
目前顯示的是 2月, 2012的文章


今天Chuck博士的卡片是《療癒靈性的條件作用》。所有的靈性或其他信仰體系都是概念和自我概念,而所有這些都是從愛和合一中分離的。今日可以放下這些阻礙我們的。所有的概念和自我概念有恐懼、內疚、抗拒和失落的束縛,所以走在覺醒的道上,都必須放下這些。祝美好!(譯者: 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) THE HEALING OF SPIRITUAL CONDITIONING Posted: 26 Feb 2012 11:09 PM PST THE HEALING OF SPIRITUAL CONDITIONING is the card for today. All belief systems spiritual or otherwise are both concepts and self-concepts and all of these are separations from Love and Oneness. Today much that has held us back can be let go of. All concepts and self-concepts have fear, guilt, resistance and loss tied to them so even these must be let go of on the way to Awakening. Have a good ONE!


今天Chuck博士的卡片是《美麗人生的故事》。這是上天給我們的旨意以及我們的真實意願。今天我們可以向愛和寬恕敞開,這提供了真愛故事的恩典。有個神奇的一天!(譯者: 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) THE BEAUTIFUL LIFE STORY Posted: 25 Feb 2012 10:55 PM PST THE BEAUTIFUL LIFE STORY is the card for today. This is Heaven's Will for us and our true will. We can open to the love and forgiveness today that provides the grace of THE TRUE LOVE STORY. Have an amazing day!


今天Chuck博士的卡片是《療癒故事》。為了我們的幸福和健康,這是個強而有力的故事。有任何不愉快的事,都是我們可以拿來療癒的。這將會移除我們是受害者-報復的立場,而不斷地朝向成長和健康。放掉批判、正義和怨尤如同掩蓋我們的內疚。放掉我們的內疚如同破壞性的幻象,因它利用我們及藉由種種的我執伎倆,去壯大我執,將我們移除。祝美好!(譯者: 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) THE HEALING STORY Posted: 24 Feb 2012 10:53 PM PST THE HEALING STORY is the card for today. This is a powerful important story for our happiness and health. We simply use everything that is not happy as something to heal. This begins to move us out of the victim-revenge stance and ever forward in growth and well-being. We give up judgment, righteousness and grievances as hiding our own guilt and we give up guilt as the destructive illusion it is moving us away from such ego ploys to build itself at our expense. Have a good ONE!


今天Chuck博士的卡片是《療癒對覺醒的恐懼》。我們無意識最深處的恐懼之一,就是對合一的覺醒。當我們認同我執勝於愛時,它產生了許多的恐懼。所有的小恐懼,可以追溯到這一點。我執暗示我們會死,其實是我執會死,而留我們在喜樂中。是時候,開除我執為我們的教練,我們因而可以聽從老天這教練。祝美好!(譯者: 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) HEALING THE FEAR OF AWAKENING Posted: 24 Feb 2012 12:14 AM PST HEALING THE FEAR OF AWAKENING is the card for today. It is one of the deepest of our unconscious fears, awakening to Oneness. It sets up many fears along the way where we identify with our ego rather then with Love. All the little fears can be traced to this. The ego suggests we would die but it is our ego that would die and leave us in joy. It's time to fire our ego as our coach so we can listen to the Coach. Have a good ONE!

療癒 “我是上帝,你不是”的故事

今天Chuck博士的卡片是《療癒 “我是上帝,你不是”的故事》。這是在無意識深處的腳本,試著表明我們是比他人優越,甚至對上帝亦是如此。當然,這是深深地壓抑和隱藏在我們的意識心靈深處。今天是擺脫這一直讓我們卡住的故事的時候。祝美好!(譯者: 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) HEALING THE I"M GOD AND YOU"RE NOT STORY Posted: 23 Feb 2012 12:05 AM PST HEALING THE I'M GOD AND YOU'RE NOT STORY is the card for the day. This is a script from deep in the unconscious, which tries to establish our superiority over others and even God. Naturally this is deeply repressed and hidden from our conscious mind. Today is a day to get rid of this story that has kept us stuck. Have a good ONE!


今天Chuck博士的卡片是《整體性》。整體性帶來和平,純真與恩典連結。它讓我們處在中心裏,帶來和平,通往一切美好的事物。它可以幫助我們了解人間天堂。祝美好!(譯者: 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) WHOLENESS Posted: 21 Feb 2012 10:37 PM PST WHOLENESS is the card for today. WHOLENESS brings peace, innocence and connection with grace. It centers us and brings us peace, the gateway to all good things. It helps us know Heaven on earth. Have a good ONE!


