今天Chuck博士的卡片是《療癒情緒放縱》。這是我們運用情緒,來讓我們知道什麼是自己所需要療癒的部分。藉由療癒的過程,消除了導致現在和過去的痛苦。我們不是利用我們的情緒,抱怨或創造問題。問題其實是我們想要卻隱藏的攻擊形式,使自己特殊,讓世界滿足我們的需求,使我們感到快樂。今天是增進我們可愛能力及身為夥伴提昇自我吸引力的很棒日子。如果我們呼求幫助,上天會幫助我們的療癒。有個最優的一天!(譯者: 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai)
Posted: 22 Feb 2013 10:31 PM PST
HEALING EMOTIONAL INDULGENCE is the card for today. It is day where we
use our emotions to let us know what needs healing on our part and we follow
through on the healing removing present pain and the past pain that led to it.
We do not use our emotions, complaints or problems which are forms of hidden
attack in our desire to make ourselves special, get the world to take care of
our needs and make us happy. Today is a great day to increase our loveability
and raise your attractiveness as a partner. Heaven will help our healing if we
ask for help. Have a most excellent day!