
目前顯示的是 2月, 2013的文章


今天 Chuck 博士的卡片是《療癒對陰柔面的恐懼》。就是放掉控制和願意接受且用心去引導。這使我們穿越害怕接受和害怕閃閃發光,而這使我們回復至原本的可愛。我們有多少程度的陰柔 , 就是我們有多少程度的開放,讓自己為老天和道所指引。有個美好接受的一天! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) HEALING THE FEAR OF THE FEMININE Posted: 27 Feb 2013 07:58 PM PST HEALING THE FEAR OF THE FEMININE is the card for today. This is a giving up of control and a willingness to receive and lead with our heart. This gets us over our fear of receiving and shining as it restores our lovableness. The extent of the feminine is the extent that we are open and let ourselves be guided by Heaven and the Tao. Have a fine day of receiving!


今天 Chuck 博士的卡片是《療癒惡劣態度的故事》。不好的態度是長期問題和重大疾病的核心。它通常防衛得很好且因某些正向腳色而補償。大多數人會感到驚訝,多少隱藏的不好態度指揮著所發生的事。在此壓抑之下是害怕改變以及對神的抗爭 ,期待這 世界可以提供我們覺得會拯救我們以及使我們感到高興的一些需要。這阻止了我們進入人間天堂以及合一之前的聯合意識階段。是時候發現我們自身所隱藏的不好態度且為了更有價值的東西而放掉這些。祝美好! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) HEALING THE BAD ATTITUDE STORY Posted: 24 Feb 2013 09:58 PM PST HEALING THE BAD ATTITUDE STORY is the card for today. This is at the heart of chronic problems and catastrophic illness. It is typically well-defended and compensated for under some kind of positive role. Most people would be aghast at how much hidden bad attitude directs what happens to them. Under this repression is a fear of change and a fight with God in the hopes that the world can supply some need we feel would save us and make us happy. This stops us from Heaven on earth and the Union Stage of consciousness right before ONENESS. It's time to discover what we have hidden from ourselves and let it go for something of great value. Have a good one!


今天 Chuck 博士的卡片是《奉獻》。這是個持續承諾愛與服務的層次,因而產生了鼓舞人心甜美的結果。忠實的丈夫將有摯愛的妻子。專心的老師就會有熱心的學生。在你獻身之處就會創建奉獻,這會使友誼建構成合作夥伴,乃至社群。有個最甜蜜的一天! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) DEVOTION Posted: 23 Feb 2013 10:16 PM PST DEVOTION is the card for the day. It is a level of continuous commitment to love and service and as a result an inspiring sweetness occurs. A devoted husband will have a devoted wife. A devoted teacher will have devoted students. Wherever you are devoted you will create DEVOTION and this builds friendship into partnership community. Have the sweetest day!


今天 Chuck 博士的卡片是《療癒情緒放縱》。這是我們運用情緒,來讓我們知道什麼是自己所需要療癒的部分 。 藉由療癒的過程,消除了導致現在和過去的痛苦。我們不是利用我們的情緒,抱怨或創造問題 。問題 其實是我們想要卻隱藏的攻擊形式,使自己特殊,讓世界滿足我們的需求,使我們感到快樂。今天是增進我們可愛能力及身為夥伴提昇自我吸引力的很棒日子。如果我們呼求幫助,上天會幫助我們的療癒。有個最優的一天! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) HEALING EMOTIONAL INDULGENCE Posted: 22 Feb 2013 10:31 PM PST HEALING EMOTIONAL INDULGENCE is the card for today. It is day where we use our emotions to let us know what needs healing on our part and we follow through on the healing removing present pain and the past pain that led to it. We do not use our emotions, complaints or problems which are forms of hidden attack in our desire to make ourselves special, get the world to take care of our needs and make us happy. Today is a great day to increase our loveability and raise your attractiveness as a partner. Heaven will help our healing if we ask for help. Have a most excellent day!


