
信任乃是將心靈的力量運用在一個真實積極的方向。信任的力量,可以療癒任何問題。 信任並不像天真幼稚否認事實。相反地,它與信心的心靈力量結合,將不利局面反轉變成一個積極的或使正向的變為更積極的局面。願有個有趣和奇蹟的一天!(譯者: 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai)
TRUST is the card for today. It is using the power of the mind in a true, positive direction. The power of trust is that it can heal any problem. TRUST does not deny the facts as being naive does. Instead it binds the power of the mind with faith and paradoxically unfolds the negative situation into a positive one or a positive one into a more positive situation. Have a fun and miraculous day!!

TRUST Posted: 04 Dec 2015 10:36 AM PST



