
目前顯示的是 2011的文章


今天Chuck博士的卡片是《卓越的才華》。這反映出盡其可能地運用我們的才智。我們所思考的照亮幫助了我們生活的各個領域。今天讓運用我們的心智來改變。有個有趣和美好的一天!(譯者: 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) BRILLIANCE Posted: 29 Dec 2011 10:47 AM PST BRILLIANCE is the card for today. This reflects using our intelligence in the highest possible way. Our thinking shines through helping every area of our lives. Today we are using our mind fore a change. Have a fun and beautiful day!


今天Chuck博士的卡片是《療癒兩相衝突的義務》。義務是種來自角色的補償。兩者都是不真實的。當我們選擇給出,它就不再是個義務;不再約束我們且帶來了夥伴關係。透過整合或觀看過去的衝突揭開其前進的方式。最快速的辦法就是把這兩難交給老天去解決。這不是老天的意圖,讓我們受困在這衝突裏,也不是老天的意圖,我們困在角色和義務裏。喜樂的給予會發生,因為我們只是選擇給予勝過因義務而做。(譯者: 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) HEALING TWO CONFLICTING DUTIES Posted: 28 Dec 2011 10:52 AM PST HEALING TWO CONFLICTING DUTIES is the card for today. Duties are compensations that come from roles. Both are inauthentic. When we choose to give, it is no longer a duty; it frees us and brings partnership. Through integration or through watching the unfolding the way forward past the conflict shows itself. The quickest way forward is to turn over this dilemma to Heaven for resolution. It not Heaven's Will that we be stopped by this conflict nor is it Heaven's Will that we be caught in roles and duties when the joy of giving can come about because we simply choose to give rather than do things out of duty.


今天Chuck博士的卡片是《豐收的故事》。它反映出所有你播種過的,開始有了豐富的收成。豐收,意味著連續性順流程度的獎賞,同時有個創新的繁榮層次,因為大多數人不允許自己接受到任何他們真正所配得的。有個幸福的一天!(譯者: 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) THE HARVEST STORY Posted: 27 Dec 2011 11:13 AM PST THE HARVEST STORY is the card of the day. It reflects abundance and reaping in regard to all that you have been sowing. As a story harvest means that it's a continuous flow on this level of reward and as such generates a new level of prosperity as most people don't let themselves receive any where near what they really deserve. Have a happy day!


今天Chuck博士的卡片是《療癒妓女的心魔》。這是我們的自我憎恨,相信我們為了所認為更有價值的東西而出賣了我們的誠信。特別是在性的方面,但這也可涵蓋生活的各個範圍。這心魔通常是被壓抑著,乃因匱乏和其他形式的對我們的攻擊,包括自我攻擊。將其整合回來這會是很棒的,讓我們再次明白自己的無罪和自信。(譯者: 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) HEALING THE SHADOW OF THE PROSTITUTE Posted: 26 Dec 2011 10:42 AM PST HEALING THE SHADOW OF THE PROSTITUTE is the card for today. This where we have self-hatred for where we believe we have sold our integrity to gain something we value more. This occurs especially in the sexual arena but can count for all areas of our lives. This is usually repressed and can account for scarcity and other forms of attack against us as well as self-attack. This is a good one to integrate back so we know our innocence and confidence once more.


今天Chuck博士的卡片是《療癒神職者》。這裡的神職者意指篤信宗教和空洞的形式而沒有靈性的。因此,它是政治形式上的得當,而不是真正行動或真實的個體。今天療癒這部分有助於我們能真實行動,而不是做個樣子而已。有個自由的一天!(譯者: 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) HEALING THE HIEROPHANT Posted: 25 Dec 2011 01:21 PM PST HEALING THE HIEROPHANT is the card for today. The hierophant signifies religiosity and empty form without spirit. As such it is political correctness rather than authentic action or true being. Healing this today helps us act truly rather than just going through the motions. Have a freeing day!


今天Chuck博士的卡片是《療癒靈性形式的大戰爭》。大戰爭是無意識的碎片,建造了分離,痛苦和幻象的世界。療癒就是將個人生命的願景及使命回復至更深的程度,讓我們更有愛和創造力。今天可以療癒重大的分裂,使我們體會到靈性的無限力量,認識到所有形式隱藏的一大片光和愛。有個深度的一天!(譯者: 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) HEALING THE GREAT WAR OF SPIRIT-FORM Posted: 24 Dec 2011 01:38 PM PST HEALING THE GREAT WAR OF SPIRIT-FORM is the card for today. The Great Wars are unconscious fractures that set up the world of separation, pain and illusion. To heal one is to restore vision and purpose to a much greater degree in one's life giving us much more love and creativity. Today can heal a major split so that we will experience more of the unlimited power of spirit realizing that all form hides the ocean of light and love. Have a profound day!


今天Chuck博士的卡片是《理解的故事》。選擇一個不斷地去理解他人的生命腳本。這會療癒恐懼,溶化幻象和內疚,終結疏離,並重新連繫。你與他人結合就結束了導致衝突的差異。這是讓這假期充滿祝福的完美展現。有個驚喜的一天!(譯者: 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) THE UNDERSTANDING STORY Posted: 23 Dec 2011 01:30 PM PST THE UNDERSTANDING STORY is the card for today. This is a choice to script understanding chapter after chapter in your life. This heals fear, dissolves illusion and guilt, ends separation and renews bonding. It joins you to others and ends the differences that lead to conflict. It is a perfect unfolding to bless the holidays. Have an amazing day!


今天Chuck博士的卡片是《療癒輸贏的大戰》。輸贏的大戰乃是無意識的分裂,導致在世界上和一般的二元論的核心分離。這特別的大戰,是導致競爭和所有各式的衝突。它集特殊性和在愛及分享之處隱藏著自我憎恨。療癒大戰導致我們生活在一個新層次的使命裏,並擁有美好生命的故事。它療癒了我們心智上的巨大分裂,導致更大的信心和力量。有個很棒的一天!(譯者: 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) HEALING THE GREAT WAR OF WINNING-LOSING Posted: 22 Dec 2011 11:05 AM PST HEALING THE GREAT WAR OF WINNING-LOSING is the card for today. The Great Wars are unconscious splits that lead to core separations in the world and dualism in general. This Great War in particular leads to competition and all manner of conflict. It sets specialness and its hidden self-hatred in the place of love and sharing. Healing a Great War leads to a new level of living our purpose and Having a Beautiful Life Story. It heals a great split in our mind leading to greater confidence and power. Have an excellent day!


今天Chuck博士的卡片是《包容》。這釋放了因比較、競爭的評斷而孳生的衝突而有的痛苦。包容是為求平等以及離開我執特殊性所建立的分隔牆和痛苦的選擇。當我們包容他人就涵蓋了自己,當排斥任何人時,我們也將自己排除了!祝美好 (譯者: 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) INCLUSION Posted: 21 Dec 2011 10:59 AM PST INCLUSION is the card for today. It is the release of the pain of comparison, the judgment of competition and the conflict it generates. It is the choice for equality and moving away from the specialness of the ego that builds its walls and generates separateness and suffering. When we include others we include ourselves and to exclude anyone is to exclude that part of ourselves.Have a good one!


今天Chuck博士的卡片是《療癒豐富與安全的象徵》。這個移動超越象徵我們的分離,以及證明我們的特殊性(就是所有的一切都只是有關於我)。特殊性是關係的秘密摧毀者,也是我執要促進攻擊和自我仇恨的最佳武器。真實的豐富無須任何象徵,只需愉快地參與,而不是分離。象徵的需要反映出缺乏豐富和安全,而這些並不是從物質的累積而來。有個幸福的一天! (譯者: 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) HEALING THE SYMBOLS OF ABUNDANCE AND SECURITY Posted: 20 Dec 2011 12:17 PM PST HEALING THE SYMBOLS OF ABUNDANCE AND SECURITY is the card for today.. This moves beyond symbols to separate us and prove our specialness (it's all about me), the secret destroyer of relationships and the best weapon of the ego to promote attack and self-hatred. Real abundance needs no symbols and is happily joins rather than separates. The need for symbols reflects the absence of abundance and security does not come from the accumulation of things. Have a happy day!


今天Chuck博士的卡片是《狂喜》。當溝通超越了身體,與神秘的愛互相共通,且總是歡迎神聖,並邀請完全的忘我。有個美好的一天!(譯者: 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) RAPTURE Posted: 19 Dec 2011 01:28 PM PST RAPTURE is the card for today. It speaks of communication that goes beyond the body so that communion leads to mystic love that always welcomes the Divine and invites utter ecstasy. Have a wonderful day!


今天Chuck博士的卡片是《豐富/收穫》。在這收穫的一天,你所播種的及你值得擁有的,都遠遠超過你所能知道的。今天是歡迎你一切所給出的都要回給你的一天。今天讓自己被賜福在豐富和收穫中。祝美好!(譯者: 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) FULNESS/HARVEST Posted: 18 Dec 2011 11:51 AM PST FULNESS/HARVEST are the cards of the day. It is a day to reap all that you have been sowing and all that you deserve, which is much more than you could ever know. Today is a day to welcome all that wants to come to you for all you have given. Let yourself be blessed today with FULLNESS and HARVEST. Have a good one!


今天Chuck博士的卡片是《祈禱》。它可以幫助我們記得,當我們被逼到一個角落時,唯一的出路就是向上。所有的療癒都來自神,而真正的祈禱是與神的息息相通。那麼其餘的就會自己完成。記住源頭是神,今天就像“ET打電話回家......”有個被神賜福的一天!(譯者: 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) PRAYER Posted: 17 Dec 2011 11:42 AM PST PRAYER is the card for today. It helps us to remember that when we are painted into a corner the only way out is up. All healing comes from God and real prayer is communion with God. Then the rest takes care of itself. Remember the Source and today "ET, phone home..." Have a blessed day!


今天Chuck博士的卡片是《否認》。這裡的否認是一種正向的防衛,認知道沒有任何超越自己的可以傷害我們或讓我們不舒服。只要選擇真理、和平以及信任來療癒所有的一切。祝美好!(譯者: 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) DENIAL Posted: 16 Dec 2011 03:57 PM PST DENIAL is the card for today. In this case it is a positive defense acknowledging that nothing beyond ourselves can hurt us or make us feel bad. It is the choice for truth and peace and uses trust to heal all things. Have a fine day!


今天Chuck博士的卡片是《療癒內疚陰謀和精神自慰》。今天,省思一下我們一直仍不願意放手,導致在我們的頭腦裏兜著圈子的內疚得以自由的療癒。我們利用內疚感,而不去改變、學習功課或往前進。這會產生許多問題,其實我們可以單純地汲取教訓,放下內疚感,就可以在生活中往前進。有個深度療癒的一天!(譯者: 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) HEALING THE GUILT CONSPIRACY AND MENTAL MASTURBATION Posted: 15 Dec 2011 11:55 AM PST HEALING THE GUILT CONSPIRACY AND MENTAL MASTURBATION are the cards for today. Today reflects a healing that frees us from guilt that we haven't been willing to let go of so it circles around and around in our heads. We use guilt so as not to change, get the lesson or move forward. This generates many problems when we could simply learn the lesson, let go of the guilt so we could move forward with our lives. Have a profound healing day!


今天Chuck博士的卡片是《療癒精神自慰》。它反映了療癒我們因強迫思維或以一種無益及放縱的方式面對議題時,導致一直卡住的心靈。這讓心靈再次釋放得到流動。將你的心靈調至天堂的頻道,是個很好的方式讓你的心靈自由,就如同唱國歌時,能唱過你腦袋裡卡住的音調。有個有產值和快樂的一天!(譯者: 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) HEALING MENTAL MASTURBATION Posted: 14 Dec 2011 11:28 AM PST HEALING MENTAL MASTURBATION is the card for today. It reflects the healing of where we have been stuck mentally either through obsessive thinking or going over issues in an unhelpful and indulgent way. This frees the mind to be in the flow once more. Turning your mind over to Heaven is a particularly good way to free your mind just as singing your national anthem to yourself gets you past a tune stuck in your head. Have a productive and happy day!


今天Chuck博士的卡片是《和平締照者》。當身旁很靠近我們的人有著很大的衝突時,我們就可能再次轉移了靈魂所要給予我們的禮物。和平締照者使我們的生命和我們周圍的人有著成功牢固的夥伴關係。而這個靈魂禮物帶來健康、金錢、愛和喜樂。有個很棒的一天!(譯者: 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) THE PEACEMAKER Posted: 13 Dec 2011 03:14 PM PST THE PEACEMAKER is the card for today. It is once again the offering of a soul gift that we may have turned away from when those close around us where in a huge conflict. THE PEACEMAKER makes our lives and those around us successful with strong partnership. From this gift comes health, money love and joy. Have a great day!


今天Chuck博士的卡片是《調正意圖》。想想我們可以有非神的意圖,就是沒將自己位置擺正確以及錯誤拙劣的創造。假想神是我們的仇敵,因為我們反對祂的意圖,也不求祂幫忙。然而,這只會創造出我們痛苦的幻想。今天是重新調正自己和再次的將舵柄交給老天的一天。有個美好的一天!(譯者: 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) ALIGNING THE WILL Posted: 12 Dec 2011 10:33 AM PST ALIGNING THE WILL is the card for today. To think we could have another will other than God's is to misalign ourselves and miscreate. We then suppose God is our enemy because we have opposed His Will and do not seek His help. Yet, we have only made illusions that we suffer for. Today is a day to realign ourselves and turn the tiller over to Heaven once more. Have a fine day!


今天Chuck博士的卡片是《靈感》。當某些東西觸動和提升我們的頭腦及心靈時靈感就發生了。靈感創造流動,並把我們提昇在問題之上。只有能深刻觸動我們的,才有可能深深感動他人。靈感是領導者的禮物。有個靈感的一天!(譯者: 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) INSPIRATION Posted: 11 Dec 2011 10:43 AM PST INSPIRATION is the card for today. IT occurs when something touches both our mind and heart and uplifts us. NSPIRATION creates flow and raises us above problems. Only what touches us deeply can touch others deeply. INSPIRATION is a gift of leadership. Have an inspired day! (譯者: 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai)


今天Chuck博士的卡片是《啟動》。它反映出一個開展的流動,藉此我們有能量開始,往前進及完成啟示和計畫。今天像是樣禮物,讓我們把事情做好。它不只是我們的計劃表。這是有關幫助他人以及療癒自己的使命以及如何藉由無害將這世界的一切轉化。有個美好的一天!(譯者: 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) INITIATIVE Posted: 10 Dec 2011 10:15 AM PST INITIATIVE is the card for today. It reflects an unfolding flow in which we have the energy to begin, carry forward and complete inspirations and projects. Today is like a gift that allows us to get things done. It is not just about our to do list. It is about our purpose to help and heal both ourselves and the world that innocence would transform it all. Have a fine day!


