
我們都有無知,它會導致我們做出令我們受苦的一些大錯誤。今天,我們可以看到一些自己的無知,並釋放掉它。不要攻擊自己,因為這是小自讓你緊抓著無知的卑劣方法。相反地,今天是讓自己從無知的束縛釋放自己。讓今天成為美好的一天!(譯者: 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai)

HEALING IGNORANCE is the card of the day. We all have ignorance and it causes us to make some big mistakes that cause us suffering. Today it is given to us to see some of our ignorance and relinquish it. Do not attack yourself because that is only a sneaky way that the ego gets you to hold onto it. Instead have a day of freeing yourself from the bondage of ignorance. Let today be an amazing day!!

HEALING IGNORANCE Posted: 29 Dec 2015 11:54 AM PST



