
不順從就是固執和不好的態度,通常是隱藏在大多數人的潛意識裡。這是長期問題的根源,我們常藉由好行為及好角色來補償它,通常沒有功效,因為它們不是一種給予,而只是用來隱藏我們消極性的一種防衛。在這個層次上來釋放我們自己不順從,會讓我們及世界的心靈,以一個全新的方式聚集在一起。願擁有個美好的一天!!(譯者: 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai)
HEALING UNAMENABILITY is the card for today. This is the stubbornness and bad attitude usually hidden in the unconscious for most people. It is the root of chronic problems and is typically compensated for by good behavior and positive roles that reap nothing as they are not forms of giving but just defenses used to hide our negativity. To free ourselves at this level has our mind come together in a whole new way and the world does also as a result. Have a beautiful day!!
HEALING UNAMENABILITY Posted: 29 Nov 2015 11:22 AM PST



