
目前顯示的是 2015的文章


我們都有無知,它會導致我們做出令我們受苦的一些大錯誤。今天,我們可以看到一些自己的無知,並釋放掉它。不要攻擊自己,因為這是小自讓你緊抓著無知的卑劣方法。相反地,今天是讓自己從無知的束縛釋放自己。讓今天成為美好的一天! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) HEALING IGNORANCE is the card of the day. We all have ignorance and it causes us to make some big mistakes that cause us suffering. Today it is given to us to see some of our ignorance and relinquish it. Do not attack yourself because that is only a sneaky way that the ego gets you to hold onto it. Instead have a day of freeing yourself from the bondage of ignorance. Let today be an amazing day!! HEALING IGNORANCE Posted: 29 Dec 2015 11:54 AM PST


情緒放縱指的是,我們老舊的需要和痛苦還沒有得到滿足,因此試圖透過特殊性和注意力來滿足需要。這是行不通的,這會把別人推開。今天就讓我們的情緒負起責任且選擇療癒來面對痛苦和需要。老天時時刻刻都與我們同在,且賜福我們。讓我們意識到這一點,並接受它。有個最令人驚喜和奇蹟般的一天! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) HEALING EMOTIONAL INDULGENCE is the card for today. Emotional indulgence says we haven't gotten over old needs and pain and are therefore trying to get needs met now through specialness and attention. That won't work and it will push others away from you. Today let us accept responsibility for our emotions and choose healing as a way to deal with pain and needs. Heaven is with us blessing us at every moment. Let us be aware of it and accept it. Have a most amazing and miraculous day!! HEALING EMOTIONAL INDULGENCE Posted: 25 Dec 2015 02:53 PM PST


愛的核心就是張美麗的卡片描繪了最美好的聖誕季節。我們透過給予和接受來接觸他人,也藉此我們有更親近的連結且看見他人的美好。今天,讓我們感受到自己與上主的愛,透過我們而臨到這世界。讓慈善盛行此聖誕季節。 祝你擁有美好的一天!! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) It is a beautiful card depicting the best of the Christmas season in which we reach out to others giving and receiving in such a way that we are bonded even closer and we see the beauty in others. Today let us feel our and Heaven's Love coming through us for the world. Let charity reign at this time. Have a great day!! THE HEART OF LOVE Posted: 17 Dec 2015


陰謀是小我設置的陷阱,使它看起來好像是沒有出路。我們總是努力地證明,凡事必須靠自己來做。今天,我們看到這種生活方式的謬論,並將我們在這方面的所有陰謀交託給上主來去除它,因為靠自己做是種幻相。願有個偉大美好的一天! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) A conspiracy is an ego trap set up so that it looks as if there is no way out of it. We are always trying to prove we have to do it ourselves. Today we see the fallacy of this way of life and give all of our Conspiracies in this regard over to heaven to get rid of as the illusions they are. Have a mighty fine day!! HEALING THE DO IT YOURSELF CONSPIRACY Posted: 16 Dec 2015 08:50 AM PST


我們的信念都是自我概念。任何我們所相信的任何事情,就是我們所相信的自己。透過這些自我概念的鏡頭,我們得以感知。改變我們的心智就能改變這世界,這就是今天我們所被給予的。我們可以使小我造成我們與世界的牆體變薄,好讓更多的光明,愛與豐盛進來。願有個非常美好的一天! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) Our beliefs are all self-concepts. Anything we believe about anything we believe about ourselves. Theses self-concepts are the lenses through which we perceive. To change our mind is to change the world and that is what is offered to us today. We can lessen the wall that the ego makes between us and the world letting in more light, love and abundance. Have a very fine day!! HEALING BELIEFS Posted: 15 Dec 2015


我們不誠實使得心靈分裂,因而無法領受。我們想停留在某人的恩惠裡,卻仍然放縱自己,所以我們變得不誠實。今天我們明白了不誠實是死路一條,為了誠信,連結和領受,就放下不誠實吧。 祝你有個美好的一天!! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) Our dishonesty splits our mind making it impossible to receive. We want to stay in someone's good graces and still indulge ourselves so we become dishonest. Today we realize the dead end that dishonesty is and give it up for integrity, bonding and receiving. Have an amazing day!! HEALING DISHONESTY Posted: 14 Dec 2015 11:20 AM PST


我們變得無聊乃是因為我們的退縮和控制。隨著因為我們是如此地無聊,我們就戲劇性地將其演出來,讓它來回擺動在退縮和控制兩者之間,卻從來沒有意識到,這原是我們所造成的。今天,不管你有多少這樣的景況,我們能意識到這一點,並把它交給上天。有個燦爛的一天! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) We become bored by our withdrawal and control. Then we set up a drama because we are so bored and it swings back and forth between the two never realizing that it is us that set it in motion. Today we can become aware of it and turn it over to Heaven no matter how many you have. Have a brilliant day!! HEALING THE BOREDOM-DRAMA CONSPIRACY Posted: 12 Dec 2015 11:53 AM PST


