今天Chuck博士的卡片是《要求》。我們認為外在之物,是要來讓我們高興的。我們的要求,造成別人需依我們的方式做事的壓力。生命中的主要課題之一是,即使你無需要求,仍可以得到你想要的一切,但要求卻說你得要求才能得到。要求阻擋了接受;要求源自過去失去連結時的需要。因此我們試圖去要或奪取而這會阻撓了我們。今天是放下那些你認為應該要的,而只是讓它單純的就是那樣子。祝有個美好的一天!(譯者: 賴裕源 Translated by Ian
Posted: 24 Jun 2012 12:42 PM PDT
HEALING DEMANDS is the card for today. We
believe that something outside us is meant to make us happy. Our demands put
pressure on others to do things our way. One of life's major lessons is if you
don't need it, and the demand says you need it, then you can have all you want.
Demands block receiving; they come from old needs that arise out of lost
bonding. As a result we try to get or take and this ends up thwarting us. Today
is a good day to let go of what you think should be and simply let it be. Have
a good day!