今天Chuck博士的卡片是《一體》。一體是一種意識狀況,使我們認知到,世界是我們的一面鏡子,同時所有的一切,反映了我們的想法。當我們寬恕,祝福和結合時,所有的一切就融合在一起。我們所為的一切,也都會發生在我們身上。今天只給出,你想要給予自己的。祝福這世界以及所有你的想法。藉由你的愛和寬恕將負向轉為正向。有個美好的一天!(譯者: 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai)
Posted: 13 Feb 2013 11:21 PM PST
UNITY is the card for today. It is a state
of consciousness in which we recognize that the world is our mirror and that
everything reflects our thoughts. Everything comes together in our forgiveness,
blessing and joining. Everything we do is also done to us. Today give only what
you would have for yourself. Bless the world and all your thoughts. Turn
negative to positive by your love and forgiveness. Have a beautiful day!