今天 Chuck 博士的卡片是《敞開心門》。 敞開心門是對那最會使我們快樂的自我部分的允許 、 歡迎及邀請。想想你最想要的是什麼 , 然後敞開心門及所有來到的。有個喜樂的日子! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai)THE OPEN DOOR Posted: 22 Feb 2013 11:02 AM PST THE OPEN DOOR is the card for today. It speaks of an invitation on our part that allows and welcomes what would most make us happy.  Think of what you most want and OPEN THE DOOR to it and be present for what comes.  Have a joyous day!


今天 Chuck 博士的卡片是《奧秘》。奧秘揭開了高層心靈和天堂。掉進了神聖愛的大海,認識到摯愛的上帝。它是合一的入口,永遠經歷神聖的存在和極度的喜悅和無比的美麗。 今天花點時間帶著安靜的心,邀請上帝和愛。有個最驚喜的一天! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) THE MYSTIC Posted: 17 Feb 2013 10:23 PM PST THE MYSTIC is the card for today. It is the opening to the Higher Mind and Heaven. There is the falling into the Ocean of Divine Love and knowing God as the Beloved. It is the portal to Oneness and forever experiencing Divine Presence and exquisite joy and incomparable beauty. Spend some time today with the quiet mind that invites God and Love. Have a most amazing day!


今天 Chuck 博士的卡片是《戀人》。戀人在愛裡相聚在一起,因此結合成為最重要的事情。在生命中我們更新也體驗到天堂的滋味,使我們想要更多。有個最棒的日子! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) THE LOVERS Posted: 16 Feb 2013 11:43 PM PST THE LOVERS is the card for today. it is a coming together in love with another in which joining becomes the most important thing. We renew ourselves in life and experience a slice of heaven that makes us want more. Have the best of days!


今天 Chuck 博士的卡片是《療癒靠艱難而學會功課》。輕易與真理具有相同的動力,所以當萬事艱困時,那是特殊性,攻擊或需要照顧的報應。當我們有多少的犧牲時,我們就會有多少的分心和延遲。今天,我們的覺知揭露了,在我們一直欺騙和攻擊自己之處,也是我們可以再次做選擇的地方。有個自由和輕易的一天! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) HEALING OUR LEARNING THINGS THE HARD WAY Posted: 15 Feb 2013 10:12 PM PST HEALING OUR LEARNING THINGS THE HARD way is the card for today. Ease and truth have the same dynamics so when things are difficult there is some payoff for it such as specialness, attack or attention. Whatever it is we place ourselves in sacrifice so as to distract and delay the lesson. Today our awareness reveals where we have been cheating and attacking ourselves and we can choose again. Have a free and easy day!


今天 Chuck 博士的卡片是《親自冒險》。這張卡反映出完全的給出自己,冒險,這樣的話 , 你會往前躍進吸引願景與使命。只有這樣的態度,你才可以找到願景層次 , 甚至是沙門 ( 薩滿 ) 層次的禮物。有個最有力量和最有創造性的一天! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) VENTURING ONESELF Posted: 14 Feb 2013 11:09 PM PST VENTURING ONESELF is the card for today. It is a card that reflects giving oneself totally, putting it all on the line and in this way you leap forward inviting vision and your purpose. Only in this manner can you find vision level or even shamanic gifts. Have a most powerful and creative day!


今天 Chuck 博士的卡片是《一體》。一體是一種意識狀況 , 使我們認知到,世界是我們的一面鏡子,同時所有的一切 , 反映了我們的想法。當我們寬恕,祝福和結合時 , 所有的一切就融合在一起。我們所為的一切,也都會發生在我們身上。今天只給出 , 你想要給予自己的。祝福這世界以及所有你的想法。藉由你的愛和寬恕將負向轉為正向。有個美好的一天! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) UNITY Posted: 13 Feb 2013 11:21 PM PST UNITY is the card for today. It is a state of consciousness in which we recognize that the world is our mirror and that everything reflects our thoughts. Everything comes together in our forgiveness, blessing and joining. Everything we do is also done to us. Today give only what you would have for yourself. Bless the world and all your thoughts. Turn negative to positive by your love and forgiveness. Have a beautiful day!


