今天Chuck博士的卡片是《歡迎》。歡迎讓我們敞開去接受,溶解我執之牆。這允許愛及合ㄧ經驗。歡迎除去了分離的距離,而只存有結合。歡迎是療癒與不時地奧秘的很棒禮物。歡迎是招待的精神及幫助我們記起我們是合一的。祝美好。 (譯者: 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai)
Posted: 19 Jun 2012 03:34 PM PDT
WELCOME is the card of the day! It opens us to receive , melting the walls of the ego. This allows love and the experience.of Oneness. It cuts the distance of separation so there is only joining. WELCOME is a great gift both healing and at times mystical. It is the spirit of hospitality and it helps us remember we are all One.
Have a fine day!