今天Chuck博士的卡片是《療癒約拿的陰謀》。聖經約拿的故事是談上帝給約拿使命,而他卻覺得自己無法做到,轉而搭坐郵輪離去。一場大風暴因為他的逃避使命而發生,當他向船長承認風暴乃因他而起,船長就把他扔出船外,他立即被鯨魚吞噬。然後他得在3天內,鯨魚的肚子裡,決定是否完成他的使命,或成為地球上最糟的鯨魚狗屎。當他決定完成他所被呼招作的,就被吐到岸上。他傳遞神的信息,人們聽信他所傳的。 約拿的陰謀,為所有陰謀的基礎。我們利用生命中的風暴和鯨魚般的問題,來逃避我們的使命。當我們意識到這現象,我們就可以對所發生的一切負全部的責任,並馬上把它交給老天立即療癒。有個有力量的一天!(譯者: 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) HEALING THE JONAH CONSPIRACY Posted: 05 Dec 2011 01:38 PM PST HEALING THE JONAH CONSPIRACY is the card for today. The story of Jonah from the bible is that God gave Jonah a mission and instead he went on a cruise because he felt he couldn't do it. A big storm comes up because he is avoiding his purpose and when he admits to the captain that the storm is because of him, the captain throws him overboard where he is immediately swallowed by a whale. He then spends three days in the belly of the whale deciding whether to complete his mission or become the lowest thing on earth--whale shit. He decides to complete his calling and gets spit up on shore, delivers the messag...


今天Chuck博士的卡片是《療癒困難是什麼》。它要求我們成為資源豐富足智多謀的同時能返回到上天的源頭。今天是轉化和超越阻礙我們的大好機會。有個令人振奮的一天!(譯者: 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) HEALING WHAT IS DIFFICULT Posted: 09 Dec 2011 10:36 AM PST HEALING WHAT IS DIFFICULT is the card for today. It calls us to become resourceful while at the same time returning to the Source. Today is meant to transform and transcend that which holds us back. In that it is a day of great opportunity. Have an uplifting day!


今天Chuck博士的卡片是《療癒前世》。不管你信不信,真有前世,或這只是個隱喻,它描述了阻擋著你的潛力和成功的能力的重大無意識模式。 這些來自無意識故事說明了阻止成長的模式。今天無意識接近表意識層面了。藉由對今天所有呈現的事負責,並將它交託給老天去解決。有個幸福的一天! (譯者: 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) HEALING PAST LIVES Posted: 08 Dec 2011 01:54 PM PST HEALING PAST LIVES is the card for today. Whether you believe there are literally past lives or they are a metaphor, it depicts major unconscious pattern that holds you back from your potential and ability to succeed. These stories that come out of the unconscious speak of patterns that arrest growth. The unconscious is close to the surface today. By taking responsibility for whatever is showing up today we can turn it over to Heaven for resolution.Have a happy day!


今天Chuck博士的卡片是《豐盛》。豐盛乃是在所有領域都富足,包括時間,金錢,恩典和奇蹟。最重要的是輕易。豐盛有助於我們認識到,它不是因我們的努力,而是透過我們意願和相互聯繫,這幫助我們領悟到成為神的孩子的價值,且有益於我們可以分享且增添的人生財富。豐盛來自陰柔面的接受本質以及它帶來的平衡。祝你生命中的所有領域都是豐盛!(譯者: 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) ABUNDANCE Posted: 07 Dec 2011 09:39 AM PST ABUNDANCE is the card for today. ABUNDANCE is riches in all areas including time, money, grace and miracles. Above all there is ease. ABUNDANCE helps us realize that it is not through our efforts but through our willingness and relatedness that help us realize our worth as a child of God and avails us of the riches of life that we may share and increase for all. ABUNDANCE comes from the natural receiving of our feminine side and it brings us to balance. Have a rich day in all areas of your life today!


今天Chuck博士的卡片是《承諾》。承諾總是帶領我們走往下一步,顯示什麼是真實的。因為我們全心全意地給出,它添增了我們的完整和真實性,使我們能夠接受更多。持續不斷的承諾,是幸福生命、關係和工作的秘訣之一。它讓一切都以積極的方式開展,並為我們提供了自由的經驗。有個幸福的一天!(譯者: 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) COMMITMENT Posted: 06 Dec 2011 10:47 AM PST COMMITMENT is the card for today. COMMITMENT always brings us to the next step, showing us what is true. It adds to our integrity and authenticity allowing us to receive more because of our wholehearted giving. Continuous COMMITMENT is one of the secrets of a happy life, relationship and work. It allows everything to unfold in a positive way and gives us the experience of freedom. Have a happy day!


今天Chuck博士的卡片是《有空》。它表示敞開及有意願。這穿越了我執之牆也是連繫及相互關聯不可缺的。如果我們沒空,就無法接受。今天是個歡迎且讓各個領域豐富的好日子。祝美好!(譯者: 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) AVAILABLE Posted: 04 Dec 2011 02:13 PM PST AVAILABLE is the card for today. It expresses both openness and willingness. It cuts through the walls of our ego and is the prerequisite for bonding and relatedness. If we aren't available we cannot receive. Today is a good day to allow and welcome abundance in all areas. Have a good one!


今天Chuck博士的卡片是《態度》。積極的態度療癒最長期的問題。這使得我們始終朝向正確的方向而老天完成其餘的一切。即使是最積極的人也會有無意識的發脾氣,不好的態度,頑固,被動攻擊以及與神的權威衝突。當然,這是種補償,但會導致我們卡住或嚴重地受苦著。今天是個好日子,讓我們朝向同一方向移動。祝美好!(譯者: 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) ATTITUDE Posted: 03 Dec 2011 05:35 PM PST ATTITUDE is the card for today and it suggests the positive ATTITUDE that heals the most chronic problems. This allows us to always head in the right direction and Heaven does the rest. Even the most positive people have unconscious tantrums, bad attitudes, obdurateness, passive aggression and authority conflict with God. Naturally this is compensated for but causes places where we are stuck or suffering terribly. Today is a good day to get all of our rowers going in the same direction. Have a good one!


今天Chuck博士的卡片是《神聖性》。它談的是天真無罪和整體性。神聖性歡迎真理,且療癒了我們所有痛苦根源的幻相。神聖性讓我們記起我們就是神的孩子。它開啟了來自神的力量和無限。它歡迎所有一切也延伸到所有的一切。它是喜樂和充滿愛心。它是當我們完全接受天命時的本質。有個極好的一天!(譯者: 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) HOLINESS Posted: 02 Dec 2011 01:54 PM PST HOLINESS is the card for today. It speaks of innocence and wholeness. HOLINESS welcomes truth which heals illusions that are the source of our suffering. HOLINESS is remembrance of our identity as a child of God. It opens us to the power and limitlessness that comes from Him. It welcomes all and extends to all. It is joyous and full of love. It is a natural aspect of our destiny fully embraced. Have a magnificent day!


今天Chuck博士的卡片是《承諾》。承諾就是我們對某人或某事,完全的給出自己。承諾療癒了分裂的心智,以及過往的衝突,讓我們飛躍的前往重要的下一步。它解決了每個問題的根源即恐懼和內疚。它讓給我們成為真實,新層次的夥伴關係,顯示了往什麼方向前進或往前走是否是真實的。承諾是偉大的治療師之一,使我們的忠誠帶來與其他人相似的心智。這是幸福的關鍵之一。有個全心全意的一天!(譯者: 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) COMMITMENT Posted: 01 Dec 2011 10:53 AM PST COMMITMENT is the card for today. COMMITMENT is giving ourselves fully to someone or something. Commitment heals the split mind and conflicts from the past and allows us to leap forward to the next major step. It resolves the fear and guilt at the root of every problem. It brings us to truth, new levels of partnership so it shows what direction to go forward in or even if its true to go forward. COMMITMENT is one of the great healers and allows our fidelity to bring about a like mind in others. It is one of the keys to happiness. Have a wholehearted day!


今天Chuck博士的卡片是《療癒信念》。信念是選擇變為僵化不變。信念轉變我們的經驗和感知,然後我們對其調適而認為事情就是這樣,而不是信念和感知其自身的樣子。所有的信念都是對自己的信念,即是自我的概念。因此,我們如何看待事情,其實是我們如何看待自己。今天讓我們認識到,除非我們所見到的是極其美麗,否則那只是可以被療癒的信念。今天的流動有利於療癒這種信念,與我們周圍的人有一個更直接的接觸,並允許有個美麗的世界。如果你不喜歡你的信念或看到的世界,你可以重新選擇。祝美好!(譯者: 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) HEALING BELIEFS Posted: 30 Nov 2011 10:41 AM PST HEALING BELIEFS is the card for today. Beliefs are choices that become fixed. They shift our experience and perception and then we adjust to them as if that is the way things are rather than just our beliefs and perceptions of them. All beliefs are beliefs about self; they are self-concepts. So how we see things are how we think about ourselves. Today is a day to recognize that what we see unless it is exceedingly beautiful is merely our beliefs, which can be healed. Today the flow favors healing such beliefs to have a more direct contact with those around us and allow the world to emerge in beauty. If you don't like your beliefs or the world you see you can choose again...


今天Chuck博士的卡片是《包容》。當完全包容每個人時,將會體驗到人間天堂。我們包容越多,投射就越少,就有更多的愛。包容是進入夥伴關係和團隊的捷徑,當有分別,評斷和它隱藏的內疚時,這些都不是包容的一部分。開始包容自己以及有個很棒的一天!(譯者: 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) INCLUSION Posted: 29 Nov 2011 12:04 PM PST INCLUSION is the card for the day. To include everyone fully would be to experience Heaven on earth. The more we include the less we project and the more love there is. INCLUSION is the short cut to partnership and teamwork and while there is discernment, judgment and the guilt it hides are not a part of INCLUSION. Begin INCLUSION with yourself and have a great day!


今天Chuck博士的卡片是《朋友的故事》。當說到對人友好時,先從對自己友好開始。因此人們就用相同的方式對待我們。這是面對所有好壞時的答案,也給我們的生命帶回喜樂。這就是夥伴關係的更新和享受。有個幸福的一天!(譯者: 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) THE FRIEND STORY Posted: 28 Nov 2011 11:38 AM PST THE FRIEND STORY is the card for today. It speaks of a day in which we act in FRIENDSHIP toward all starting with ourselves. As a result people act toward us in a similar vein. This is the answer to all differences and what brings gladness back to our lives. It is partnership renewed and enjoyed. Have a blessed day!


今天Chuck博士的卡片是《療癒譴責與敞開對神的管道》。譴責關閉通向神的管道,除非我們療癒它。它使我們相信,我們是個身體和我執,而不是一種超然的靈性。療癒他人對我們的譴責攻擊,我們必須療癒我們自己內在的譴責攻擊。我們的攻擊思維和評斷產生了他人對我們的攻擊。在潛意識的層面我們被攻擊,乃是種我們自己的攻擊形式。今天這讓我們有機會去清理它,而這將我們敞開至神的愛,奇蹟和引導使我們得自由。有個美好的一天!(譯者: 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) HEALING ASSAULT AND OPENING THE CHANNEL TO GOD Posted: 27 Nov 2011 12:42 PM PST HEALING ASSAULT AND OPENING THE CHANNEL TO GOD are the cards for today. Assault closes the channel to God unless we heal it. It makes us believe we are a body and an ego rather than a transcendent spirit. To HEAL ASSAULT coming toward us we must heal the assault within us .Attack thoughts and judgments in us generate attack toward us. At a subconscious level being assaulted is a form of attack on our part. This is what we have a chance to clean up today and this opens us to God's love, miracles and guidance to free us. Have a fine day!


今天Chuck博士的卡片是《包含自己》。這是擁有夥伴關係和順流的捷徑。它穿越過粘連,犧牲以及生活在角色中所帶來的一切,它結束死寂同時帶來平等。今天是將自己包含在內的好日子。祝美好!(譯者: 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) SELF-INCLUSION Posted: 26 Nov 2011 11:30 AM PST SELF-INCLUSION is the card for today. It is a shortcut to partnership and the flow it brings. It cuts through fusion, sacrifice and the roles they bring, ending deadness and bringing equality. When today is a good day to get yourself back in the picture. Have a good one!


今天Chuck博士的卡片是《教育》。教育來自拉丁字ex ducere,意思是導出。教育的真正意義上是發現表層底下所隱藏的是什麼。今天有關的學習,使我們自由及完整。對可以使你的生命中的所有不同的重要信息開放吧。祝美好!(譯者: 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) EDUCATION Posted: 25 Nov 2011 01:25 PM PST EDUCATION is the card for today. EDUCATION comes from the Latin ex ducere meaning to lead out from. EDUCATION in its real sense is a dis-covery of what was inside. Today is about the learning that sets us free and makes us whole. Be open today for the vital piece of information that could make all the difference in your life. Have a good one!


今天Chuck博士的卡片是《療癒獨立》。這不是自由,而是分離獨立的我執角色要我們去避開夥伴關係、陰柔面、我們的心和接受。今天藉由交互依靠,對輕易、順流,真實極親密敞開。我們從忙碌的過分陽剛和不真實的辛苦工作,致使我們感到死寂的感覺中,跨出巨大的一步。今天當放下那不真實的,就享受到來自成功的甜美。有個很棒的一天!(譯者: 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) HEALING INDEPENDENCE Posted: 24 Nov 2011 11:47 AM PST HEALING INDEPENDENCE is the card for today. This is not freedom but the dissociated independence of the role the ego has us assume to avoid partnership, the feminine, our hearts and receiving. Today we open to the ease, flow, truth and intimacy that interdependence brings. We take a giant step away from the exaggerated masculine of busyness and untrue hard work that keeps us feeling dead. Enjoy the sweetness that comes of success today when we let go of what is not the truth. Have a great day!


今天Chuck博士的卡片是《自由的關鍵》。對於有些已經花了蠻長時間在處理的問題要得到解決,這是一張很棒的卡。自由的關鍵打開了我們腦海中的牢房,進到一個真實,夥伴關係,輕易和成功的新層面。這是個慶祝的日子。祝美好!(譯者: 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) THE KEY TO FREEDOM Posted: 23 Nov 2011 03:00 PM PST THE KEY TO FREEDOM is the card for today. It is a great card in that some issue we have been working on for a long time gets resolved. THE KEY TO FREEDOM opens a prison in our mind to a new level of truth, partnership, ease and success. This is a day to celebrate. Have a good one!


今天Chuck博士的卡片是《療癒折磨》。當我們受到來自無意識問題的折磨時,折磨的療癒將會使那數百個看不見卻安排我們生命的靈魂模式轉換掉。今天是個釋放折磨被祝福的日子。讓我們擁抱它。祝安好!(譯者: 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) HEALING TORMENT Posted: 22 Nov 2011 10:39 AM PST HEALING TORMENT is the card for today. When we suffer torment it has to with a problem that has unconscious roots so the HEALING OF TORMENT transforms soul patterns which program our lives in hundreds of unseen ways. Today is a blessed day of release. Let us embrace it. Have a good one!


