
豐盛故事是我們不斷繼續要走的腳本。我們終於學會了給予和領受,這是一體的,因此可以治癒兩極性。這也療癒我們既要我們的目標,卻又獨立的矛盾,這種矛盾使得目標變得無比的艱難。豐盛的故事是在各方面都是豐富的。它使我們與老天,他人與生命成為夥伴。這是我們陽剛與陰柔面的平衡,進而在熟練中整合。願有個最華麗的日子!(譯者: 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai)
THE ABUNDANCE STORY is the card for today. As it is a story it is a script that we continue beyond this day. We have finally learned to give and receive and that they are one and as such they have the ability to heal polarity. This heal ambivalence instead of wanting our goal and independence also, which makes the goal infinitely more difficult. THE ABUNDANCE STORY is richness in all areas. It partners us with Heaven, others and life. It is the balance of our masculine and feminine sides leading to their integration in mastery. Have a most magnificent day!!
THE ABUNDANCE STORY Posted: 09 Dec 2015 10:44 AM PST