今天 Chuck 博士的卡片是《療癒殘酷的偶像》。這是一種在無意識的模式中,我們用冷酷無情的心對待他人和自己,以輕蔑痛苦的態度對待他人和自己。偶像是我們拿外在之物,當作是個解答,崇拜它,認為這是 “ 源頭 ” 。偶像認同小我的蒙騙,認為如果我們用刻薄和齷齪的方式對待別人,我們自己也可逃脫免除掉。當然,小我利用我們來壯大自己。將所有的這一切的偶像交在老天的手上,讓自己在各處都懷著同情心。祝美好! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) HEALING THE IDOL OF CRUELTY Posted: 13 Feb 2013 02:15 AM PST HEALING THE IDOL OF CRUELTY is the card for today.  This is an unconscious pattern in which we turn a hard-heart toward others and ourselves, acting with disdain and treating others and ourselves in a painful manner.  An idol is something outside us that we think is the answer and so we worship it as we would the Source.  This idol backs the ego's deception that if we treat others in a mean and nasty way we will escape it ourselves.  Of course the ego uses that to build itself at our expense.  Put all theses idols in Heaven's Hands and let yourself have the gift of responsiveness that comes in its place.  Have a good One!

今天 Chuck 博士的卡片是《美》。美是一種沒有評斷的狀態。美將我們打開,讓我們接受愛和恩典。美觸動我們內心深處 , 啟動尋找天堂和人間天堂。今天欣然接受美和它所有一切的形式,並藉由給予和寬恕把它帶出來。希望這是你最好的日子! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) BEAUTY Posted: 11 Feb 2013 11:25 PM PST BEAUTY is a state that comes without judgment. BEAUTY opens us rendering us receptive to love and grace. IT touches us deep within and sets off stirrings for Heaven and finding Heaven on earth. Today welcome BEAUTY and all of its forms and bring it by your giving and forgiving. May it be the best of days for you !


今天 Chuck 博士的卡片是《療癒其他次元》。這是一個深層無意識的觀點,如果不去處理,對我們的生活會有顯著的影響。如果你不知道如何去達到或轉化這影響,最簡單的處理方法是把它交給上天來醫治。任何會對我們有負面影響或阻止我們的,這都不是老天的旨意,所以讓我們隨時能呼求我們所需要的幫助。不斷的呼求幫助,因為這將會開啟上天一直要給你的幫助,直到你經歷深刻的平靜。有個美好的一天! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) HEALING OTHER DIMENSIONS Posted: 10 Feb 2013 09:36 PM PST HEALING OTHER DIMENSIONS is the card for today. It is an aspect of the deep unconscious that can have a telling effect on our lives if not dealt with. The simplest way to deal with another dimension is to turn it over to Heaven to heal if you don't know how to reach or transform such effects. It is not Heaven's Will that anything effect us negatively or stop us so we can always ask for the help we need. Keep asking for the help as this opens you to the help that's always given by Heaven until you experience deep peace. Have a fine day!


今天 Chuck 博士的卡片是《療癒缺乏情緒的成熟度》。我們的情緒乃是用來當作有什麼需要療癒的指標。如果我們釋放它們,讓它們離去,這就治癒了我們。如果我們利用它們作為武器,以滿足需要 、 攻擊或控制 , 那我們就是在一個不真實的方式利用它們,我們會因此感到內疚 、 懲罰自己 以及拿情緒當作 藉口。情緒不是用來敲詐 、 操控或證明有人是錯的。今天好好地去覺察,療癒和自我寬恕。有個燦爛美好的一天! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) HEALING THE LACK OF EMOTIONAL MATURITY Posted: 09 Feb 2013 09:48 PM PST HEALING THE LACK OF EMOTIONAL MATURITY is the card for today. Our emotions are meant to be indicators of what needs healing. If we release them and let them go, they heal us. If we use them as a weapon, to get needs met, to attack or control we are using them in an untrue way and we will then feel guilt, punish ourselves and use them for an excuse. They are not meant to be used as blackmail, manipulation or to prove that someone did it wrong. Today is a good day for awareness, healing and self-forgiveness. Have a brilliant day!!


