT DO IT THROUGH GRACE is the card for today. It really means let grace do it through you. Whatever there is to do can be done entirely through grace! This is a mastery level principle that brings ease and success to your life. Make the choice let Heaven do everything through you, Dear Ones. Much Love to you and have a fine day!


今天 Chuck 博士的卡片是《神聖狀態》。神聖狀態就是心靈與心靈的結合 , 深刻到能去除世界的夢而達到合一。這是一種愛的行為 , 不再有分離且光明場域開展。祝美好! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) HOLY INSTANT Posted: 04 Jun 2012 11:50 AM PDT HOLY INSTANT is the card for today. It speaks of a joining mind to mind that is so profound that the dream of the world can fall away and Onenss can be achieved. It is an act of love where separation disappears and the fields of light open. Have a good ONE!


今天 Chuck 博士的卡片是《療癒掙扎鬥爭者的心魔》。掙扎鬥爭者阻礙了我們生命輕易及順暢的美好。今天讓我們放下每一個需要掙扎鬥爭的自我概念 , 將這些幻象交託在神的手上釋放掉 。 除非你以為他們會為你做些事 , 而保有他們。祝美好! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) HEALING THE STRUGGLER SHADOW Posted: 03 Jun 2012 02:09 PM PDT HEALING THE STRUGGLER SHADOW is the card for today. This prevents us fro from having the goodness of life easily and smoothly. Let go of every self-concept you have of the struggler today by placing them in Heaven's Hands to be released as the illusions they are, unless ,of course you want to keep them for some reason thinking they will buy you something. Have a good one!


今天 Chuck 博士的卡片是《療癒競爭》。競爭是權力鬥爭和死寂的肇事者。是伊底帕斯情節的根源動力 , 破壞許多的關係 , 阻止成功 , 且存留在心靈隱藏的層面裏。今天是個好日子建立夥伴關係 , 工作團隊和相互關係。有個極優連結的一天! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) HEALING COMPETITION Posted: 02 Jun 2012 02:20 PM PDT HEALING COMPETITION is the card for today. It is the author of power struggles and deadness. It is the root dynamic of the Oedipal Conspiracy which destroys so many relationships, stops success and is kept at hidden levels of the mind. Today is a good day for partnering, teamwork and mutuality. Have a fine day of bonding!


今天 Chuck 博士的卡片是《神聖的加速》。神聖的加速是意識的復甦和成長的結果。今天個人的演進和世界的演變在加速。必須願意去改變,因此它可以最輕易可能的方式發生。有個美好的一天! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) THE CELESTIAL SPEEDUP Posted: 31 May 2012 11:46 AM PDT THE CELESTIAL SPEEDUP is the card for today. It tells of the quickening of consciousness and growth as a result. Personal evolution and world evolution accelerates today. Be wiling to change so it can happen in the easiest possible way. Have a fine day!