今天Chuck博士的卡片是《療癒癮頭》。這意味著,我們一直迴避去承擔領袖的衣缽及禮物,以及放掉這個阻礙我們的陷阱。癮頭是我執致力於怕我們的使命和我們要成為的樣子。害怕不足及失去聯繫掌控著癮頭,而這是今天可以被療癒的。讓愛取代癮頭,且有美好的一天!(譯者: 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai)
Posted: 03 Feb 2013 11:18 AM PST
HEALING ADDICTION is the card for today. It
means that we instead assume the mantle of leadership and its gifts that we
have been avoiding and give up this major trap that has been holding us back.
Addictions are a place the ego has dug in frightened of our purpose and who we
have come to be. The fear of inadequacy and lost bonding rules addictions and
this is what can be healed today. Have a day exchanging love for addiction and
have a fine day!