我們可以撫平一切,從感受到失落至完全地被遺棄。然而,我們外在失去的,只有在我們失去與它連結或隱藏著我們想獨立的渴望,我們才會感覺到喪失。今天是個好日子來撫平我們過去的失落,復興振作起來的一天。願有個最愉快且新的開始的一天! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) HEALING WHERE WE FEEL BEREFT is the card for today. We can heal all the places where we have felt loss to the point of feeling totally abandoned. Yet what we lose outside us could only feel bereft if we disconnect from it and have a hidden wish to be independent. This is a great day to heal the past of our losses and have a renaissance now. Have a most enjoyable day and a new beginning!! HEALING WHERE WE FEEL BEREFT Posted: 11 Dec 2015 11:16 AM PST


用性來贏,讓我們的夥伴想離開我們,這樣他們才不會輸。用性來贏導致心碎和其他重大的陷阱,比如報復。今天是個很好的日子脫離這種競爭,並以夥伴關係來取代它。有個好玩和美好的一天! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) HEALING SEX AS WINNING is the card for today. Sex as winning makes our partner want to withdraw from us so as not to lose. This leads to heartbreaks and other major traps such as revenge. Today is a great day to divest ourselves of this competition and to replace it with partnership. Have fun and beautiful day!! HEALING SEX AS WINNING Posted: 10 Dec 2015 12:25 PM PST


豐盛故事是我們不斷繼續要走的腳本。我們終於學會了給予和領受,這是一體的,因此可以治癒兩極性。這也療癒我們既要我們的目標,卻又獨立的矛盾,這種矛盾使得目標變得無比的艱難。豐盛的故事是在各方面都是豐富的。它使我們與老天,他人與生命成為夥伴。這是我們陽剛與陰柔面的平衡,進而在熟練中整合。願有個最華麗的日子! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) THE ABUNDANCE STORY is the card for today. As it is a story it is a script that we continue beyond this day. We have finally learned to give and receive and that they are one and as such they have the ability to heal polarity. This heal ambivalence instead of wanting our goal and independence also, which makes the goal infinitely more difficult. THE ABUNDANCE STORY is richness in all areas. It partners us with Heaven, others and life. It is the balance of our masculine and feminine sides leading to their integration in mastery. Have a most magnificent day!! THE ABUNDANCE STORY Posted: 09 Dec 2015 10:44 AM PST


上帝的銀行不僅 24-7 小時開放;是永恆的開放,且會持續的無窮盡地開放。只要你想要提款多少,這都可以,但你只能得到你覺得你配得得到的。上帝認為你應得到所有的一切,但你若只能接受少許,那會不會你是有些傲慢點。今天是個好日子,要求所有你想要的。願有個美好且驚喜的一天! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) THE BANK OF GOD is the card for the day. It is not only open 24-7; it is open since eternity and will be open to infinity. You can draw out as much as you want but have only as much as you feel you deserve. God thinks you deserve it all so isn't it a little arrogant to accept so little. Today is a good day to ask for all you want. Have a great and amazing day!! TH BANK OF GOD Posted: 08 Dec 2015


療癒妓女象徵著去療癒用我們誠信與自尊換取,我們覺得想要的及所需要的。今天反思一下在我們生活的什麼地方,可能仍發生這種狀況,而去選擇讓自己能更好且更真實的道路。放縱只會導致犧牲。這兩者都是不真實的陷阱,而真正的給予和領受才是真實的。有個很美好給予與領受的一天! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) HEALING THE PROSTITUTE is the card for today. It signifies the healing of all that we do to get what we feel we want and need at the cost of our integrity and self-esteem. Today reflect on where that might be happening in your life and choose a better, truer course for yourself. Indulgence only leads to sacrifice. Both are untrue traps that could have had real giving-receiving instead. Have a great day of giving-receiving!! HEALING THE PROSTITUTE Posted: 07 Dec 2015 11:54 AM PST


領受的故事,講的對夥伴關係,平衡,可愛及陰柔面的嶄新的開展。這允許領受,豐盛和交互依賴在一個全新的層面上。一旦故事如此開始,就會持續成長,除非我們想其他法子終止它。願你擁有豐富和美好的一天! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) THE RECEIVING STORY is the card for today. It speaks of a new opening in partnership, balance, lovableness and our feminine side. This allows both a whole new level of receiving, abundance and interdependence. Once a story has begun like this it continues and grows unless we stop it in some ways. Have a rich and beautiful day!! THE RECEIVING STORY Posted: 06 Dec 2015 11:57 AM PST