今天Chuck博士的卡片是《包含所有一切》。它反映了將所有的人包括自己都包含在內的流動。在最深的層次,它反映出超越評斷的聯合統一。包容所有一切及沒有評斷的歡迎大家,再次讓我們體驗人間的天堂。有個最精彩的一天!(譯者: 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) INCLUDING ALL Posted: 21 Nov 2011 08:40 AM PST INCLUDING ALL is the card for today. It reflects a flow that includes everyone and all of ourselves. At the deepest level it can reflect a state of union that is beyond judgment. INCLUDING ALL welcomes everyone and without judgment we once again experience the Garden. Have a most wonderful day!


今天Chuck博士的卡片是《療癒利用性來獲勝》。利用性來獲勝是我們濫用性來構建我們的我執。有贏就有輸。我們在性的的競爭中隱藏了害怕親密及害怕下一步。性在最高的層次上是愛的工具。當濫用身體拿性成為手段,就建造了匱乏以及爭鬥的模式及死寂。今天是個好日子,克服我們的恐懼去承諾一個親密和成功的未來。有個愉快的一天!(譯者: 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) HEALING SEX AS WINNING Posted: 20 Nov 2011 02:43 PM PST HEALING SEX AS WINNING is the card for today. Sex as winning is where we are misusing sex to build our ego. But where there is winning there is also losing. Our competition in sex hides both a fear of intimacy and fear of the next step. Sex is meant at its highest level to be a vehicle for love. When sex becomes political the misuse of the body sets up scarcity and patterns of fighting and deadness. Today is a good day to get over our fear and commit to to next of intimacy and success. Have a delightful day!


今天Chuck博士的卡片是《療癒孤兒心魔人物》。孤兒或失落的孩子是家庭角色之一,而家庭角色是我們為了想要幫助家庭,都在扮演的。我們要不是被認養,就是很早就離家上寄宿學校或消失在家庭中,因此家庭不用為我們的需要而操心。 心魔是我們評斷和壓抑的自我概念,但它仍然充滿自我憎恨在持續運行著。當角色時,除了內疚外,通常還有很大的悲傷,覺得被遺棄和抑鬱的情緒。 有時對一個外向的人,這是個最隱藏的家庭角色,但畢竟這還是個陷阱。今天是一個很好的日子,去了解到這些角色對幫助我們的家人都不會奏效,用真理將這角色整合而恢復其完整性、和平和聯繫。有個很棒的一天!(譯者: 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) HEALING THE ORPHAN SHADOW FIGURE Posted: 19 Nov 2011 01:49 PM PST HEALING THE ORPHAN SHADOW FIGURE is the card for today. The orphan or lost child is one of the family roles that we all have played in order to try and help the family. We either get adopted or leave home early for boarding school or disappear in the family so the family doesn't have to worry about our needs. A shadow is a self-concept that we have judged and repressed but it is still operant and full of self-hatred. Besides guilt there is usually a great deal of sadness, feelings of abandonment and depression around this role. Sometimes for outgoing people this is the most hidden of the family roles but no les...


今天Chuck博士的卡片是《活力化賦權的故事》。它談的是被賦權者以及授權者就像所有真正的領袖一般,也授權給他人。 活力化療癒所有問題其所欠缺的,那欠缺會產生恐懼和內疚。有個很棒的一種生活方式:能授權他人也能接受被賦權。祝美好!(譯者: 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) THE EMPOWERMENT STORY Posted: 18 Nov 2011 01:39 PM PST THE EMPOWERMENT STORY is the card for today. It tells of both being empowered and like all true leaders giving empowerment. Empowerment heals all problems for it is its lack that gives rise to fear and guilt. Have a great day of empowering others and being empowered as a way of life. Have a good one!


今天Chuck博士的卡片是《療癒“我是上帝,你不是”的故事》。是隱藏在深層無意識中的一種模式。這是與他人的競爭(我是上帝,他們不是),也是與神的競爭。它擊敗那些侮辱我們浮誇,且不接受我們電影劇本中指派給他們充當從屬角色的配角人物。 從表面上看,這可能呈現為權力鬥爭,死寂,競爭或退縮。這是一個深深被壓抑著的故事,使我們想要控制和照自己的方式,且通常誇大自己的價值而無視在我們身邊的他人。這是一個可以放下的很好故事。詢問你內在有多少這些破壞親密關係和成功的糟糕協議,放下它讓它去。祝安好!(譯者: 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) HEALING THE “I’M GOD AND YOU'RE NOT" STORY Posted: 17 Nov 2011 04:19 PM PST HEALING THE “I’M GOD AND YOU'RE NOT" STORY that is hidden deep in the unconscious as a pattern. It is competitive with others (I’m God and they're not) and also with God. It strikes out at others who insult our grandiosity and don't take the subservient role we assign to them as supporting actors in our movie. On the surface this may show as power struggles, deadness, competition or withdrawal. It is a deeply repressed story that keeps us wanting control and our way and generally disregards the value of others around us while exaggerating our own. This is a good story to let go of. Ask how many you have inside ...


今天Chuck博士的卡片是《療癒女巫心魔》。心魔是我們所厭惡且特別壓抑著的自我概念。這些要不是投射在他人身上,但事實上卻從否認的遮掩已經呈現出來,就是把他們埋起來且痛苦的補償著。女巫心魔,顯示了一個濫用權力謀取私利。我們被邀請將所有這些溶化回其純淨的能量,並將我們的心智朝向天堂,所以這種力量可以為大家的利益,而不僅僅是為我們自身使用。祝美好!(譯者: 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) HEALING THE WITCH SHADOW FIGURE Posted: 16 Nov 2011 09:02 AM PST HEALING THE WITCH SHADOW FIGURE is the card for today. Shadows are self-concepts that we hate and typically repress. They are either projected on others while still being acted out but covered over by denial or we keep them buried and compensated for where they fester. The WITCH SHADOW shows a misuse of power for personal gain. We are asked to melt all of these back to their pure energy and turn our minds over to Heaven so this power is used for everyone's benefit not just our own. Have a good one!


今天Chuck博士的卡片是《願景心理學》。它是一個以關係,領導和無宗教派別靈性為其主要核心概念的道路。它談的是有關生命的使命,有幸福的關係以及生活在恩典的生命中。所指的療癒是,沒有壞人因而所有的內疚罪惡感都會被消溶掉,且可找到回家的路。有個甜蜜和療癒的一天! (譯者: 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) THE PSYCHOLOGY OF VISION Posted: 15 Nov 2011 09:02 AM PST THE PSYCHOLOGY OF VISION is the card for today. It is a path of the heart with relationships, leadership and nondenominational spirituality as its main aspects. It is about living one's purpose, having happy relationships and living a life of grace. It is about healing, having no bad guys so that guilt is dissolved for all and finding the way Home. Have a sweet and healing day!


今天Chuck博士的卡片是《意義》。這表明真實的意義,不是我執的意義在於它可以獲取什麼,而是涉及在世界上的無意義。 我執的意義,導致痛苦和失望,因為如果有愛或成功,我執會在聯繫中有所喪失,而失去聯繫是互相分離的起源。意義來自所有的聯繫,諸如愛,療癒和分享。沙特、佛教、奇蹟課程、開悟的人以及我個人的經驗,所提出的這無意義世界,也是為什麼許多世界宗教談到的存在於這世界,但不屬於這個世界。 世界是個幻相,已為神秘主義者和許多尖端的量子物理學家所述。而我們使什麼成為是什麼。 真實的意義是從天上來的,並導致我們走出柏拉圖的洞穴進到真實的世界和光明。(譯者: 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) MEANING Posted: 14 Nov 2011 12:38 PM PST MEANING is the card for today. This suggests real Meaning, not the ego's meaning which sees meaning in what it can get and was meant to cover the meaninglessness in the world. The ego's meaning leads to pain and disappointment because if there was love or success the ego would lose some of itself in the bonding as it is the principle of separation. Meaning comes from all that bonds, such as love, healing and sharing. The meaninglessness of the world as put forth by Sartre, Buddhism, A Course in Miracles, enlightened people and my own experience is also why many of the world religions speak of being in the world but not of the world....


今天Chuck博士的卡片是《療癒害怕你的感覺》。這會歡迎你的心和陰柔面回來,讓你能接受和享受。當陽剛面和陰柔面平衡時,它帶來夥伴關係,產生輕易,順流和自由。有個勇敢的一天!(譯者: 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) HEALING THE FEAR OF YOUR FEELINGS Posted: 13 Nov 2011 05:49 PM PST HEALING THE FEAR OF YOUR FEELINGS is the card of the day. This welcomes back your heart and your feminine side allowing you to receive and enjoy. It brings partnership to relationships and generates ease, flow and freedom as it balances with the masculine. Have a courageous day!


今天Chuck博士的卡片是《療癒自私》。這象徵著分享的新開始和從過去某些不足的感覺中結束..某個層次的“一切都是我的!”都消失了,而是能更去連結及接受。有個美好的一天!(譯者: 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) HEALING SELFISHNESS Posted: 12 Nov 2011 06:35 AM PST HEALING SELFISHNESS is the card for today. It signals a new beginning in sharing and an end to some feeling of deprivation from the past.. Some level of "it's all about me!" falls away allowing more room for bonding and receiving. Have a fine day!


今天Chuck博士的卡片是《良好的組織》。它描繪了能量支持順序,而秩序總是來自真理就如同混亂來自我執。今天允許在你的生命裡找到其自然的位置。帶著興趣去觀看今天發生了什麼。不要試圖靠自己而受到妨礙了。就去看會發生什麼,且在最自然的方式下被指引。恩典充滿今天帶來秩序。有個很棒的一天!(譯者: 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) GOOD ORGANIZATION Posted: 11 Nov 2011 09:28 AM PST GOOD ORGANIZATION is the card for today. It depicts an energy that supports order and order always comes from truth just as chaos comes from the ego. Allow what's in your life to find their natural place today. Watch what occurs today with interest. Don't try to do it yourself and get in the way. Just watch what occurs and be directed in the most natural way. Grace abounds today bringing order. Have a good one!


今天Chuck博士的卡片是《療癒害怕恐懼》。它屬於潛意識的極大恐懼。我們因恐懼而隱藏和補償,而不是把恐懼帶到光明使之消退。富蘭克林•德拉諾•羅斯福說:“除了恐懼本身,我們沒有任何恐懼。”今天是個好日子移除恐懼所帶來的麻痺癱瘓,並重回到生命的流動裏。祝美好!(譯者: 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) HEALING THE FEAR OF FEAR Posted: 10 Nov 2011 01:47 PM PST HEALING THE FEAR OF FEAR is the card for today. It belongs to the Great Fears of the unconscious mind. It makes us hide and compensate for our fears rather than bringing them up to the light and dissipating it. Franklin Delano Roosevelt said "We have nothing to fear but fear itself." Today is a good day to move through the underlying paralysis that fear brings and get back into the flow of life.Have a good one!


今天Chuck博士的卡片是《療癒內疚的偶像》。偶像是我們想取代真神所創造出來的假神,這打破了十誡中的第一誡。他們一直在最深的無意識裏,因為他們不能忍受我們心智的光明。我們把他們視為根源來對待,認為會拯救我們,且使我們快樂。我們用內疚的偶像來報復,藉由自我攻擊停留在分離中,建構自我及攻擊的天堂。以此為前提的自我概念的偶像,會認為我們可以改變我們原是被創造的靈性,愛和光明。今天的動能走向放下那一切所有我們應該被懲罰的信念勝過只是放下並糾正我們的錯誤。有個和平純真無罪的一天!(譯者: 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) HEALING THE IDOL OF GUILT Posted: 09 Nov 2011 09:44 AM PST HEALING THE IDOL OF GUILT is the card for today. Idols are false gods we invent to take the place of God breaking the 1st commandment. They are kept in the deepest unconscious because they wouldn't withstand the light of our reason. We treat them as our Source thinking they will save us and make us happy. The idol of guilt is one used for revenge using self-attack as a way of staying separate building our ego and fighting the Heaven. It presupposes the idol of self-concepts in which we think we can change the way we were created which was as spirit, love and light. Today the energy moves toward letting go of all that believes we should be punished rather t...


今天Chuck博士的卡片是《療癒特殊性的故事》。特殊性就是需要被視為額外的重要且要有額外的關注。在我們因分裂的獨立而沒有聯繫時,這種競爭和分裂就會湧現出來。特殊性是我執,要使自己比合作夥伴或任何為此事的人更重要,所運用的最好技巧。療癒特殊性的故事是清除掉我執的最有害陷阱之一,允許自己去結合、平等相待和愛,而不是為自我建個紀念碑。有一個真正合作的快樂一天!(譯者: 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) HEALING THE SPECIALNESS STORY Posted: 08 Nov 2011 10:04 AM PST HEALING THE SPECIALNESS STORY is the card for today. Specialness is the need to be treated with extra importance and given extra attention. It is competitive and divisive and this need springs up when we give up bonding for dissociative independence. Specialness is one of the ego's best tricks to make itself more important than our partners or anyone for that matter. HEALING THE SPECIALNESS STORY removes one of the most pernicious traps the ego has, allowing for joining, equality and love rather than a monument to our ego. Have a happy day of real partnering!


今天Chuck博士的卡片是《療癒分離焦慮》。它象徵著藉由聯繫使舊有的分裂癒合的一天。當失去聯繫時,除了許多的負面情緒,如恐懼,悲傷,內疚和痛苦,我們也因分離有一些焦慮,這導致恐懼症,飲食失調及其他症狀。今天是我們可以與他人一起在心裏將愛帶進被分離之處。祝美好!(譯者: 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) HEALING SEPARATION ANXIETY Posted: 07 Nov 2011 04:08 PM PST HEALING SEPARATION ANXIETY is the card for today. It signifies a day of bonding in which old fractures are healed. When bonding is lost, besides a host of negative feelings such as fear, sadness, guilt and pain, we also take on a certain amount of anxiety that comes from the separation, which leads to phobias, eating disorders and other symptoms. Today is a day where we can come together in our minds and with others bringing in love where there was separation. Have a good one!


今天Chuck博士的卡片是《信任》。尤指在健康方面,當然,它影響到我們生活的各個領域。信任是恢復對真理的信心。心智用信任或恐懼來面對事情。信任建立我們的生命在一個真實的方向,它有能力醫治任何東西,因為是沒有任何問題是信任無法療癒的。今天用你的信任來恢復你的心智成為完整。有個輝煌的一天!(譯者: 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) TRUST Posted: 06 Nov 2011 11:05 AM PST TRUST is the card today. It is especially in regard to health but, of course, it affects all areas of our lives. TRUST is the restoration of faith used for truth. We have to use our mind for something and we will use it either for TRUST or fear. TRUST builds our lives in a true direction and it has the power to heal anything because there is no problem that TRUST wouldn't heal. Restore your mind to wholeness today with your TRUST. Have a brilliant day!