今天 Chuck 博士的卡片是《療癒需要被重視》。需要被重視使我們去做了一些愚蠢的錯,浪費我們的時間在小我上。我們的價值已經為神所建立了 ;無需 再做其他任何事。我們辛苦工作 ; 我們遇到事故或疾病。我們試圖贏和勝過他人。我們做盡各種事情為了要特殊和優越性 ,這卻 只會帶來麻煩。有個經驗到真正自我價值的美好一天! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) HEALING THE NEED FOR IMPORTANCE Posted: 08 Feb 2013 03:05 PM PST HEALING THE NEED FOR IMPORTANCE is the card for today. This need for importance can drive us to do some silly mistakes and waste our time working for our ego. Our value was established by God; nothing else is needed. We work hard; we have accidents or ailments. We attempt to win and excel. We do all kinds of things to be special and superior which only leads to trouble. Have a wonderful day of experiencing your true value!!


今天 Chuck 博士的卡片是《完整性》。完整性是我們一直在尋找的,因為它帶來了平靜的喜樂,並與他人和天堂連結。完整性帶來了自愛及對他人的愛。讓今天承諾將有個非常甜蜜的一天。祝美好! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) WHOLENESS Posted: 08 Feb 2013 01:43 AM PST WHOLENESS is the card for today. It is what we have been looking for as it brings peace joy, and connection to others and Heaven. It is what brings self-love love for others. Today promises to be a really sweet day. Have a good one!


今天 Chuck 博士的卡片是《行家高手》。行家高手是位大師,他帶恩典和奇蹟來到地球。他們帶來愛和敬重周遭的人,他們不只是在“道”上,而是“道”之流已經完全流通在他們的心智中。他們是生命的寶藏且帶來許多的祝福。今天邀請你內在大師被賜福就如同你祝福這世界般。有個最棒的一天! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) THE ADEPT Posted: 06 Feb 2013 11:34 AM PST THE ADEPT is the card for today. THE ADEPT is a master who has come to bring grace and miracles to the earth. They bring love and value to those around them and they are not just in the Tao but in turning their mind over so completely the Tao flows through them. They are living treasures and they bring many blessings. Today invite in your mastery and be blessed as you bless the world. Have the best day!


今天 Chuck 博士的卡片是《療癒仇恨》。它談到是在生命和愛裡,釋放掉那讓你已經中毒的古老苦澀。這是寬恕和放下的一天,讓你的生命淨化展開幸福朝向光。有個最棒的一天! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) HEALING RANCOR Posted: 05 Feb 2013 01:30 AM PST HEALING RANCOR is the card for today. It speaks of a release of old bitterness that has been poisoning you in regard to life and love. This is a day to forgive and let go that your life may purify and unfold happily toward the light. Have the best day!!


今天 Chuck 博士的卡片是《自我包含》。自我包含終結犧牲和死寂的感覺。這帶來了夥伴關係,輕易和真實。它平衡了陽剛與陰柔且帶來平等。有個很棒的一天! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) SELF-INCLUSION Posted: 04 Feb 2013 10:30 AM PST SELF-INCLUSION is the card for today. This is the end of sacrifice and the feeling of deadness. This brings partnership, ease and authenticity. It balances the masculine and feminine and brings equality. Have a great day!


今天 Chuck 博士的卡片是《療癒癮頭》。這意味著,我們一直迴避去承擔領袖的衣缽及禮物,以及放掉這個阻礙我們的陷阱。癮頭是我執致力於怕我們的使命和我們要成為的樣子。害怕不足及失去聯繫掌控著癮頭,而這是今天可以被療癒的。讓愛取代癮頭 , 且有美好的一天! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) HEALING ADDICTION Posted: 03 Feb 2013 11:18 AM PST HEALING ADDICTION is the card for today. It means that we instead assume the mantle of leadership and its gifts that we have been avoiding and give up this major trap that has been holding us back. Addictions are a place the ego has dug in frightened of our purpose and who we have come to be. The fear of inadequacy and lost bonding rules addictions and this is what can be healed today. Have a day exchanging love for addiction and have a fine day!


