
我們的信念都是自我概念。任何我們所相信的任何事情,就是我們所相信的自己。透過這些自我概念的鏡頭,我們得以感知。改變我們的心智就能改變這世界,這就是今天我們所被給予的。我們可以使小我造成我們與世界的牆體變薄,好讓更多的光明,愛與豐盛進來。願有個非常美好的一天!(譯者: 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai)
Our beliefs are all self-concepts. Anything we believe about anything we believe about ourselves. Theses self-concepts are the lenses through which we perceive. To change our mind is to change the world and that is what is offered to us today. We can lessen the wall that the ego makes between us and the world letting in more light, love and abundance. Have a very fine day!!
HEALING BELIEFS Posted: 15 Dec 2015