今天Chuck博士的卡片是《癒癒魔鬼》。這所談的魔鬼,是指塔羅牌裡的魔鬼,代表著無知以及也被黑暗、負面及不好的態度所綑綁著。這是一個非常轉化的一天,當所有這些通常都被我們所隱藏東西顯示給我們時,我們便可以重新選擇,放下這些,再次承諾於真理。有一個最有威力的一天!(譯者: 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) HEALING THE DEVIL Posted: 05 Nov 2011 03:42 PM PDT HEALING THE DEVIL is the card for today. The Devil in this case is the tarot of the Devil that represents ignorance as well as being chained by darkness, negativity and bad attitude. This is a very transformational day when all of these things which we usually hide from ourselves are shown to us so we can choose again, let them go and commit to the truth. Have a most powerful day!


今天Chuck博士的卡片是《歡迎》。要知道愛和豐富的這原則是很重要的。 “愛等著你的歡迎,而無須等待時間”這是奇蹟課程的一個摘錄。 如果你意識到,老天爺給了你所有的一切,那你就知道只有你才能關上這扇門。當你真誠地歡迎某人或某事時,那些就會到來。您的歡迎癒癒退縮和阻止你的舊模式。當你歡迎時,你就是會被歡迎的。如果你是全然的去歡迎,你就會全然的被邀請。有個充滿歡迎的美好一天!(譯者: 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) WELCOME Posted: 03 Nov 2011 06:46 PM PDT WELCOME is the card for today. It is important to know this principle of love and abundance. "Love waits on welcome not on time" is a quote from A COURSE IN MIRACLES. When you realize that Heaven is giving you everything then you realize that it is only you that closes the door. When you sincerely WELCOME someone or something it comes to you. Your WELCOME heals withdrawal and old patterns stopping you. As you WELCOME you are WELCOMED. If you WELCOME totally so are you totally invited. Have a beautiful day full of WELCOME !


今天Chuck博士的卡片是《療癒我執如何混淆問題》。我執有成千上萬的問題及許多的懷疑。但有一個問題,我執永遠是試圖蒙混的。這個問題是“你願意幫我拯救這世界嗎?” 今天是要清楚你被呼召去做什麼,且你想要如何回應。這個流動在支持你,你肯定的回應,讓無意義的世界增添了一些意義。這將也是當最後一日到來時, 少數你所需做的事情之一。祝美好!(譯者: 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) HEALING HOW THE EGO OBSCURES THE QUESTION Posted: 04 Nov 2011 12:18 PM PDT HEALING HOW THE EGO OBSCURES THE QUESTION is the card for today. The ego has thousands of questions and many more doubts. Heaven has but one question that the ego is forever trying to muddle. This question is "Will you help me save the world?" Today is the day to get really clear on what is being asked and what you would like to answer. The flow is behind you and to answer affirmatively adds meaning as few things do in a meaningless world. This will be one of the few things you get to take with you on that last day. have a good one!


今天Chuck博士的卡片是《高興》。快樂的時光總是在我們不提防的時刻用一種有趣的方式到來。高興創造順流,並讓我們敞開去享受。它讓我們因親密感和成功而感動。有個甜蜜的一天!(譯者: 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) DELIGHT Posted: 02 Nov 2011 12:29 PM PDT DELIGHT is the card for today. It signals happy moments where wonder catches us off guard in a fun way. Delight creates flow and opens us to enjoy. It allows us to be touched by intimacy and success. Have a sweet day!


今天Chuck博士的卡片是《蘭西史匹桑諾》。這是一個月內第二次抽到此卡。今天,它代表渴望藉由拆除我執超越這個世界上進入天堂的世界,所以,只剩下愛的存在。它反映了天堂的恩典和禮物,使我們的生活更輕鬆。讓今天天堂在此,有個豐富的一天,!(譯者: 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) LENCY SPEZZANO Posted: 01 Nov 2011 12:53 PM PDT LENCY SPEZZANO Is the card for the day. This is the second time in a month this has come up. Today it represents the desire to go beyond this world to a heavenly world by dismantling the ego so that only love remains. It reflects the channeling of grace and specific gifts of Heaven to make our lives easier. Let Heaven in today for an abundant day!


今天Chuck博士的卡片是《重視》。它指的是重視真理,他人和自己。它是一種愛的形式,因為當我們給出、我們愛時、給予他人時,我們也賦予他們和自己價值。今天看重自己,他人和真理,因為這將導致自由與和平。祝美好!(譯者: 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) VAUING Posted: 31 Oct 2011 12:28 PM PDT VAUING is the card for today. It refers to the VALUING of truth, others and oneself. It is a form of love because when we give we love and when we give to another we give them and ourselves VALUE. Today VALUE yourself, others and the truth because this will lead to freedom and peace. Have a good one!


今天Chuck博士的卡片是《可愛》。這談到允許我們完全可愛的本質呈現出來。有助於我們明白,我們完全配得每一件好事與和平。有個甜蜜的一天!(譯者: 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) LOVEABLENESS Posted: 30 Oct 2011 02:50 PM PDT LOVEABLENESS is the card for today. It speaks of allowing our very essence, which is entirely LOVEABLE to the surface. This helps us realize that we are entirely worthy of every good thing and the peace that goes with it. Have a sweet day!


今天Chuck博士的卡片是《療癒用為侵犯的性》。每次我們利用夥伴,從他們那兒奪取或帶走某些東西,這就是一種攻擊。我們為自己的需要在利用夥伴,除非所涉及的愛,較客觀地看彼此多,這不會滿足我們的需要。結果性永遠是不夠,並成為一個攻擊-退縮之處。這失去了性原是愛與結合的目的,是遠超過慾望和身體之外。今天是個很棒的一天,能去修復性的舒適及轉化的目的。成為一個給予的噴泉,將我們敞開去接受,享有,性的感謝和產生順流。有個甜蜜的一天!(譯者: 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) HEALING SEX AS AGGRESSION Posted: 29 Oct 2011 02:50 PM PDT HEALING SEX AS AGGRESSION is the card for today. Anytime we go to use our partner to take or get something from them it is a form of attack. We use our partner for our needs and unless love is involved than we are objectifying them and ourselves and this does not satisfy us. As a result sex is never enough and becomes a place of attack-withdrawal. It then loses its purpose of love and joining that is beyond lust and the body. Today is a great day to restore sex to its purpose of comfort and transformation. As a fountain of giving, which opens us to receiving and enjoyment, sex blesses and generates flow. Have a sweet day!


今天Chuck博士的卡片是《療癒憂鬱》。特別是因為它影響著我們的健康。憂鬱症在世界上被評為健康的首要問題,它引起許多疾病和問題。今天是放下悲傷和恐懼,再次開始一個全新層次的時候。有個放下的美好一天,並再次經驗順暢的流動。祝美好!(譯者: 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) HEALING DEPRESSION Posted: 28 Oct 2011 02:24 PM PDT HEALING DEPRESSION is the card for today especially as it affects our health. Depression has been named the number 1 health problem in the world and it gives rise to many illnesses and problems. Today is a day to let go of sadness and fear and begin again at a whole new level. Have a wonderful day of letting go and experiencing the flow once more. Have a good one!


今天Chuck博士的卡片是《祈求奇蹟》。當祈求奇蹟時,就能接受到奇蹟。它讓我們與天堂之間有個合宜的關係。我們是神的孩子,值得擁有每件好事。當我們的恐懼小於我們的渴望,將使我們能領受那原本就已經給予我們的奇蹟。有個奇蹟的一天!(譯者: 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) ASKING FOR A MIRACLE Posted: 27 Oct 2011 05:32 PM PDT ASKING FOR A MIRACLE is the card for today. Our ASKING FOR A MIRACLE opens us up to receive one. It puts us in our proper relationship to Heaven. We are the child of God and deserve every good thing. When our fear is less than our desire we will allow our selves to receive the miracle that has already been offered to us. Have a miraculous day!


今天Chuck博士的卡片是《聆聽內在》。藉由傾聽內在,我們感知自己真實的方向。藉由寧靜的心靈,我們感受到我們與天堂之間的連結和愛。讓自己進入內在等待的持久和平。今天給自己一些安靜的時間。讓自己漂浮在和平的河流裡。真理等待著你願意去聆聽。唯一的出路就是在內。這是回家的路。今天是療癒和釋放的重要日子。讓自己被愛。讓自己美好!(譯者: 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) LISTENING WITHIN Posted: 26 Oct 2011 12:19 PM PDT LISTENING WITHIN is the card for today. By LISTENING WITHIN we have a sense of our true direction. By obtaining a quiet mind we can feel the connection and love between us and Heaven. Let yourself into this abiding peace that waits within. Take some quiet time for yourself today. Let yourself float on a river of peace. Truth is within you waiting for your willingness to listen. The only way out is within. It is the way Home. Today is a major day for healing and release. Let yourself be loved. Have a good one out there!


今天Chuck博士的卡片是《教師原型》。身為老師乃同時在學習自己的功課也同時在分享自己。教得越多就學得越多。今天傾聽內在的老師,你可能會有好的學習也會有相應的分享。有個美好的一天!(譯者: 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) THE TEACHER ARCHETYPE Posted: 25 Oct 2011 12:28 PM PDT THE TEACHER ARCHETYPE is the card for today. It tells of lessons we are learning that we are also sharing as a TEACHER. The more we TEACH the more we learn. Today listen to the inner TEACHER that you may learn well and share accordingly. Have a fine day!


今天Chuck博士的卡片是《療癒沮喪》。我們在那裏失去了心和信心,我們也能夠再次恢復它。因為某些事再次打開我們的心,再次恢復我們的生氣,這給予我們新的動力。有很個棒且由衷的一天!(譯者: 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) HEALING DISHEARTENMENT Posted: 24 Oct 2011 04:03 PM PDT HEALING DISHEARTENMENT is the card for today. Where we have lost heart and faith we are able to regain it once more. This occurs because something opens our heart and revitalizes us once more giving us new motivation. Have a great, heartfelt day!


今天Chuck博士的卡片是《大法師》。在拉丁文為魔術師之意,當年的字義比現今魔術師的字義具有更深遠的意義。這是塔羅牌大秘儀之一,它指的是一個人精通愛,金錢,成功和真理。它意指如果你在這順流中,將會有精彩的一天。因此,對這個流敞開。讓這流動透過你來指引你方向。有個愉快的一天!(譯者: 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) THE MAGUS Posted: 22 Oct 2011 04:49 PM PDT THE MAGUS is the card for today. It means magician in latin but MAGUS has a much greater meaning then how the word magician is used today. It is one of the major arcana in the tarot deck and it refers to someone who is a master of love, money, success and truth. it speaks of having a masterful day if you are in the flow. So, be open to the flow. Let it come through you to show you the way. Have a delightful day!


今天Chuck博士的卡片是《光明啟發》。光明啟發已經到來,一切都被慰藉。智慧,知識和理解都在解開。結果是真理被明白而我們得以自由。光明啟發帶來美麗和輝煌。享受您的一天!(譯者: 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) ILLUMINATION Posted: 21 Oct 2011 11:32 PM PDT ILLUMINATION is the card for today. The light has come and everything is thrown into relief. Wisdom, knowledge and understanding are all part of the unfolding. The truth is made known and we are freed as a result. ILLUMINATION brings beauty and brilliance. Enjoy your day!!!


今天Chuck博士的卡片是《相互關係》。這談到雙贏的能量和相同一致的利益和效益。相互關係實踐平等,這是成功關係的關鍵因素之一。相互關係產生順流和夥伴關係。今天當你牢記相互關係時,就進入到新的夥伴關係層次。有個美好的一天!(譯者: 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) MUTUALITY Posted: 20 Oct 2011 05:36 PM PDT MUTUALITY is the card for today. It speaks of win-win energy and having coinciding interest and benefit. MUTUALITY invokes equality, one of the key ingredients for a successful relationship. Mutuality inspires flow and partnership. Today you are being invited to new levels of partnership as you keep MUTUALITY in mind. Have a wonderful day!


今天Chuck博士的卡片是《上帝原諒所有的一切》。這的確是張好卡。它斷然明確地指出,老天不相信有罪惡感或業力。如果這不是由上帝所創,那就是我執為其自身所建造。這意味著我們的內疚,乃是有某種目的,而這不是天堂的路徑,而是走進人間地獄。我們是無辜的,縱使我們經常犯錯或無知。今天讓我們從所製造出的黑暗過去的藉口中得以自由,而以當下的幸福取代替這些。有個愉快的一天!(譯者: 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) GOD HAS FORGIVEN ALL Posted: 19 Oct 2011 04:08 PM PDT GOD HAS FORGIVEN ALL is the card for today. And it is a good card indeed. It categorically states that Heaven doesn't believe in guilt or karma. If it wasn't created by God it's an ego fabrication to build itself. It means that the guilt we do have we are using for a certain purpose that is not the path of Heaven so it leads to hell on earth. The card for today states that we are innocent though often mistaken and ignorant. Today let us be free of the dark past we invented as an excuse and instead be in the happiness that is here and now. Have a delightful day!!


今天Chuck博士的卡片是《釋放》。這是我們在一個快樂的流中,從問題,緊張和錯誤中解脫出來。釋放令我們欣慰。不再受監禁...我們回到生命的流裏。願今天你有甜蜜的釋放!(譯者: 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) RELEASE Posted: 19 Oct 2011 05:07 AM PDT RELEASE is the card for today. It is a happy flow in which we are freed from problems, tension and mistakes. RELEASE makes us happy. No more imprisonment.. We are back in the stream of life. May you have sweet Release today!!!


今天Chuck博士的卡片是《寬恕》。我們所看到的世界乃是我們心智的反映,因此,每一個寬恕就釋放了我們。生命中發生的情況乃是舊有的未竟事宜想要得醫治,然而我執卻試圖用它強化痛苦來壯大其自身。我們若覺知到,無論在思想言行上我們對他人所做的,都會發生在我們身上,這會幫助激發我們。如果我們明白所謂的潛意識和無意識心靈,我們就會知道所有事情的發生都是來自我們的選擇。如果我們運用寬恕來療癒這一切,我們就走在一個不斷增進的愛與幸福的路徑。當寬恕越多越深時,和平就會與你同在。有個和平的一天!(譯者: 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) FORGIVENESS Posted: 17 Oct 2011 11:16 AM PDT FORGIVENESS is the card for today. The world we see is a reflection of our mind, thus every FORGIVENESS releases us. What happens in life is old unfinished business coming back for healing though the ego attempts to use it to compound the pain to build itself. Our awareness that whatever we do to another in thought word or deed we do to ourselves can help motivate us. If we knew the subconscious and unconscious mind we would know that nothing happens without our choice. If we use it all for healing, we follow a path of ever growing love and happiness. Let peace be with you today as you FORGIVE more and more, layer by layer.Have a peaceful day!