拒絕天命的故事意味著我們不斷地寫著拒絕成為自己要成為的人。這使我們成為某一個樣子,一個角色和一種形式的犧牲。我們不是我們自己 ; 我們在躲藏著自己。今天,我們學習到這是一種錯誤,選擇放下這些錯誤的故事,而擁抱我們的天命來取代這錯誤。願你有個與自己本質再連結,走在成為真實自我的道路上的美好一天! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) HEALING THE REFUSAL OF DESTINY STORY is the card for today. That it is a story means that we are writing chapter after chapter of refusing who we came to be. This makes us into something else which is a role and a form of sacrifice. We are not ourselves; we are hiding. Today we learn what a mistake that is and instead choose to embrace our destiny by letting go of all false stories. Have an amazing day of reuniting with your essence on the way to your Self!! HEALING THE REFUSAL OF DESTINY STORY Posted: 05 Dec 2015 10:55 AM PST


信任乃是將心靈的力量運用在一個真實積極的方向。信任的力量,可以療癒任何問題。 信任並不像天真幼稚否認事實。相反地,它與信心的心靈力量結合,將不利局面反轉變成一個積極的或使正向的變為更積極的局面。願有個有趣和奇蹟的一天! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) TRUST is the card for today. It is using the power of the mind in a true, positive direction. The power of trust is that it can heal any problem. TRUST does not deny the facts as being naive does. Instead it binds the power of the mind with faith and paradoxically unfolds the negative situation into a positive one or a positive one into a more positive situation. Have a fun and miraculous day!! TRUST Posted: 04 Dec 2015 10:36 AM PST


好玩產生順流以及使我們從卡住的地方往前進。它帶來喜樂,也讓我們充滿活力。 好玩以一個更好的方式,來打破我們的犧牲及放縱,使我們自由。今天,用你歡迎好玩的程度,來衡量你是否在軌道上。即使面對重大的議題時,好玩的心態也會讓事情逐漸清楚。願你有個充滿樂趣的一天! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) PLAY is the card of the day. PLAY creates flow and moves us forward from wherever we have been stuck. It brings delight and as such it re-energizes us. PLAY breaks us out of the cycle of sacrifice-indulgence with a better way that frees us. Today measure your being on track with the amount of PLAY you welcome. Even in the face of important matters a PLAYFUL attitude can keep things unfolding. Have a great fun-filled day!! PLAY Posted: 03 Dec 2015 10:22 AM PST


療癒被關閉的管道,這將打開恩典和奇蹟,使我們的生活順暢,毫不費力。我們關閉管道不去領受指引,因為我們想要自己的方式做事,而不在意是用正確或最好的方式。今天是朝向天堂之道,敞開我們的心智和心靈的時候,而有天堂般的結果。願有個幸福的一天! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) HEALING THE CLOSED CHANNEL is the card for today. This opens us to grace and miracles so that our life runs smoothly and effortlessly. we closed our channel to guidance because we wanted to do things our way and not be bothered with the right or best way. Today is a day to open our minds and hearts to Heaven's way and have heavenly results. Have a blissful day!!! HEALING THE CLOSED CHANNEL Posted: 02 Dec 2015 11:12 AM PST


無意義是小我和高層心靈之間的戰場。小我想從世界的無意義分散我們的注意力。上天並沒有建造一個無意義的世界。因此,我們需要真正做的是,問上天“我的意義是什麼?”在極少數情況下,如果第二層次面出現時,你可能需要再多問一次。願有一個美好的一天! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) HEALING MEANINGLESSNESS is the card for today. Meaninglessness is the battleground between the ego and the higher mind. The ego wants to distract us from the meaninglessness of the world. Heaven did not create a meaningless world. So all we need really do is ask Heaven, "What's my meaning?" In rare cases you might need to ask again if a second layer comes up. Have a wonderful day!! HEALING MEANINGLESSNESS Posted: 01 Dec 2015 11:49 AM PST


小我是我們內在分離的原則,基督是人類的合一進入我們的神性。基督是我們的靈性。我們是如此被創造出來的。讓小我不要來掌管我們的生命,而讓我們更能辨識小我和高層心靈之間的選擇。願有個美好和驚喜的一天! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) ENTRUSTING THE EGO TO CHRIST is the card for today. The ego is the principle of separation in us and the Christ is the oneness of humanity into our divinity. It is our spirit. It is as we were created. Entrusting the ego keeps it from ruling our lives and makes the choice between the ego and the higher mind that much more discernible. Have a fine and amazing day!! ENTRUSTING THE EGO TO CHRIST Posted: 30 Nov 2015 04:30 PM PST


