
今天Chuck博士的卡片是《療癒魅力的偶像》。偶像是我們認為會拯救我們或使我們幸福的虛假之神。我們用偶像來取代上帝和愛而且浪費時間在那遲早會導致失望,甚至破碎之夢的一時快感。偶像導致死亡。今天是個好日子,放下任何以為魅力可能會使我們幸福的思想。不要被愚弄了,如果你好像和珍愛魅力類型的人相反,因為經常這是一種補償。這一切都失落的能量,自然會取代你的幸福和喜悅。偶像通常是植根於潛意識的最深的部分,但仍然可以被清楚地看到。運用你的直覺。問你自己有多少偶像,然後放掉他們或將它交在老天的手上。任何補償行為也同樣如此去行。有個美好的一天,感謝你可以發現這麼深的陷阱,且能如此輕易的走出來!(譯者: 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai)
Posted: 30 Jan 2013 01:23 PM PST
HEALING THE IDOL OF GLAMOUR is the card for today. An idol is a false god that we think will save us or make us happy. We use it to supplant God and Love and waste our time on what will at best give momentary pleasure but sooner or later leads to disappointment and even shattered dreams. Idols lead to death. Today is a good day to let go of any thought that glamour might make us happy. Don't be fooled if you seem to be the opposite type of person to someone who would cherish glamour as this frequently is a compensation. It's all lost energy that would naturally be going to your happiness and joy instead. Idols are typically rooted in the deepest parts of the unconscious but can still be in plain sight. Use your intuition .Ask how many you have and let them go or put them in Heave's Hands. Do the same with any compensations. And have a fine day, thankful you can discover such deep traps and be free of then so easily!!