今天Chuck博士的卡片是《天上的草坪》。它講的是超越這個塵世的完美世界。當我們寬恕所有的一切,當我們回到整體性,當我們有個深刻層次的覺醒,經驗到“這天上的花園”。 奇蹟課程的一課“超越此塵世是我渴望的世界”。今天是瞥見樂園的一天。我們都希望到人間的天堂,今天在我們的與這人間天堂的經驗之間的面紗是很薄的。 原諒任何事,需要一次又一次的療癒,直到經驗你就在那裡而有完全美好感覺。有個很棒的一天!(譯者: 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) THE LAWNS OF HEAVEN Posted: 16 Oct 2011 11:55 AM PDT THE LAWNS OF HEAVEN is the card for today. It speaks of the perfect world beyond this one. When we have forgiven it all, when we return to wholeness, when we awaken at a profound level we experience 'the Garden'. “Beyond this world is a world I want" is a lesson from A COURSE IN MIRACLES. Today is a day to get a glimpse of paradise. We would all like to get to Heaven on earth and the veil between this experience and ours is very thin today. Forgive anything that needs healing over and over until you have that utterly beautiful feeling that lets you know you are there. Have a great one!


今天Chuck博士的卡片是《祈禱》。這是我們與神或其他媒介的連結。這連結提醒了我們作為神的兒女的可愛及當神沒有我們就沒有完整的無價。禱告是提醒 誰 在做主及 誰 是可以依賴能卸下肩上的負擔。今天的流就只是與神溝通。就如同老電影的台詞 “ET,打電話回家”。祝安好!(譯者: 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) PRAYER Posted: 15 Oct 2011 10:50 AM PDT PRAYER is the card for today. It is our connection with God or other intermediaries. This connection reminds us of our loveableness as a child of God and our inestimable value as God Himself is not complete without us. Prayer is our reminder of Who is in charge and Who we can rely on to take the burden off of our own shoulders. Today the flow is all about communication with God. As the old movie line goes. "ET, phone home." Have a good one!


今天Chuck博士的卡片是《蘭西史匹桑諾》。在兩千多張牌中各有一張是我們兩個人名字的卡片,我沉思出現她的名字是意味著有什麼特質,我想出了許多的如下特質。心地好,奧秘,富有同情心,恩典充分,醫治者,直率的,有愛心,加上一個大的願望,為這個世界,找到進入天堂的出路,且盡可能能帶著更多的人能同她一起進入天堂。這似乎足以擁抱今天,去感受她所代表的祝福,並呼喚他們成為你的。有個很棒的日子!(譯者: 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) LENCY SPEZZANO Posted: 14 Oct 2011 11:29 AM PDT LENCY SPEZZANO is the card for today. In the 2,000 plus cards there is one name card for each of us. I was reflecting on the qualities of what this meant to have her name come up and I came up with a number of qualities. They are goodhearted, mystical, compassionate, grace-full, a healer, openhearted, loving, plus a major desire to find the way out of this world and into Heaven and to take as many with her as possible. This seems enough to to embrace today, to feel the blessings that she represents and call them yours. Have a great day!


今天Chuck博士的卡片是《自我寬恕》。自我寬恕讓我們回歸到純真與和平,這是一切美好事物的基礎。它消除了怨尤,指責和判斷,這是我們問題和痛苦的源頭。有個美好的一天!(譯者: 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) SELF-FORGIVENESS Posted: 13 Oct 2011 04:01 PM PDT SELF-FORGIVENESS is the card for today. SELF-FORGIVENESS restores us to innocence and peace, which are the basis of all good things. It removes grievances, blaming and judgments, which are the source of our problems and suffering. Have a wonderful day!


今天Chuck博士的卡片是《自我寬恕》。它有助於解決所有大部分已被隱藏在怨尤,指責和判斷下的內疚。 自我寬恕讓我們回歸到純真與和平,這兩者是一切美好事物的源頭。它讓我們與他人,恩典與自己修復。 有個回歸到正確感知的美好一天!(譯者: 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) SELF-FORGIVENESS Posted: 13 Oct 2011 03:46 PM PDT SELF-FORGIVENESS is the card of the day. It helps relieve all the hidden guilt, most of which has been hidden under grievances, blame and judgment. SELF-Forgiveness returns us to innocence and peace both of which are the source of all good things. It restores us to others, grace and ourselves. Have a day where you are returned to right perception. Have a fine day!


今天Chuck博士的兩張卡片是《療癒黑暗的代表及想要卻沒有意圖》。黑暗的代表是指有人卡在自己的自我中,且可能被冥界煽動挑起無知及恐懼。這是我們的心靈及世界裏值得去醫治的部分。 想要卻沒有意圖,是想要沒有結果的東西,或者對自己所想要的卻沒任何動力。 這兩個方面使我們萎靡不振,讓天堂消除這些以得釋放,這是很棒的。有個很棒的一天!(譯者: 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) HEALING THE AGENT OF DARKNESS AND WILLING WITHOUT MEANING Posted: 12 Oct 2011 11:46 AM PDT HEALING THE AGENT OF DARKNESS AND WILLING WITHOUT MEANING are the cards for today. The agent of darkness is someone locked into their ego and possibly used by the astral to foment ignorance and fear. This is a good one to heal in our minds and our world.


今天Chuck博士的卡片是《療癒神經質的放棄》。當預示有個希望和願景的能量時,我們放棄了調整自己可以療癒或改變的狀況。我們可以超越阻礙我們的恐懼,更持之以恆。今天是個重新再來的好日子,因為恩典是我們的後援。有個決心重生的今天!(譯者: 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) HEALING NEUROTIC RESIGNATION Posted: 11 Oct 2011 11:09 PM PDT HEALING NEUROTIC RESIGNATION is the card for today. It bespeaks an energy of hope and vision in which we give up where we have adjusted to situations that we were called to heal or change. We can go beyond fears that have held us back and be more persevering. Today is a good day to begin again because grace is backing us up. Have rebirth of determination today!


今天Chuck博士的卡片是《療癒懷疑底下所隱藏的肯定呈現》。這種肯定是一種補償,隱藏沒有信心或感覺不恰當的一種防衛。透過整合這防衛和已防衛的情緒,它創建一個新的完整性和信心。你可以選擇藉由交託給老天處理或想像情緒與防衛熔化在一起完成此整合。每當整合發生,所有一切不是真實的就會融化掉,留下完整和真實。祝安好!(譯者: 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) HEALING THE UNDERLYING DOUBT THAT HIDES BENEATH A SHOW OF CERTAINTY Posted: 10 Oct 2011 04:55 PM PDT HEALING THE UNDERLYING DOUBT THAT HIDES BENEATH A SHOW OF CERTAINTY is the card for today. This certainty is a compensation, a defense to hide lack of confidence or feelings of inadequacy. By integrating the defense and the defended feeling it creates a new wholeness and confidence. You can do this by choosing that it be done, by giving it to Heaven to do or by imagining both the feeling and the defense melting together. Whenever an integration occurs whatever isn't true melts away leaving wholeness and truth. Have a good one!


今天Chuck博士的卡片是《療癒對上帝的恐懼》。它是最大的恐懼,這遠比要公開演講和對死亡的恐懼還大。看似瘋狂,我們會害怕愛和清白的,但我們卻是一直在建構維護我們的自主權和自我意識,而不要合一。今天與我們一起的動能是療癒這個最終極的恐懼和歡迎神的覺知回來到我們的心與心智。這將是個療癒的大日子,當我們療癒了我執的根本即是攻擊和自我攻擊,且以喜樂取而代之。 有個極棒和美好的一天!(譯者: 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) HEALING THE FEAR OF GOD Posted: 09 Oct 2011 04:08 PM PDT HEALING THE FEAR OF GOD is the card for today. It is the greatest fear we have even beating the fear of public speaking and the fear of death. Seems crazy that we would be afraid of LOVE and INNOCENCE but we want to keep our autonomy and sense of self that we have built rather than experience Oneness. Today the flow is with us to heal this ultimate fear and welcome the awareness of GOD back into our hearts and minds. This promises to be a big day for healing as we are going to heal the bottom line of the ego of attack and self-attack and have joy instead. Have a really big and wonderful day!


今天Chuck博士的卡片是《分享》。它反映了愛的一個面向。一旦我們收到了其他愛的面向,也因我們的給出而增添更多能分享的。分享使得我們感到高興並帶來豐盛。今天的流動幫助我們分享我們擁有的,因而真正明白這是我們可以給出的。有個幸福的一天!(譯者: 賴裕源Translated by Ian Lai) SHARING Posted: 08 Oct 2011 04:11 PM PDT SHARING is the card for today. It reflects an aspect of love. Once we have received-another aspect of love, then we have more to SHARE which then increases because we have given. SHARING makes us happy and brings abundance. Today the flow helps us SHARE what we have so we really know it is ours to give. Have a happy day!


今天Chuck博士的卡片是《自愛》。自愛,打開每一件好事。這是愛他人,接受各式各樣的豐富以及與神連結的基礎。自愛有著自我價值。它提供了信心和幸福。自愛療癒所有基於自我攻擊的問題。這是個修正你生命錯誤的重要日子。歡迎自愛到來;是走向人間天堂的通道。有個極優的一天!(譯者: 賴裕源Translated by Ian Lai) SELF-LOVE Posted: 07 Oct 2011 05:08 PM PDT SELF-LOVE is the card for today. SELF-LOVE opens the door to every good thing. It is the basis of loving others, receiving all manner of abundance and connection with the Divine. SELF-LOVE has self-value. It provides confidence and happiness. It heals all problems, which are based on self-attack. This is an important day to correct mistakes in your life. Welcome SELF-LOVE; it is the gateway to Heaven on earth. Have almost excellent day!


今天Chuck博士的卡片是《聖所》。這表示安全內在的神聖性能夠修補和祝福。這是我們心智的極致點,也是我們能給予這世界的。它反映了真實和神聖的內徑。是我們給出的也是供給我們的。我們給出的越多,自然地就會有越多的助益來到我們身上。有個美好的一天! (Translated by Ian Lai) SANCTUARY Posted: 07 Oct 2011 07:40 AM PDT SANCTUARY is the card for today. It denotes safety and an inner sacredness that restores and blesses. It is at the very heart of our mind and what we offer to the world. It reflects the path inward to what is true and holy. It is something we give and something given to us. The more we give it to others the more we naturally avail ourselves of it as it is offered to us. Have a wonderful day!


今天Chuck博士的卡片是《安慰》。安慰不只安慰身體甚至深入至情緒,心理和靈性層面。今天讓自己得到安慰和更新。在聖經裡承諾,我們會得安慰。安慰溫潤我們的心,療癒我們一直來的無精打采。這種甜蜜的擁抱能讓我們經得起所必需的任何階段。有個甜蜜安慰的一天! COMFORT Posted: 06 Oct 2011 10:22 AM PDT COMFORT is the card for today. This goes way beyond physical COMFORT into the emotional, mental and spiritual also. Today let yourself be COMFORTED and renewed. The promise in the Bible is that we would not be left COMFORT-less. COMFORT heartens us and allows to heal where we have been dis-spirited. It is the sweet embrace that sustains us at whatever level it is needed. Have a day of sweet COMFORT!


今天Chuck博士的卡片是《療癒個性群集》。它反映了能療癒一個自我概念的嵌入系統,它們彼此都關閉著且彼此防衛著,建構了自我攻擊的區塊,使我們不希望靠近它,因此我執能夠躲藏安置及受到很好的保護。但今天,我們和我們自己及生命和神之間的牆,都可以很容易地被移除掉。留意任何自我攻擊的主要區塊,或在你生命裡被消極地鎖著的部份。這些都指出個性的群集。當你抓住一個,就將整個群集交給天堂去移除。今天是贏回你重要本質很棒的日子。有個快樂的狩獵! HEALING THE CONSTELLATION OF PERSONALITIES Posted: 05 Oct 2011 10:37 AM PDT HEALING THE CONSTELLATION OF PERSONALITIES is the card for today. It reflects an ability to heal an embedded system of self-concepts that are all locked together and defend each other setting up a warren of self-attack so that we don't wish to venture near it so the ego stays ensconced and well protected. But today that wall between us and ourselves, life and God can be easily removed. Pay attention to any major areas of self-attack or locked in negativity in your life. These point to constellations of personalities. When you catch one, Turn the whole constellation to Heaven for undoing. It's a great day to win back a major part of your essence today. Happy Hunting!


今天Chuck博士的卡片是《幻想》。幻想是對正在發生的事情或缺失了什麼的防衛。 因為所有一切的事在我們的腦海都以圖像顯示,如果我們想像我們有什麼,心智就會認為我們已經有了,就不要再打開去接受。換句話說,幻想阻止了我們想要擁有的。幻想來自失去連結而想獨立的渴望,因而帶來分離,滿足的禍根,阻止我們與人合作和接受。今天是個放下我們幻想的好日子,因為幻想讓我們停留在匱乏裡。有豐富的一天! HEALING FANTASY Posted: 04 Oct 2011 02:01 PM PDT HEALING FANTASY is the card for today. Fantasy is a defense against what is going on or what is missing. Because in our mind everything shows as images and if we imagine we have something the mind thinks we have it so then we don't open to receive it. In other words fantasy stops us from having what we want. Fantasy comes from lost bonding and the desire to be independent and thus brings dissociation, the bane of satisfaction, to keep us from partnering and receiving. Today is a good day to let go of our fantasy as it is keeping us in scarcity. Have an abundant day!


今天Chuck博士的卡片是《過度自信》。它幫我們看到誇張自己的能力,並用它們來彌補自己不足或失敗的感覺。過度自信會導致麻煩,因為我們往往自不量力。今天,讓我們祝福我們自己,仰賴恩典並享受成功。祝安好! HEALING OVERCONFIDENCE Posted: 03 Oct 2011 12:27 PM PDT HEALING OVERCONFIDENCE is the card for today. It helps us see where we have aggrandized our own abilities and used them to compensate for feelings of inadequacy or failure. Overconfidence leads to trouble as we tend to "bite off more than we can chew". Today let us bless ourselves, rely on grace and enjoy success. Have a good one!


今天Chuck博士的卡片是《令人稱奇》。這是讓你體驗真正精彩甚至驚人展現的一天。雖然每天都有這種可能性,但今天它的能量是極高的。乘坐今天的流動。將會是很棒的航行!有個可愛且精彩的一天! AMAZING Posted: 02 Oct 2011 12:38 PM PDT AMAZING is the card for today. This allows you to experience an unfolding today that can be truly wonderful and even astonishing. While every day has this possibility, today the energy for it is extravagant. Ride that current today. It's a great ride! Have a lovely and AMAZING day!


