
愛的核心就是張美麗的卡片描繪了最美好的聖誕季節。我們透過給予和接受來接觸他人,也藉此我們有更親近的連結且看見他人的美好。今天,讓我們感受到自己與上主的愛,透過我們而臨到這世界。讓慈善盛行此聖誕季節。 祝你擁有美好的一天!!(譯者: 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai)
It is a beautiful card depicting the best of the Christmas season in which we reach out to others giving and receiving in such a way that we are bonded even closer and we see the beauty in others. Today let us feel our and Heaven's Love coming through us for the world. Let charity reign at this time. Have a great day!!
THE HEART OF LOVE Posted: 17 Dec 2015