不順從就是固執和不好的態度,通常是隱藏在大多數人的潛意識裡。這是長期問題的根源,我們常藉由好行為及好角色來補償它,通常沒有功效,因為它們不是一種給予,而只是用來隱藏我們消極性的一種防衛。在這個層次上來釋放我們自己不順從,會讓我們及世界的心靈,以一個全新的方式聚集在一起。願擁有個美好的一天!! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) HEALING UNAMENABILITY is the card for today. This is the stubbornness and bad attitude usually hidden in the unconscious for most people. It is the root of chronic problems and is typically compensated for by good behavior and positive roles that reap nothing as they are not forms of giving but just defenses used to hide our negativity. To free ourselves at this level has our mind come together in a whole new way and the world does also as a result. Have a beautiful day!! HEALING UNAMENABILITY Posted: 29 Nov 2015 11:22 AM PST


在生命中的某些時刻,我們評斷自己的身體和自身,因而有了扭曲的身體形象。現在是時候來療癒,因為它阻擋了我們自愛,成功,性和親密。然而,許多時候,你扭曲了自己的身體形像時,將那些融進你的高層心靈,使它完整。 願擁有個美好的一天!! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) HEALING OUR DISTORTED BODY IMAGE is the card for today. At some point or points in life we judged our body and our self and as a result have a distorted body image. Now it is time to heal that as it blocks our self-love, success, sex and intimacy. However, many times you distorted your body image melt those into your higher mind to bring wholeness. Have a beautiful day!! HEALING OUR DISTORTED BODY IMAGE Posted: 28 Nov 2015 04:11 PM PST


惡意乃是對他人邪惡的想法。這些都是我們最隱蔽,且對自己所編寫的一章又一章的劇本的補償。當然,我們希望在他人身上的,也會回到我們自身,這也是我們經歷許多弊病的根源。問自己寫了多少這樣的惡意劇本的故事。問問這些對你的生命有什麼樣的影響。用它們來做什麼呢。如果你不喜歡它,放掉這些,選擇以快樂或療癒的故事來取代它 ... 願有個美好自由的一天! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) HEALING THE MALICE STORY is the card for today. Malice are the thoughts that wish evil on another. They are the most hidden and compensated for of scripts that we author chapter after chapter. Of course, what we wish on another is visited on ourselves so it is the source of many maladies that we experience. Ask how many of these malice stories you are scripting. Ask what effect these have had on your lives. Ask what you are using them for. And if you don't like it let them go and choose to replace them with happy or healing stories…Have a great a freeing day!! HEALING THE MALICE STORY Posted: 27 Nov 2015 02:46 PM PST


這是個重大的療癒過程,清除了無意識的痛苦和修復了對新且更好的道路的願景。它帶來了重生。療癒期盼的失落的方法之一,就是付出給另一個更需要幫助的人。如果你透過你的痛苦去付出給其他的人,它就會療癒你的痛苦,帶來一個新且更好的道路。呼求奇蹟!身為老天的小孩,你配得擁有所有美好的事物,當你真的放下時,放下總是帶來一些更美好的事物。願有一個最令人驚喜的一天! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) HEALING HOPES LOST is the card for today. It is a major healing process that clears out unconscious pain and restores vision for a new and better way. It brings a rebirth. One of the way lost hope is healed is to give to another in even more need of help. If you give through your pain to another it heals your level of pain and generates a new and better way. Ask for a miracle!! As a child of Heaven you deserve every good thing and letting go always brings something even better if you really let go. Have a most amazing day!! HEALING HOPES LOST Posted: 26 Nov 2015 03:41 PM PST


這是奇蹟課程中的一段話,這為我們走向完整性和天堂指出了正確的方向。這將帶領我們走在純潔無罪的路徑,到每個人的純潔無罪以及人間天堂的經驗。願有個有力量和美好的一天! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) RETURN YOUR WHOLE MIND TO GOD is the card for today. It is a quote from A COURSE IN MIRACLES and it is what points us in the right direction toward wholeness and Heaven. This would lead us on a path of innocence to everyone's innocence and an experience of Heaven on earth. Have a powerful and beautiful day!! RETURN YOUR WHOLE MIND TO GOD Posted: 24 Nov 2015 09:11 PM PST