今天Chuck博士的卡片是《心愛的》。它代表了神,是我們所心愛的,也是許多神秘主義所談的。 今天,讓自己想像,上帝愛你遠超越過你最瘋狂的夢想,因為就是這樣。同時允許你多麼地愛上帝,其實這也是我們內心最深處最主要的本質。允許你自己知道這意味著什麼及你擁抱著怎麼樣的喜樂。願你有個極好的一天! THE BELOVED Posted: 01 Oct 2011 12:28 PM PDT THE BELOVED is the card for today. It represents God as our BELOVED, something many mystics refer to. Today let yourself imagine that God loves you beyond your wildest dreams because that is so. Also allow that you love God that much, which is also the way it is in the deepest most essential part of us. Allow your self to know what that means and what joy is yours in that embrace. May you have a glorious day!


今天Chuck博士的卡片是《療癒什麼讓心麻木》。這提到鬆綁我們的心,直至最終療癒這些一直讓我們關閉的心門。特別是那個舊的傷痛,現在終於我們能去面對且不再防衛。這讓我們重獲新機且讓生命中再次春天。享受今天能到來的自由!祝好! HEALING WHAT"S HEART-NUMBING Posted: 30 Sep 2011 11:00 PM PDT HEALING WHAT"S HEART-NUMBING is the card for today. It speaks of unclenching our hearts and finally healing what has kept us closed. There was typically a wound that we can finally address now that the defense is gone. This allows for renewal and a chance for springtime in our lives. Enjoy the new freedom that can come today! Have a good one!


今天Chuck博士的卡片是《明星》。這意謂著完全的閃耀,給出全然的迷人且成就了很棒的事的面向。我們內在都是個明星,而今天,這個樣子的我在呼喚我們。讓我們日日夜夜都是明星! THE STAR Posted: 29 Sep 2011 02:04 PM PDT THE STAR is the card for today. It signifies an aspect that shines brightly and gives totally winning the day and accomplishing great things. All of us have THE STAR within us and today that aspect of us is calling. Have a STAR-filled day and night!


今天Chuck博士的卡片是《菩薩》。無論你認為這是一個原型或實際的人,這是今天的高卡。菩薩已承諾,大家沒上天堂前,祂不會去天堂的。通常,他們選擇具有挑戰性的生命,所以使他們能夠為人類的集體心靈清除去所有的模式。 菩薩的誓願: 「煩惱無盡誓願斷; 眾生無邊誓願度; 法門無量誓願學; 佛道無上誓願成。」 祝有個很棒和有益的一天! BODHISSATTVA Posted: 27 Sep 2011 09:18 PM PDT BODHISATTVA is the card for today. Whether you consider it an archetype or actual beings, it is a high card for today. A BODHISATTVA has promised not to go to Heaven until everyone goes. They typically choose challenging lives so they can clear whole patterns for the collective mind of humanity. The vow of the BODHISATTVA is as follows: Deluding passions are inexhaustible. I vow to extinguish them all. Sentient beings are as numerous as grains of sand. I vow to save them all. The truth is impossible to teach.I vow to teach it. The way of the Buddha is impossible to attain. I vow to attain it. Have a great and helpful day!


今天Chuck博士的卡片是《五角星十》。它反映了意外之財和一般的豐富。縱使現今錢財這方面有這麼多的跌勢,但這是一個相反的重大積極註釋。尋求全球主要積極的面向,尤其是個人對極大豐盛朝向自己的到來,要保持敞開。覺知及敞開是關鍵。有個非常美好的一天! THE TEN OF PENTACLES Posted: 27 Sep 2011 04:30 AM PDT THE TEN OF PENTACLES is the card for today. It reflects a windfall of money and abundance in general. While there has been so much downtrend regarding money, This is a major positive note that counters that. Look for major positive aspects worldwide but especially personally be open for great abundance moving your way. To be aware and open is the key. Have a really good day!


今天Chuck博士的卡片是《甜美》。甜美表示親密,舒適,溫柔和順流。看起來是個享受的一天!祝美好。 SWEETNESS Posted: 25 Sep 2011 11:15 PM PDT SWEETNESS is the card for today. Sweetness indicates intimacy, comfort, tenderness, and flow. Sounds like a day to Enjoy! Have a good one!


今天Chuck博士的卡片是《觀音》。觀音是慈悲的女神。無論你認為她是個生命原型或一個神聖的使者,今天的能量是一個深刻的幫助。觀音知道,唯一的正義是慈悲。她被描繪成藉由手中的壺,將慈悲給予人類或藉由她的千手,提供給任何需要幫助的人。有個甜美舒適的一天。放鬆地將一切交託在她的手中。 QUAN YIN Posted: 24 Sep 2011 10:21 PM PDT QUAN YIN is the goddess of mercy. Whether you consider her an archetype or a Divine Emissary, the energy of the day is one of profound help. QUAN YIN knows the only justice is mercy. She is depicted with a jug in her hand dispensing grace to humanity or sometimes having a thousand hands reaching out to anyone in need. Have a day of sweet comfort. Put it all in her hands and relax.


今天Chuck博士的卡片是《順流》。表明了我們已經進入最好的自我。這個幸運之處,能預計所有好事的到來。無需任何費力,卻有一個容易展開的道,使生命充滿輕易和樂趣。充分運用今日,努力朝向你最高目標就是使你生命中有所不同。祝你有滿滿的愛和一切最好的到來。 FLOW Posted: 23 Sep 2011 10:56 PM PDT FLOW is the card for today suggesting we have access to our best self. This is a place of luck in which we anticipate all good things coming our way. There is nothing that requires effort but there is such an easy unfolding of the tao that life is easy and fun. Make the best out of today and let your endeavors be of the highest goals to make a difference in your life. Much Love and All the Best to you out there.


今天Chuck博士的卡片是《療癒特別的憎恨》。這代表著那曾經靠近我們但卻令我們非常失望或背叛我們的人。在潛意識的層面,它反映了投射和自我憎恨之處。也顯示了我們為了獨立,控制和隱藏一個主要的藉口而誣陷他人。今天是透過寬恕或一些其他形式的療癒來結束這否認的一天。這些特別憎恨關係的類型,在我們的生活中產生極大的阻礙及破壞性。有個很棒的療癒一天! HEALING SPECIAL HATE Posted: 22 Sep 2011 02:52 PM PDT HEALING SPECIAL HATE is the card for today. This represents someone we hate who used to be close to us but badly disappointed or betrayed us. At a subconscious level it reflects a place of projection and self-hatred. It also shows a place where we framed someone for payoffs of independence, control and a major excuse to hide. Today is a day of ending the denial through forgiveness or some other form of healing. These types of special hate relationships generate major blocks and destructiveness in our lives. Have a great healing day!


今天Chuck博士的卡片是《視覺化》。由於更深層次的心智中只有現在是存在的,我們可以透過視覺化將我們現在想要的,來程式及影響未來。視覺化是有效的,除非有些深層的衝突是隱瞞著,甚至逐漸地侵蝕著。清晨剛起床和晚上睡前是心靈最開放來獲得你想要的時刻。藉由盡可能看到你想要的一切細節開始,去感受它,且聽到別人為此向你致賀。每當你想到你要什麼時,無論是再次視覺化,或確信它就在來到你的路上。以這種方式請求你想要的東西,將自己對這想要敞開,並再次邀請它的到來。有個幸福的一天! VISUALIZATION Posted: 22 Sep 2011 12:09 AM PDT VISUALIZATION is the card for today. Since the deeper mind only exists in the now, we can affect the future by VISUALIZING what we want now and program it for the future. This works well unless there is some deep conflict that holds it back and even then it erodes the conflict little by little. First thing in the morning and last thing at night the mind is most open to making what you want. Start by seeing what you want in as great detail as possible; feel it; hear others congratulating you for it. Every time you think of what you want either VISUALIZE it again or just know it's on its way to you. By asking for what you want in this way you open yourself to it and invite it in once more. Have a happy day...


今天Chuck博士的卡片是《療癒競爭的故事》。今天我們開始明白競爭的徒勞無效,它是一切權力鬥爭和死寂的根源。競爭源自我執。阻礙了夥伴關係和接受的能力,是一種誤以為是贏,卻是逃避成功的延遲戰術。故事是我們生活模式的深處腳本,所以無論我們有多少的競爭故事,讓它們離去是件好事。祝美好! HEALING THE COMPETITION STORY Posted: 20 Sep 2011 11:27 PM PDT HEALING THE COMPETITION STORY is the card for today. We begin to realize the futility of competition today; it is the root of all power struggle and deadness. It is what the ego is made out of. It blocks partnership and the ability to receive and it is a delay tactics that avoids success confusing it with winning. Stories are deep scripts that pattern our lives so however many competition stories we have it is good to let them go. Have a good one!


今天Chuck博士的卡片是《所重視的投資就會持續下去》。這是從奇蹟課程引述的話,這說明了我們所留意重視的是會賦予事情價值及發達的。另一方面我們所不賦予價值的,就可能會遺失掉。我們的給出提供了價值,當我們不給時,就會失去所投資的。這是個好好投資在人和事物上的好日子,但也不要忘了要投資在天堂和自己身上! INVESTMENTS LAST AS LONG AS YOU VALUE THEM Posted: 19 Sep 2011 11:18 PM PDT INVESTMENTS LAST AS LONG AS YOU VALUE THEM is the card for today. It is a quote from A Course in Miracles and it speaks of how our attention gives value and allows things to prosper. On the other hand what we don't give value to can be lost. Our giving gives value and when we don't give our investments can be lost. Have a good day of investing in things and people but don't forget to invest in Heaven and yourself!!


今天Chuck博士的卡片是《療癒害怕親密》。所有的恐懼都是對害怕親密的不同形式。我們生活在批判和疏離中,因此生活在一個二元性的世界。愛和喜樂來自當我們能夠療癒批判和疏離或是選擇結合而不評斷或分離。今天,我們超越我們的害怕親密來到了祝福,豐富和順流的世界。 HEALING THE FEAR OF INTIMACY Posted: 19 Sep 2011 01:59 AM PDT HEALING THE FEAR OF IN TIMACY is the card for today. All fear is a fear of intimacy in many different forms. We are run by judgment and separation and as such live in a world of duality. Love and joy come from when we are able to heal that or choose to join instead. Today we move beyond our fear of intimacy to a world of blessing, abundance and flow.


今天Chuck博士的卡片是《自我價值》。它談到的是一個更新層次我們可以給予的自愛和自我價值。我們捨棄投注在我執的試圖要渺小我們自己,而不是想要真理。我們讓神的存在更多,而神的愛總是帶來更大的自愛。讓今天去認清你的真實價值。沒有你,上帝的孩子,上帝是不會完整的。有個超棒的一天! SELF-WORTH Posted: 17 Sep 2011 11:15 PM PDT SELF-WORTH is the card for today. It speaks of a new level of self-love and self-value that we allow today. We give up some investment in our ego that is intent on keeping us small and instead go for the truth. We allow more of God's Presence whose love always brings greater self-love. Have a day of recognizing your true worth. God Himself would be incomplete without you, His child. Have a great day!


今天Chuck博士的卡片是《毫無防衛》。它實際上創造了我們的安全。我們越防衛,我們就越吸引我們試圖想要避免的。吸引力定律請來那仍在我們內在所想試圖避免的。防禦是我們建立的規則,其實“規則是用來被打破的”。防衛的本質乃是在呼叫攻擊。我執想要加深我們內在的痛苦,而高層心靈卻要療癒這傷痛,但我們卻需決定我們要什麼才好。如果我們試圖防衛自己,而啟動了防衛,這將會搞得更糟。有個美好毫無防衛的一天! DEFENSELESSNESS Posted: 16 Sep 2011 11:09 PM PDT DEFENSELESSNESS is the card for today. It is actually a card that creates safety for us. What we defend attracts the very thing we were trying to prevent. The law of attraction calls in what we are trying to prevent that is still inside us. Defenses are rule we have set up and "Rules are meant to be broken". Defenses call in attack by their very nature. The ego wants to compound the pain within and our higher mind wants it healed but we get to decide which way we go. If we try to defend ourselves once a defense is triggered it just gets worse. Have a good safe DEFENSELESS day!


今天Chuck博士的卡片是《庇護聖所》。它表示一個在世界上以及內在的安全地方。這可能是你所提供或是提供給你的庇護聖所。提供建造了一個甜蜜且舒適的地方。現在你可以放鬆且安全的。有個美好的一天! SANCTUARY Posted: 16 Sep 2011 12:13 AM PDT SANCTUARY is the card for today. It denotes a place of safety within and in the world. It may be SANCTUARY that you provide or that is provided to you. But it sets up a place in which sweet, comfort is provided. You can relax now. There is safety. Have a fine day!


今天Chuck博士的卡片是《態度》。指著我們正朝著走的方向是非常關鍵重要。如果我們一次又一次做同樣的選擇,這就成了我們方向及態度。我們是朝著愛和信任或是我執和恐懼呢?一個在我們離開天堂時,帶給我們痛苦和分離。另一個逐層地溶解我們的自我概念,開啟了喜樂和豐盛。你希望有愛或是你的我執,真理或是痛苦呢?這是一個關鍵的選擇:統一或攻擊呢?有個充滿力量的一天! ATTITUDE Posted: 15 Sep 2011 06:04 AM PDT ATTITUDE is the card for today. It denotes how crucial the direction is that we are heading in. If we make the same choice over and over again it becomes a direction and this is our attitude. Are we heading for love and trust or the ego and fear? One brings us pain and separation as we build an identity separate from Heaven. While the other dissolves our self-concepts layer by layer to open us to joy and abundance. Do you wish to have love or your ego, truth or suffering? This is a crucial choice--to unify or attack? Have a powerful day!


今天Chuck博士的卡片是《“我決心以不同的角度去看事情。”》。這是從奇蹟課程引述的一句話。我們的感知反映了我們的心智。我們看到我們以為的自己。感知是個選擇而不是個事實。當我們一步一步地依此句話“我決心以不同的角度去看事情。”而選擇時,那是可以改變我們的感知。有時你雖帶著確信地說著,卻仍感覺到更糟,好像有些情緒仍隱埋在潛意識或無意識層次裡。如果你繼續選擇這句話,問題或情緒就開始改變了。你可以繼續說,直到所看到的場景完全改變了,甚至直到它變得充滿光明和愛。祝美好! "I AM DETERMINED TO SEE THIS DIFFERENTLY." Posted: 14 Sep 2011 03:27 AM PDT "I AM DETERMINED TO SEE THIS DIFFERENTLY." is the card of the day. It is a quote from A Course in Miracles. Our perception mirrors our mind. We see what we think about ourselves. Perception is a choice not a fact. These words "" I AM DETERMINED TO SEE THIS DIFFERENTLY," have the power to change our perception step by step as we make this choice. Sometimes as you say these words with conviction it may feel and seem worse if there is a certain amount of buried emotion at subconscious or unconscious levels. But then as you keep choosing these words and look at the scene, problem or emotion it begins to change. You can use these words until the sce...