今天 Chuck 博士的卡片是《療癒我們強迫他人》。這是我們為了自己的利益而阻止他人,並沒有意識到,當我們這樣做時 , 我們也阻止了自己。我們用控制來取代信心。今天我們限制別人變得可見,現在是放手的時候,信任和承諾下一個步驟,讓每個人得以自由,且也有真正的連結。祝有個美好的一天! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) HEALING OUR CONSTRAINING OF OTHERS Posted: 02 Feb 2013 10:58 AM PST HEALING OUR CONSTRAINING OF OTHERS is the card for today. This where we hold people back for our own advantage not realizing that where we do we hold ourselves back also. We have exchanged control for confidence. Today where we constrain others becomes visible and it is time to let go, trust and commit to the next step freeing everyone but having real connection with them also. Have the best day!


今天 Chuck 博士的卡片是《療癒無意義的意願》。無意義的意願談的是,將我們的意願擺在很少或沒有價值的事情上。這會分散我們的心在支持且不會幻滅我們的真正有價值的事情上。這是很好的日子,去反思我們的目標和優先順序事項。有個美好的一天! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) HEALING THE WILLING WITHOUT MEANING Posted: 01 Feb 2013 12:32 PM PST HEALING THE WILLING WITHOUT MEANING is the card for today. It speaks of places where we use our will for things of little or no value. This distracts us from what is truly valuable that will sustain and not disillusion us. This is a good day to reflect on our goals and priorities. Have a fine day!


今天 Chuck 博士的卡片是《療癒集體無意識》。這是相當大的承擔,除非我們記得,天堂與我們同行,我們要做的只是意願。將所有的問題擺在面前,你藉由寬恕和給予來療癒,祈求恩典讓療癒能輕易地完成。如果你明瞭在某個程度上所有問題都代表了你害怕往前走,當你專注於愛,信心和寬恕那會治癒恐懼,記得恩典,那麼即使是集體的問題變得更輕易,而不是長期或永無止境的問題。當每個人穿越過 ,這 就幫助了整個集體。有個有力量的一天! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) HEALING THE COLLECTIVE UNCONSCIOUS Posted: 31 Jan 2013 10:47 AM PST HEALING THE COLLECTIVE UNCONSCIOUS is the card for the day.  This is quite big undertaking unless we remember that Heaven walks with us and our job is the willingness. You take whatever problem is in front of you and you heal that through forgiveness and giving, asking for the grace for the healing to be accomplished easily. If you realize that at some level every problem represents your fear of going forward and you concentrate on love, faith and forgiveness which heal fear, remembering grace, then even the collective issues become easier instead of chronic or unending. As each person makes it through it helps the whole collective. Have a powerful day!


今天 Chuck 博士的卡片是《療癒魅力的偶像》。偶像是我們認為會拯救我們或使我們幸福的虛假之神。我們用偶像來取代上帝和愛 , 而且浪費時間在那遲早會導致失望,甚至破碎之夢的一時快感。偶像導致死亡。今天是個好日子,放下任何以為魅力可能會使我們幸福的思想。不要被愚弄了,如果你好像和珍愛魅力類型的人相反,因為經常這是一種補償。這一切都失落的能量,自然會取代你的幸福和喜悅。偶像通常是植根於潛意識的最深的部分,但仍然可以被清楚地看到。運用你的直覺。問你自己有多少偶像,然後放掉他們或將它交在老天的手上。任何補償行為也同樣如此去行。有個美好的一天,感謝 , 你可以發現這麼深的陷阱,且能如此輕易的走出來! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) HEALING THE IDOL OF GLAMOUR Posted: 30 Jan 2013 01:23 PM PST HEALING THE IDOL OF GLAMOUR is the card for today. An idol is a false god that we think will save us or make us happy. We use it to supplant God and Love and waste our time on what will at best give momentary pleasure but sooner or later leads to disappointment and even shattered dreams. Idols lead to death. Today is a good day to let go of any thought that glamour might make us happy. Don't be fooled if you seem to be the opposite type of person to someone who would cherish glamour as this frequently is a compensation. It's all lost energy that would naturally be going to your hap...