當你認錯時,你的高層心靈就會立即轉化這錯誤。這是很好的一天去發現,你在那裡做錯了,且可以允許它們被修正,以釋放掉已經被困的自己。願你有個美好的一天! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) ACKNOWLEDGING MISTAKES is the card for today. As soon as you ACKNOWLEDGE A MISTAKE your higher mind goes immediately to transform the mistake. This is a good day of finding where you have been making mistakes and letting them be corrected to free yourself of where you have been trapped. Have a wonderful day!! ACKNOWLEDGING MISTAKES Posted: 22 Nov 2015 02:29 PM PST


意識覺醒談的是新的覺知,使生命有效地啟動且往前躍進。今天是躍進道的河流,並被攜帶往前行的美好的一天。願有個最美好的一天! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) AWAKENING IN CONSCIOUSNESS is the card of the day. It speaks of a new realization that has the effect of an initiation and a jump forward in one's life. It's a good day to leap into the river of the Tao and be carried forward. Have a superlative day!! AWAKENING IN CONSCIOUSNESS 20 Nov 2015


不好的選擇,建立了我們偏離軌道的模式。這會造成自我毀滅。今天是個好日子,回到我們做了不好的選擇之處,再次選擇,邀請愛和恩典,放棄不好的選擇,去選擇真理。願有個美好的一天! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) HEALING BAD CHOICES is the card for the day. Bad choices set up patterns where we are off the track. This can become self-destructive. Today is a good day to go back to the places we made bad choices and choose again inviting love and grace to let go of our bad choices and choose the truth instead. Have a fine day!! HEALING BAD CHOICES Posted: 19 Nov 2015 11:20 PM PST


  集體小我是一致同意的信念系統導致共有的一致現實。這是大家彼此都共有的受苦的幻象。藉由寬恕和放下依附,角色和自我概念可得療癒。今天是很美好的一天,藉著療癒自己心靈來幫助整個世界。願有個驚人的一天! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) HEALING THE COLLECTIVE EGO is the card for today. The collective ego is the consensual belief system leading to the consensual reality we share. It is the illusions we all suffer and share collectively. It is healed by forgiveness and letting go of attachments, roles and self-concepts. Today is a great day to help the whole world through healing our own mind. Have a stupendous day!! HEALING THE COLLECTIVE EGO Posted: 17 Nov 2015 05:51 PM PST


所有的創傷和痛苦,使我們失去了連結,但我們選擇這些痛苦的事件,一個在潛意識裡主要的原因,就是藉由這我們就可以隱藏起來。一旦我們開始躲藏,就會覺得無法邁向成功或親密。雖然因為補償而隱藏,我們覺得不妥,但它終究使我們卡住了。今天是個很好的時機,讓這些陰謀離去,運用恩典,這是每當我們覺得不夠格時,就都始終供應著的恩典,然後愛這一直在寫這些陰謀的內在小孩,直到這小孩逐漸長大,回歸與我們相融化,帶來更大的信心和完整性。願有個美好的一天! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) HEALING THE HIDING CONSPIRACY is the card for today. All traumas and pain are ways in which we lose bonding but one of the main subconscious reasons we choose these painful events is so we can hide. Once we start hiding we feel we can't step up for success or intimacy. We feel inadequate and while we may compensate to hide, it it still keeps us stuck. Today is a great day to let these conspiracies go, use grace which is always offered when we feel inadequate and to love the little child inside who has been writing these conspiracies until it grows up and melts back into us bringing greater confidence and wholeness. Have a wonderful day!! HEALING THE HIDING CONSPIRACY Posted: 16 Nov 2015 07:39 PM PST


個人神話是指利用傳奇,童話故事,或者歷史人物做為一種創傷的補償,因為自己不再覺得可以為自己的人生做些什麼,但卻以為個人神話可以做得到這一點。像所有的補償它會阻止感受與接受的能力,並將痛苦鎖在內心深處。今天你可以邀請自己,將個人的神話以及仍在內心的痛苦整合為一。願有個最美妙的一天! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) HEALING PERSONAL MYTHS is the card for today. A personal myth is a legendary, fairy tale or historical character that you used as a compensation over a trauma because you no longer felt that you could do your life but you feel that your personal myth could do it. Like all compensations it blocks your ability to feel and receive and it locks the pain inside. You can ask today that your personal myth be integrated with the pain still inside. Have the most wonderful day!!