今天Chuck博士的卡片是《療癒攻擊》。今天是可以療癒我們過去至今所有的被攻擊。療癒攻擊包括療癒所有的自我攻擊導致這被攻擊的狀況以及所有隱藏在這被攻擊底下我們對上帝和他人的攻擊。藉由明白我們的共謀以及利用這攻擊事件,使我們在生活上分離的這個藉口,今天是可以放下來了。這給我們和平,力量和柔情來代替攻擊。這是去發現被隱藏在潛意識的這些,而重新作出選擇的好日子。這釋放了我們的心以及過去生活中所有被卡住的舊地方。有個充滿力量的一天! HEALING ASSAULT Posted: 12 Sep 2011 10:20 PM PDT HEALING ASSAULT is the card for today. All the times we have been assaulted are available to day to be healed. HEALING ASSAULT includes healing all the self-attack that led to this situation as well as all the hidden attack against God and others that was under our being attacked. Today we can give up the excuses we used to separate in our lives by realizing our collusion and how we used the event. This brings us peace, strength and tenderness instead. It is a good day to uncover what has been hidden in the subconscious and make new choices. This unlocks our heart and old areas in our lives that have been stuck. Have a powerful day!


今天Chuck博士的卡片是《沒有任何意念》如果今天你的頭腦似乎空空的,幾乎或全然沒有任何記憶等等,不用擔心。許多人打坐冥想或靈修練習幾十年,為的就是想達到這一點。它打開了喜樂和幽默。這是到永恆的門道。沒有任何思想和信念會阻止了我們與真實世界接觸,只有我們的思維會介入這自然形成的“花園”。當你變得沒有任何意念而放鬆時,運用你的直覺尋求您需要的答案,享受此時此刻。這是一個深度的寂靜。祝好! NO MIND Posted: 12 Sep 2011 12:31 AM PDT NO MIND is the card for today. Do not worry if your mind seems to evaporate today, and you have little or no memory, etc. People meditate or do spiritual practices for decades to try to achieve this. It opens a state of joy and humor. It is the doorway to eternity... Without the thoughts and beliefs that keep us from contacting the real world only the world of our thoughts are interposed on what would naturally be 'The Garden'. As you become NO MINDED relax, use your intuition for the answers you need and enjoy the here and now. It is a place of great peace. Have a good one!


今天Chuck博士的卡片是《療癒缺乏包容的陰謀》。這是重要的,因為我們對自己的包容,重新連結了我們的陰柔面,真心以及能再次與夥伴連結。自我包容和我們有能力接受和過得快活,是有直接的相關。包含自己和他人導致平等,遠離了疏離的獨立和犧牲。這是將自己迎接回來且與眾人連結的美好一天。有一個愉快的一天! HEALING THE LACK OF INCLUSION CONSPIRACY Posted: 10 Sep 2011 11:13 PM PDT HEALING THE LACK OF INCLUSION CONSPIRACY is the card for today. This is important as inclusion reconnects us to our feminine side, our heart and our ability to partner. There is a direct correlation between self-inclusion and our ability to receive and enjoy. Self-inclusion includes others leading to equality and away from dissociated independence and sacrifice. It is a good day to come together now that you welcome yourself back to connection with everyone. Have a delightful day!


今天Chuck博士的卡片是《療癒黑魔法師的心魔》。談到黑色魔術師乃是運用心靈力量謀取私利。它累積權力,財富和他人的生命力。黑魔法師的心魔,通常埋在潛意識但仍然影響著我們。你可以問你有多少這種心魔,然後帶他們到24-7小時營業的天堂交易所買賣。交易所對這種自我仇恨的自我概念,提供很好的交易。就拿這黑魔法師的心魔交易,然後看你可以得到什麼回報。你總會得到一個很好的交易的。祝美好! HEALING THE BLACK MAGICIAN SHADOW Posted: 09 Sep 2011 10:58 PM PDT HEALING THE BLACK MAGICIAN SHADOW is the card for today. The black magician speaks of using mind power for personal gain. It accumulates power, wealth and the life force of others. HEALING THE BLACK MAGICIAN SHADOW is one that is usually buried in the unconscious mind but affects us nonetheless. You could ask how many you have and then take them to Heaven's Trading Post open 24-7. It's offering a good deal on self-concepts that contain self-hatred. Take them in and see what you are offered in return. You will always get a good deal. Have a good one!


今天Chuck博士的卡片是《沒有任何意念》。它反映出超越判斷和信念的喜悅。這使頭腦寧靜,成為所有好事的根源。它打開了一個花園,超越了這世界的幻相。今天無論是如何帶你來到這個靈感,指引和創造力可以澆灌進來的園地。享受您的一天 NO MIND Posted: 08 Sep 2011 10:37 PM PDT NO MIND is the card for today. It reflects a place of joy beyond judgments and beliefs. This leaves the mind at peace from which all good things stem. This is the place that opens up The Garden that is beyond this world of illusions. Whatever leads you to this place today, it is one in which inspiration, guidance and creativity can pour through. Enjoy your day!


今天Chuck博士的卡片是《和平締造者》。它是個對自己療癒的神聖承諾,能變得非常和平,因而將和平帶給別人。和平是創造愛,健康和富足,也是對地球和所有人非常棒的禮物。今天,深深地在內心裏成為和平締造者,並承諾變得越來越和平,從而更加快樂。祝好! Posted: 08 Sep 2011 02:56 AM PDT PEACEMAKER is the card for today. It speaks of a sacred promise to heal ourselves and be so peaceful that we bring peace to others. Peace is what generates love, health and abundance so it is a great gift to the earth and all peoples. Today embrace the PEACEMAKER within and its commitment to becoming ever more peaceful and thus ever more happy. Have a good one!


今天Chuck博士的卡片是《忘掉所學的》。這是除去所有限制我們的自我觀念和信念以及侷限我們真實的回到當下。今天是個好日子,讓我們藉由忘掉痛苦和判斷重新恢復生活。這帶來了使所有美好事物的根源:和平。祝美好! UNLEARNING Posted: 06 Sep 2011 11:54 PM PDT UNLEARNING is the card for today. It speaks of getting rid of all the self-concepts and belief systems that have limited us and constricted our reality to what it is now. Today is a good day to get our lives back starting with the UNLEARNING of pain and judgments. This brings peace from which all good things stem. Have a good one out there!


今天Chuck博士的卡片是《正向否認》。正向否認是認識到沒有人或任何外在可以傷害你。它否認任何負面對你或你的生命裡的影響。帶著信心和信任,既不歡迎也不讓負面的情緒,進到你的經驗裡。今天,當你看到或遇到任何消極的,否認它,把它打包送出去。這為真理所用的正向否認。祝好! POSITIVE DENIAL Posted: 05 Sep 2011 10:59 PM PDT POSITIVE DENIAL is the recognition that no one or nothing outside you can hurt you. It denies that anything negative has the power over you or your life. It combines faith and trust and neither welcomes nor allows negativity to gain a place in your experience. Today when you see or experience any negativity deny it a home and send it packing. This is POSITIVE DENIAL in the service of the truth. Have a good one!


今天Chuck博士的卡片是《樂趣》。為了自己的利益尋求,那不是樂趣,就如佛陀告誡我們,那只會導致痛苦。那也不僅是感官愉悅,雖然它可以包含在內。樂趣來自活出使命,愛,遵照神的意志(我們真實的意願)。所以,這正是走在正確的路上,做正確的事可帶來享受的日子。樂趣就是給出所有的一切。今天去享受樂趣的到來。也是開展道的所有一切。有個最優的一天! PLEASURE Posted: 04 Sep 2011 10:23 PM PDT PLEASURE is the card for today. It is not pleasure sought for its own sake which as the Buddha warned us leads only to pain. Nor is merely sensual pleasure though it can contain that. It is the PLEASURE that comes of living your purpose, loving and doing God's Will (our true will). So, this is a day that brings the enjoyment of being on the right track and doing the right thing. It is the pleasure that comes from giving it all. Today enjoy the PLEASURE that comes your way. It is all part of the unfolding Tao. Have a most excellent day!


今天Chuck博士的卡片是《療癒偏袒疏離》。偏袒疏離就是偏袒我執。這是想用自己的方式而不管別人和相關的狀況。相對的,結合就是愛,互利和平等。發現這是對一切所有的較佳方式。今天和所有的日子是敞開自己,接受我們如何以較好方式共同成功的指引。祝好! HEALING THE SIDING WITH SEPARATENESS Posted: 04 Sep 2011 01:25 AM PDT HEALING THE SIDING WITH SEPARATENESS is the card for today. Siding with separateness is siding with the ego. It is the desire to have its own way irregardless of others and the situation. Joining on the other hand is all about love, mutuality and equality. It is finding a better way for all. Today and all days is the day to open ourselves to the guidance that shows a better how we can all succeed together. Have a good one!


今天Chuck博士的卡片是《無憂無慮》。它表明我們是在黃金生活裡。超越了小心翼翼的沉重角色和犧牲,以及粗心大意的魯莽和疏離。也就說,我們已經讓老天接手掌舵,所以我們可以開心順著道行,也為神的孩子。可以確保冒險的結果,一切都變得甜蜜又輕易。處在無憂無慮是一個大師的標誌,你經驗得越多,你就越生活在恩典裡。讓恩典經由你做所有的一切。有個愉快的一天! BEING CAREFREE Posted: 01 Sep 2011 10:59 PM PDT BEING CAREFREE is the card of the day. It suggests we are living the golden life and have moved beyond the heavy roles and sacrifice of carefulness and the recklessness and dissociation of carelessness. It says we have let Heaven take over the helm so we can enjoy ourselves following the Tao and being a child of God. Everything becomes sweet and easy, an adventure whose outcome is assured. BEING CAREFREE is a sign of mastery and the more you experience it, the more you live a life of grace. You let grace do it all through you. Have a happy one today!


今天Chuck博士的卡片是《療癒陰謀》。這是超越那看起來似乎沒有出路的陷阱的恩慈一天。陰謀只是我執的計劃,藉此希望能困擾,拖延和阻止我們。天堂和我們的高層心靈卻有不同的想法,今天就只有恩慈。去感覺上天的幫助和突破今天所有阻礙你的。有個豐富而有力量的一天! HEALING CONSPIRACIES Posted: 01 Sep 2011 12:53 AM PDT HEALING CONSPIRACIES is the card for today. The grace of the day is the transcending of traps that look as if there is no way out. That is only our ego's plan as it hopes to distract, delay and stop us. Heaven and our own higher mind have other ideas and that is what today is all about. Feel Heaven's help and break loose of what is stopping you today. Have a rich and powerful day!


今天Chuck博士的卡片是《療癒黑暗》。當內在的光照射出來驅散黑暗時,療癒黑暗就顯然發生了。許多人害怕黑暗,但你是帶著光,來驅除掉無知和分離的黑暗。天堂之光,不僅在支持你,也在你身上。今天,讓它發光。下決心讓你生命發亮!有個美麗的一天! HEALING THE DARK Posted: 30 Aug 2011 04:17 PM PDT HEALING THE DARK is the card for today. This obviously comes about by shining the light within and dispersing the darkness. Many people are afraid of the dark but you are meant to bring the light which chases the darkness of ignorance and separation. Heaven's Light is not only behind you; it is in you. Today let it shine. Make up your mind to let your life shine! Have a beautiful day!


今天Chuck博士的卡片是《親自冒險》。這意味著,道邀請我們無論在做什麼,我們都全然給出。全然上線,投注一切,全然大膽一試。藉此我們開拓視野,擴展我們的心智和才華。這可能是帶動超越的威力一天,縱使當我們全然給出而被帶往前進時,我們仍無法確知最後的結果。有一個奇異的一天! VENTURING ONESELF Posted: 29 Aug 2011 06:27 PM PDT VENTURING ONESELF is the card for today. This means that the Tao invites us to give ourselves totally in whatever we are doing. It is putting it all on the line, betting it all, totally going for it. By venturing it all we open up vision and expand our mind and gifts. This can be a powerful day that carries transcendence and though the final outcome is not assured we are moved forward by our complete giving. Have an amazing day!


今天Chuck博士的卡片是《療癒矛盾》。這是一個很大的療癒,因為它可能被隱藏在深處的潛意識。一些最積極的人若有這樣的隱藏,就可能導致疾病,或者在關係,金錢,成功等方面的匱乏。反思今天你的任何問題,意識到它來自隱藏或不那麼隱藏的矛盾。接受這樣的你自己。如果你沒有這矛盾,接受就沒有什麼大不了。如果你確實有它,接受它這可是非常重要的,因此你可以很自然地穿越過去。然後,原諒這部分的你自己和任何你可能將其投射的人。下一步將其交託在神的手上幫你去除它,最後整合它(藉由任何能使你實現和平,整體性和有著更大積極流動的正向能量將其融化)。祝好! HEALING CONTRARINESS Posted: 28 Aug 2011 06:45 PM PDT HEALING CONTRARINESS is the card for today. This is a big one to heal because it may be hidden deep in the unconscious mind. Some of the most positive people have this one hidden away and it can cause illness, or scarcity in relationships, money, success, etc. Reflect on any problems you have today and realize that it comes from hidden or not so hidden contrariness. Accept this about yourself. If you don't have it is no big deal to accept it. If you do have it is vitally important you accept so you naturally move past it. . Then forgive yourself and this part of you and anyone you may have projected it on. Next put it in God's Hands to get rid of for you and f...


今天Chuck博士的卡片是《療癒絕望》。絕望是聖火痛苦的一個面向,這極大的痛導致使你屈膝。它很容易成為一個誕生,如果你問自己:“誰需要我的幫助?”去意識到別人更需要幫助。如果你穿過那疼痛的牆,去幫助他們,瞬間即變成帶有願景層次禮物的誕生。 絕望即是忘記了神,認為自己完全孤獨且沒有幫助。這絕非是事實,除非你沒有回應上帝的召喚。癒癒絕望會將兩個部分的無意識的心靈整合在一起成為整體。有個有力量的一天! HEALING DESPAIR Posted: 27 Aug 2011 06:59 PM PDT HEALING DESPAIR is the card for today. Despair is an aspect of Sacred Fire Pain where the pain is so great you are brought to your knees with it. It is easily turned into a birth if you ask yourself "Who needs my help?" Realizing that someone else is in even greater need of help. If you step through that wall of pain to help them, it immediately turns into a birth with a vision level gift. To despair is to forget God and think yourself utterly alone and without help. This is never the case unless you are not answering God's call. HEALING DESPAIR brings two unconscious parts of the mind together in a new integration and wholeness. Have a powerful day!