《“我只受上主天律的管轄”》 這是奇蹟課程中的一段話,帶著強烈的意圖面對任何的狀況,如果沒有幸福,那就是可以開始逐層地去療癒在這狀況的幻相。今天是個快樂的日子。你只受上主天律的管轄。願有一個美好的日子,讓處處充滿奇蹟! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) "I AM UNDER NO LAWS BUT GOD'S" is the card for the day. It is a quote from A COURSE IN MIRACLES and if it is said with strong intention into any situation that isn't happy it begins to heal the illusions in the situation layer by layer. Today is a happy day. You are under no laws but God's. Let miracles abound and have a great day!! "I AM UNDER NO LAWS BUT GOD'S 14 Nov. 2015


抱怨顯示了我們期待他人來使我們快樂,這是生命中最大的陷阱,也是一切痛苦的根源之一。我們期待他人能夠給我們的,其實是我們都沒給對方或自己的。我們抱怨,總是在我們沒給出他人幫助以及我們無法滿足自己時。抱怨是我們吝嗇的標誌。願有個慷慨和滿足的美好一天! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) HEALING COMPLAINING is the card for today. Complaining shows a place where we expect the other to make us happy, one of the biggest traps in life and the source of all pain. We expect them to give us what we are not giving to them or to ourselves. We always complain when there is something we are not giving that would help them and fulfill ourselves. Complaining is a sign of our own stinginess. have a great day of generosity and fulfillment!! HEALING COMPLAINING Posted: 12 Nov 2015 04:23 PM PST


如果你有犧牲或放縱,你將會有一個惡性循環的其他部分。放縱的罪惡感導致犧牲,犧牲的耗竭導致放縱。今天我們有機會意識到這一點,並放下整個的惡性循環。有個美好的一天! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) HEALING THE INDULGENT-SACRIFICE CONSPIRACY is the card for today. If you have sacrifice or indulgence you will have the other part in a vicious circle. The guilt of indulgence leads to sacrifice and the burnout of sacrifice leads to indulgence. Today we have an opportunity to become aware of this and let go of the whole vicious circle. Have an amazing day!!! HEALING THE INDULGENT-SACRIFICE CONSPIRACY 11/4/2015


突破反映了我們從一個陷阱裡走出來,從停滯之處往前行。享受你的一天和那讓你往前進的突破。願有個最美好的一天! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) BREAKING THROUGH is the card of the day. It reflects a place where we free ourselves from a trap and move on where we were becalmed. Enjoy your day and the BREAKTHROUGH that moves you forward. Have the best day!! BREAKING THROUGH 11/2/15


連結輕易地帶來愛和成功。所有任何沒有輕易的成功或愛之處,就是受了分離的干擾。終結分離就是終結問題。連結療癒了粘連和其他形式的虛假的愛如犧牲。願今天有個美好的連結! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) BONDING brings love and success with ease so anywhere there isn't ease success or love, separation has interfered with the situation. To end the separation is to end the problem. BONDING heals fusion and other forms of counterfeit love such as sacrifice. Have a fine day of joining today!! BONDING 11/1/15


 “特殊的愛”是虛假的愛。它建立了一個關係,其中有著特殊性,企圖讓我們的需要能得到滿足,並獲得需要的關注,來證明我們是多麼地特殊。特殊的愛是關係中極大的破壞者,而不是真正的愛,因為它利用了罪惡感和控制,企圖保持所需要的及關注在足夠的安全裏。今天是個好日子認識到什麼是愛,而另一方面什麼是小我迫切渴望的特殊性。放棄特殊愛的虛偽,並邀請愛與天堂的愛進來。當你呼求愛時,愛就來到,且消除假冒沒有真正親密的關聯性。特殊性都只是關乎我自己,而愛是延伸自己。願今天是有個洞察力及真正去愛的一個美好日子! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) HEALING SPECIAL 'LOVE' is the card for today. 'Special love' is faux love. It sets up a relationship in which the specialness is an attempt to get needs met and to get the attention we need to show how very special we are. Special love is the great destroyer of relationships and not really love at all as it uses guilt and control in an attempt to keep its supply of needs and attention safe. Today is a good day to recognize what is love and on the other hand what is the specialness the ego craves. Relinquish the falsity of special love and invite love and Heaven's Love in. Love always comes when you call it dispelling counterfeit relatedness that has no real intimacy. Specialness makes i...


無法修正是無意識最深的障礙之一。它是我們古老舊有的不好態度和任性,造成損耗和我們生活水準的降低。今天,這無法修正的樣子將會在自己或他人身上呈現,好讓它可以被寬恕和釋放掉。我們反應他人無法修正的程度,就是我們仍然無法修正的程度。今天可以脫離這無法修正得以自由的一天,並增益我們的生活。 ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) HEALING INCORRIGIBILITY is the card for today. Incorrigibility is one of the deepest blocks of the unconscious. It is our ancient bad attitude and willfulness that sets up loss and levels of decrease in our lives. Today this element will show itself in us or others so it can be forgiven and let go. The extent we react to someone's incorrigibility is the extent we still have it in ourselves. Today is a day to be free of this and bring increase to our lives. HEALING INCORRIGIBILITY OCT/31/2015