今天Chuck博士的卡片再次又是《幽默》。這是個異乎尋常的好時機,提醒我們上帝正在笑,也要我們懂得這笑話。幽默正確地保有一切。我們所見的世界是一場夢,是個要我們學習和療癒的大電玩遊戲。當只有愛和幽默時,我們將會記起上帝而且知道回家的路。浪子將回頭,屆時將會有一個為愛與幽默的盛大歡慶。有一個幸福及有趣的一天! HUMOR Posted: 26 Aug 2011 04:58 PM PDT HUMOR is once again the card for the day and it comes at a singularly good time to remind us that God is laughing and we are called upon to get the joke.. HUMOR keeps it all in perspective. The world we see is a dream, a giant video game in which we are called to learn and heal. When there is only love and HUMOR we will remember God and know the way Home. The prodigal children will return and there will be a great celebration of love and HUMOR. Have a happy, funny day!


今天Chuck博士的卡片是《療癒投射》。我們所看到的世界是我們自我概念的投射。我們世界充斥著我們的過去。我們周圍的世界展現了我們的潛意識和無意識的靈魂心智。如魯米所說“我身即是鏡,亦是鏡中身”。今天,當我們寬恕了世界以及除去投射,並決定以協助代替評斷,銷溶化掉幻象,自我折磨和內疚感,這將使自己及他人有所作為。改變心智,就可改變世界。祝好! HEALING PROJECTION Posted: 25 Aug 2011 07:13 PM PDT HEALING PROJECTION is the card for today. The world we see is a projection of our self-concepts. We people the world with our past. The world around us shows us our subconscious and unconscious soul -mind. "We are the mirror and the face in it" as Rumi wrote.. Today as we forgive the world and pull off projections and decide to help instead of judge, we make a difference to ourselves and others dissolving illusion, self-torture and guilt. We can change the world as we change our mind. Have a good one!


今天Chuck博士的卡片是《溫和親切》。它代表著某個層次的親密,將心門打開了。這甜美慈悲的愛,帶著美麗和喜樂的祝福,且將那限制著我們的牆融化了。溫和親切清新了我們的心。祝擁有美好的一天! TENDERNESS Posted: 24 Aug 2011 05:53 PM PDT TENDERNESS is the card of the day. It denotes a level of intimacy that opens the heart. It is the sweet compassion of love that blesses us with beauty and joy melting the walls that constrict us. Tenderness refreshes us and gives us heart. Have a wonderful day!

恰克和蘭西 史匹桑諾

今天Chuck博士的卡片是《恰克和蘭西 史匹桑諾》。我們的名片代表著藉由療癒和覺醒來誕生世界的渴望。它導致了幻象及其帶來的痛苦的轉化以及培育愛心,喜樂和成功,運用時間來突破時間。有一個幸福,快樂的一天!! CHUCK AND LENCY SPEZZANO Posted: 23 Aug 2011 09:56 PM PDT CHUCK AND LENCY SPEZZANO is the card for today. Our name card signals a desire to birth the world through healing and awakening. It leads to transformation of illusion and the pain it brings as well as the fostering of love, joy and success so that time is used to breakout of time. Have a happy, fun day!!


今天Chuck博士的卡片是《無害》。乃是我們不再攻擊,因而就不再自我攻擊。我們就經常處在愛和喜樂中。攻擊是我執的根本,取而代之的是順流,道,聖靈或你想要怎樣稱之。這是一個充滿笑聲的快樂展開,而你是和平而無須動腦的,且與所有萬物連結。若要無害的,就是與萬物成為朋友也讓萬物成為你的朋友。有個甜蜜的一天! HARMLESSNESS Posted: 22 Aug 2011 05:35 PM PDT HARMLESSNESS is the card for today. It is a state in which we have given up attack and so there is no self-attack. What we have instead is love and joy as our constant state. Attack is the foundation of the ego so all there is instead is Flow, the Tao, the Holy Spirit or however you would name it. It is a happy unfolding full of laughter but you are peacefully mindless and so connected with all things. To be HARMLESS is to be a friend to all things and have all things be a friend to you. Have a sweet day!


今天Chuck博士的卡片是《療癒追溯的扭曲》。追溯的扭曲乃是回顧過去生活中把並沒有什麼大了不起的事情,弄成非常痛苦。今天是回溯我們的生命,將痛苦除去的時候。痛苦是一個信號,指出我們正犯了一個錯誤(不是他人的錯也或許是),是有些事我們尚不明白,以及我們還沒學會的功課。我們誣陷他人,且當我們可以化險為夷時卻自認為渺小。我們用傷痛隱藏我們的攻擊,好讓我們可以疏離、照著我的方式行事和獨立的藉口。每一個受害的情況在我們的潛意識顯示了這些;為了獨立這實在是付出很大的代價,這是個分離的作用,它總是帶有受害者和犧牲的角色。我們自認渺小,並抓著問題而不是去看到我們已經帶著禮物去療癒。它仍然在我們裏頭,等待著我們去選擇真理,自由和幫助,而不是譴責。有一個偉大的療癒的一天! HEALING RETROACTIVE DISTORTION Posted: 21 Aug 2011 05:58 PM PDT HEALING RETROACTIVE DISTORTION is the card for today. Retroactive distortion is looking back on an incident in life and making it painful though it was no big thing at the time. Today is a day to look back on our lives and take the pain out of it. Pain is a signal that we are making a mistake (not some other though maybe them too) and there is something we don't understand, a lesson we have not learned. We frame others and invested in littleness when we could have saved the day. We took on wounds to hide the attack we were making that gave us the excuse to separate, do things our way and be ...


今天Chuck博士的兩張卡片是《下一步及促成一體》。 下一步 為當我們朝向成一體跨出下一步,就消除了所有阻礙我們的恐懼及問題。 促成一體 意味著在靈性及外在世界上,我們增進了豐盛與成功,我們的心智與週遭的世界就和真理與幸福成為一體了。一體的意識提供治療和整體性。這將會是個積極流動的一天。你不如一同順勢而流。有個幸福的一天! THE NEXT STEP & UNIFIES BY INCREASE Posted: 20 Aug 2011 05:20 PM PDT THE NEXT STEP & UNIFIES BY INCREASE are THE CARDS of the day. THE NEXT STEP means that we take the next step toward unity resolving fears and problems that have held us up. UNIFYING BY INCREASE means that as we increase abundance and success both spiritually and in the outside world, our mind and the world around are unified with greater truth and happiness. Unity consciousness provides healing and wholeness. It looks to be a day of positive flow. You might as well go with it. Have a happy day!


今天Chuck博士的卡片是《療癒浪費時間》。如果你浪費時間,時間就會浪費你。另一方面,如果你恰當使用時間去療癒,那麼時間就不會是我們在那裡“服刑”的監獄。今天時間可以成為我們的朋友。無需是忙碌或懶惰,而是去縮短所需時間的運用,直到我們都到達喜樂而合一。祝福在世的時間能為天堂所用,使你在這無意義的世界,如何能不無聊且不輕率,卻能致力於有意義的事。有個可愛及有趣的一天! THE HEALING OF TIME -WASTING Posted: 19 Aug 2011 06:35 PM PDT THE HEALING OF TIME-WASTING is the card for today. If you waste time, time will waste you. On the other hand if you use time for its proper use, which is that of healing, then time does not become a prison,where we are just 'doing time'. Today time can become a friend. There is no need to stay busy or be indolent but to use time to shorten the time needed till we all achieve joy and then ONENESS. Let your time here be blessed by turning it's use over to Heaven today and see how you are neither bored nor frivolous but engaged in what is meaningful in a world that is meaning-less. Have an engaging and interesting day!


今天Chuck博士的卡片是《療癒恐懼》。 在任何負面情緒中,恐懼是情緒的根源。在任何負面的經驗裏,恐懼是根本的肇因之一。我們害怕往前走一步。因為我們擔心我們無法面對,或害怕會因此會失去些什麼東西。但恐懼是當失去連結時所發生的一個幻象。我們失去連結而經驗受苦時,骨子裡卻因這受害而只是想要獨立。但獨立是個角色,並不會讓我們能領受或享受。 今天,我們選擇愛。今天,我們用信任來替代恐懼。今天祈求勇氣使我們往前誇一大步成為可能。如奇蹟課程所述,你就只會害怕,如果你忘了誰與你同行。有個破除巨大恐懼的日子! HEALING FEAR Posted: 18 Aug 2011 04:16 PM PDT HEALING FEAR is the card for today. Under any negative emotion fear is the root emotion. Under any negative experience fear is one of the root causes. We are afraid to proceed to the next step. We are afraid we cannot handle it or we are afraid we would lose something. But fear is an illusion that comes about when we lose bonding. We lose bonding and suffer some painful experience when underneath our victim experience we are wanting independence. But indepence is a role and doesn't let us receive or enjoy. Today we make the choice for love. Today we invest in trust instead of fear. Today big steps are possible as we invoke our courage for a better way. As it states in A Course in Mirac...


今天Chuck博士的卡片是《自發性》。自發性為魅力的一種面向,有意想不到的創造性能產生流動和成功。帶來超越每一天活力和熱情的生命的一種新穎方法。有個甜美自發的一天! SPONTANIETY Posted: 17 Aug 2011 06:21 PM PDT SPONTANIETY is the card for today. An aspect of charisma, SPONTANIETY does the unexpectedly creative in a way that generates flow and success. SPONTANIETY brings aliveness and zest to life going beyond the everyday to a fresh approach. Have a sweet, SPONTANEOUS day!


今天Chuck博士的卡片是《不朽的人物-原型》。建議我們學習或療癒某事來恢復活力。它甚至可以說是描繪出一個發現或突破,導致有如道家傳統的古老智慧。留意這種流動。讓它喚醒你內在古老的智慧。讓它使你更年輕。祝好! THE IMMORTAL- ARCHETYPE Posted: 16 Aug 2011 11:35 PM PDT THE IMMORTAL is the card for today suggesting that we learn or heal something that rejuvenates us. It could even depict a discovery or breakthrough that leads to ancient wisdom usually in the Taoist tradition. Be aware of this flow. Let it awaken ancient wisdom within you. Let it make you younger. Have a good one!


今天Chuck博士的卡片是《人間天堂》。 人間天堂是轉化成合一之前的最後階段。它有著最大幸福和最深的愛,且是個沒有評斷,怨尤和內疚的地方。在這個發展的階段,我們要維持這樣水準的喜樂是非常難能可貴的,但每次達到這境界時,就讓我們看見所失落的以及前進的方向。所以,今天就去享受及感受所到來的。你越是允許其充滿你,你就變得更輕易,如果你在抗拒,你要知道你其實是在抗拒人間天堂。有個驚奇的一天! HEAVEN ON EARTH Posted: 16 Aug 2011 09:15 AM PDT HEAVEN ON EARTH is the last stage before we are translated back into Oneness. It depicts the greatest of happiness and the deepest of love, a place where judgment, grievance and guilt are no more. At this stage of our development it is rare to be able to sustain this level of joy but each time we reach it, we see what was lost and the direction we are heading. So, enjoy today and feel what is coming. the more you allow it to fill you the easier your becomes and if you are in resistance than you know what you are really resisting is HEAVEN ON EARTH. Have an amazing day!


今天 Chuck 博士的卡片是《熱心殷切》。它講的是誠意和全心全意。沒有憤世嫉俗的防衛及尖酸刻薄。相反地,它擁有的是全然的信心和承諾,使人高度可靠。 熱心殷切帶來美麗和活力。它是直率的,忠誠及值得信賴。 熱心殷切讓你保持年輕的心。有個美麗熱心殷切的一天! ARDENT Posted: 15 Aug 2011 02:28 PM PDT ARDENT is the card for today. It speaks of sincerity and wholeheartedness. It doesn't use the defense of cynicism and it doesn't become bitter. Instead it has all of the faith, and commitment that makes a person highly reliable. Ardency brings beauty and vibrancy. It is openhearted, loyal and trustworthy. Ardency keeps you young at heart. Have a beautifully ARDENT day!


今天 Chuck 博士的卡片是《療癒靈媒攻擊》。這是來自願景或靈媒外在層次的攻擊。這可能是從他人,冥界,黑暗無意識,甚至從我們自己而來。如果我們不去攻擊,我們是完全地不受傷害的。因此我們不相信攻擊會從我們這得到任何好處,我們相信我們是靈而非身體。(有一個惡性循環的信念 : 我們是個身體,且用它做攻擊)。今天是個好時間放棄這些讓我們覺得很脆弱易受傷害的一切攻擊,且呼求這當然保護我們的上天的幫助。祝幸福,安寧及充滿了完美的免疫力! HEALING PSYCHIC ATTACK Posted: 14 Aug 2011 11:50 AM PDT HEALING PSYCHIC ATTACK is the card for today. It speaks of attack coming from the outside at a vision or psychic level. This may be from others, from the astral, the dark unconscious or even from us. We are perfectly invulnerable if we are not attacking. Than we don't believe that attack can get us anything and we don't believe we are our bodies but our spirit instead. (there is a vicious circle between believing we are a body and using it for attack). Today is a great day to both give up all attack because that makes us believe we are vulnerable to it and asking for Heaven's help which naturally protects us. Have a happy, peaceful day full of perfect immunity!


今天 Chuck 博士的卡片是《以性為愛》。就當我們與夥伴作愛時它就在開展了。這種彼此的共享同時建立了創意和變革的能量。在性裏,我們延長了我們的注意力與心至對方相同處的最中心位置。其結果產生了愛與美。有個甜蜜的一天! SEX AS LOVE Posted: 13 Aug 2011 11:39 AM PDT SEX AS LOVE is the card for today. It reflects an unfolding in which we give to our partner in sex. This sharing of ourselves establishes both creative and transformative energies. In sex we extend our mind and heart to the very center of the other's mind and heart. As a result there is love and beauty. Have a sweet day!


今天 Chuck 博士的卡片是《庇護聖所》。它意味著一個為你或你為他人所提供的安全避風港。庇護聖所是個神聖的信任。這意味著你或他人不是想要獲取東西,而是出於愛而渴望讓他人或自己能有所安息和安慰 。 天堂是所有庇護聖所的源頭 。 除非我們到達庇護聖所,我們是不會覺得全然在家的 。 今天是可以上車體驗天堂的時候。祝好! SANCTUARY Posted: 12 Aug 2011 11:57 AM PDT SANCTUARY is the card for today. It signifies a safe haven provided for you or one that you provide for others. SANCTUARY is a sacred trust. It means you or another are not trying to get something but are wanting to provide something out of your love that gives another or yourself rest and comfort Heaven is the Source of all SANCTUARY and we do not feel completely at home until we reach there but today is a waystop that provides a taste of Home. Have a good one!