所有的偶像都建構在自我概念的偶像之上。偶像是不真的神,是我們將他取代了神的位置。這些偶像帶來失望,幻滅,痛苦和心碎。我們試圖在上帝賦於我們的身分外,另給自己一個身份,要做到這一點,我們必須與他人分離,並責怪他人的分離,但這人卻是我們在心靈層面上,承諾要拯救的人。我們基於不公義,建立了自我概念,但潛意識呈現,其實不公義是我們帶來的。願你放棄這個根源的陷阱,且慶祝你就是那被創造的你,享受極美好一天! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) HEALING THE IDOL OF SELF-CONCEPT is the card for today. This is the idol that all the others are built on. An idol is a false god we have put in the place of God. They lead to disappointment, disillusionment, pain and heartbreak. We tried to give ourselves an identity besides the one God gave us and to do this we had to separate and blame that separation on another who was one that at a soul level we had promised to save. We build our self-concepts on injustice but the subconscious shows that it was us who brought it about. Have a great day of relinquishing this fundamental trap and celebrate that you are as you were created!! HEALING THE IDOL OF SELF-CONCEPT Posted: 27 Oct 2015 02:22 PM PDT


人間天堂指的是瞥見來自愛和神聖的狂喜日子。今天好好享受吧。全心全意的愛,並享有最美好的一天! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) HEAVEN ON EARTH is the card for today. It speaks of a day where there is a glimpse of ecstatic joy that comes from Love and the Divine. Enjoy today. Love with all your heart and have the best day possible!!  OCT/29/2015


當我們分離,就會有需要,而需要導致於需索。需要是生命信念裡的最大陷阱之一,認為地球上的人,是要來滿足我的需要。這導致各種痛苦和心碎。當我們療癒需要,我們療癒了分裂的心靈,這底層就是我們要保持獨立,但仍然要我們的需要,能得到滿足。這會導致沮喪,失望和控制。縱使有人滿足我們的需要,這永遠仍是不足夠的,我們建立自己成為為優秀或沮喪的人。願有個很棒放下需要的一天,原諒那些從我們需索的人和那些對我們需要不回應的人。願有個美好的一天。 ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) When we have separation we have needs and needs lead to demands, a part of the biggest trap there is in life the belief that others were put on earth to take care of our needs. This leads to all sorts of pain and heartbreak.   When we HEAL DEMANDS we heal the split mind underneath where we want to remain independent but still get our needs met. This leads to frustration, disappointment and control. Even if we get someone to meet our needs it is never enough and we establish ourselves as the ascendant or despondent one. Have a great day of letting go of demands forgiving those who demand from us and those who didn't respond to our demands. Have a most fine day!! HEALING DEMANDS 2016/10/22


愚蠢本是可以避免的輕率錯誤,但現卻擊敗我們偏離了軌道。今天,我們可以認識到並修復已經偏離了軌道 ; 我們可以糾正我們和其他人過去和現今正犯的錯誤。願有個修正大小錯誤的美好一天! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) Folly is a frivolous mistake that could have been prevented but now knocks us off track. Today we can recognize and repair where we have gotten off the track; we can correct the mistake we and others made and are making. Have a great day of correcting major and minor mistakes!! HEALING FOLLY is the card of the day. 2016/10/21


談的是,有些問題答案已經給出了,但卻還沒有被收到。今天安靜地坐著。清楚地問你的問題,或只是打開心,只去接受受著有上天影響著訊息,然後開啟心靈,去領受在內已有的答案。願有個最美好的一天! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) TRUST YOUR INTUITION is the card for today. It tells of problems whose answers have already been given but have yet to be received. Sit quietly today. Ask any question you have clearly or just open your mind asking only to have Heaven's influence and let your mind be open to the answers already within. Have a most fine day!!


今天,天使們會環繞著你,帶領照顧你的每一步。今天放鬆你自己,並知道你被遠超出了你所能想像的看守照顧著。祝你有個愉快的一天! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) POTECTION is the card for today. Today the angels surround you guiding and caring for your every step. Today let yourself relax knowing that you are watched over and cared for beyond anything you could imagine. Have a joyous day!!


慈悲的故事是心持續循著靈魂腳本的一種開放經驗。慈悲的故事是大師已經達到的一個面向。他們帶著極大的理解來看這世界,以溫柔幫助周圍的人,同時祝福而不是評斷所有的人。願有個被祝福及成果的一天! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) COMPASSION STORY is the card for today. It speaks of a heart-opening experience that continues on as a soul script. A COMPASSION STORY is an aspect of someone who has attained mastery. They look out on the world with great understanding and tenderness helping those around them and blessing all rather than judging them. Have a blessed and fruitful day!! COMPASSION STORY Posted: 17 Oct 2015 11:24 AM PDT


幸福是種滿溢至幸福的一種層次的愛。幸福是我們知道正在做正確的事情。它既是目標和也是到達目標的方式。願你在愛的流動裡,享有最開心的一天,! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) HAPPINESS is the card for today. It speaks of a level of love that overflows into happiness. HAPPINESS is how we know that we are doing things right. It is both the goal and the means to the goal. Today have the HAPPIEST of days as your love flows!! HAPPINESS Posted: 16 Oct 2015 11:41 AM PDT


這意味著醫治恐懼及利用控制來補償古老的心碎。這整合了我們分裂的心靈和使我們前進到一個新水平的信心和完整性。有個最燦爛的一天! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) HEALING CONTROL is the card for today. This means healing the fear and old heartbreaks that control compensates for. This integrates our split mind and moves us forward to a new level of confidence and wholeness. Have a most brilliant day!! HEALING CONTROL Posted: 15 Oct 2015 02:03 PM PDT


潛意識揭露出,作為一個受害者是自我攻擊且意味著攻擊他人的一種形式。這是害怕走下一步的一種形式。這是種特殊性及要贏的獨立渴望。這是對我們想要做我們想要做的或不想做我們不想做的一個藉口。這是企圖還清罪惡感,卻只會造成更多的罪惡感。這是種試圖控制自己和他人。它建立小我的身分,並使用他人是 “ 壞蛋 ” ,來隱藏及逃離我們使命的行為。簡單地說,這是一個錯誤,其實是在呼求幫助。幫助你身邊陷入這種情況的人。他們需要愛和支持。放下這些受害者的腳本和模式,當你陷入了這種情況時。願有個最令人驚奇的一天! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) HEALING THE VICTIM is the card for today. The subconscious reveals that being a victim is a form of attack on ourselves and significant others. It is a form of fear about going to the next stage. It is a desire to be special and win independence. It is an excuse to do what we want or not do what we don't want to do. It is an attempt to pay off guilt that only causes more. It is an attempt to control ourselves and others. It builds our ego identity and uses others as 'bad guys’ to hide and run from our purpose. Simply put, it is a mistake and a call for help. Help those around you caught in this situation. They need love and support and let go of these scripts and patterns where you are caught in ...


肯定小我的計劃無法成功。它有時,看似暫時有效,卻比以往更糟糕。小我的計劃通常涉及怨懟及認為是他人要起負責而不是自己。而這帶來了無助,痛苦和黑暗。今天,你將會看到這些計劃,是不會成功,而是得做出新的選擇。願有個有趣的一天! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) HEALING THE EGO'S PLAN is the card for today. The ego's plan i sure not to work. Sometimes it works momentarily before it gets worse than before. The ego's plan typically involves grievances and holding other's accountable rather than oneself and this brings helplessness, suffering and darkness. Today you will be able to see such plans and how they do not work and make new choices. Have a fun day!! HEALNG THE EGO'S PLAN Posted: 14 Oct 2015 12:50 PM PDT


判斷是如此普遍,使我們認為這是正常的。小我利用它使我們分離,優越感及隱藏罪惡感。它使靈魂萎縮使我們心胸狹隘,自以為是的。奇蹟課程說評斷是為世界一切苦難的原因。今天是個好日子,療癒你的評斷,用愛心,幫助和祝福在所有評斷之處。願有個美好的一天! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) HEALING JUDGMENT is the card for today. Judgment is so common that we think it is normal. It is used by the ego to separate, feel superior and hide guilt. It is soul-shrinking making us narrow-minded and opinionated. A COURSE IN MIRACLES describes judgment as the cause of all the suffering of the world. Today is a good day to heal your judgment and have love, helping or blessing in its place. Have a great day!!   HEALING JUDGMENT Posted: 23 Aug 2015 01:01 PM PDT


我們認為有人對我們做了我們不想要的,但其實是我們所造成的。這來自於隱藏的自我有其自己的主張,且將此從我們的意識心靈中隱藏起來。很多時候,這個看似自我毀滅的部分,是一個情緒受困的受傷孩子其內在邏輯的運作。今天是歡迎自我的靈性交會且將其整合的一天,以便有整體性與和平。有個最美好的一天! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) HEALING THE HIDDEN SELF is the card for today. We think that someone does something to us against our will but it was we that set it up. This comes from the hidden self which has its own agenda that we hide from our conscious mind. Many times this seemingly self-destructive part is the work of a wounded child inside with the logic of a child emotionally arrested. Today is a day to welcome communion with that self and integrate it so that there is wholeness and peace. Have a most fine day!! HEALING THE HIDDEN SELF Posted: 29 Jul 2015 05:27 PM PDT