今天Chuck博士的卡片是《療癒害怕改變》。這種特殊的恐懼會影響我們的健康,因為如果我們不成長,我們將變得極其單調乏味和死去。但恐懼改變是任何問題的共同動力之一。去除它,就將問題解決了,因為它是被用來阻止我們往前進,學到這功課會讓生命更好。今天,我們可以醫治我們在任何被阻擋的地方。祝美好!(譯者: 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) HEALING THE FEAR OF CHANGE Posted: 21 Feb 2012 04:08 AM PST HEALING THE FEAR OF CHANGE is the card for today. This particular fear can affect our health because if we are not growing we are stultifying and dying. But the fear of change is one of the common dynamics of any problem. Remove it and the problem heals as it was used just to keep us from moving forward, learning the lesson and having life be better. Today we can heal what stops us in any area. Have a good One!


今天Chuck博士的卡片是《療癒五角星5》。五角星5意味著匱乏,但最初因恐懼和不安有的匱乏,能迅速轉變到一個更好的地方。但療癒暗示著匱乏根本是無需發生或只是在有更多的豐富之前臨時發生的。歡呼吧!情況正在好轉......祝美好!(譯者: 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) HEALING THE 5 OF PENTACLES Posted: 19 Feb 2012 11:49 PM PST HEALING THE 5 OF PENTACLES is the card for today. THE 5 OF PENTACLES signifies scarcity but scarcity that after the initial fear and upset transforms quickly to a better place. But the healing suggests that the scarcity need not happen at all or only momentarily before there is greater abundance. Rejoice! Things are looking up...Have a good One!


今天Chuck博士的卡片是《療癒心碎的故事》。這種心撕裂的模式也建構了復仇的模式,這就強化了痛苦的因子。今天,這種無意識的腳本是可以療癒的,我們可以放棄這種自我破壞的模式,放下所有這些故事,並有意識地不再寫這樣的故事。有個燦爛的一天!(譯者: 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) HEALING THE HEARTBREAK STORY Saturday, February 18, 2012 HEALING THE HEARTBREAK STORY is the card for today. This heart-rending pattern also sets up a revenge pattern which doubles the pain factor. Today this unconscious script can be healed and we can relinquish this self-destuctive pattern by letting go of all these stories and having the awareness not to write anymore stories like this. Have a brilliant day!


今天Chuck博士的卡片是《療癒因追逐而阻擋了接受》。 這是個好日子來療癒當我們強烈地追求某個事物時,這阻止了我們能擁有這些。是時候放下我們一直在追逐的。放下它,而矛盾地它就會回到你身上。你的需要阻擋了你的接受。當你一定想擁有它,你就無法擁有它。當你不需要它,你就可以擁有你所想要的一切。有個美好的一天!(譯者: 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) HEALING THE SEEKING THAT BLOCKS THE RECEIVEING Saturday, February 18, 2012 HEALING THE SEEKING THAT BLOCKS THE RECEIVING This is a good day to heal how we are stopping ourselves from having something by chasing it so strongly. It is time to let go of what we have been after. Let it go and paradoxically it comes to you. Your need is blocking your receiving. When you got to have it, you can't. When you don't need it you can have all you want. Have a fine day!!


今天Chuck博士的卡片是《療癒因追逐而阻擋了接受》。這表明了我們一直太用力了,因而推開我們所想要的。現在,我們可以放下自己的需要,而允許自己去接受。祝美好!(譯者: 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) HEALING THE SEEKING THAT BLOCKS THE RECEIVING is the card for today. It shows that we have been trying too hard and pushing away what we want. Now we can let go of our need and allow ourselves to receive.Have a good one!


今天Chuck博士的卡片是《療癒錯誤的優先順序》。它療癒我們已經投入在那些幾乎很少或沒有價值的地方。我們終於弄清楚什麼是重要的,而將自己投入於此。祝美好!(譯者: 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) HEALING MISTAKEN PRIORITIES Posted: 15 Feb 2012 03:15 PM PST HEALING MISTAKEN PRIORITIES is the card for today. It heals where we have invested ourselves in what has little or no value. We finally get it straight about was is important and we give ourselves to that. Have a good one!


今天Chuck博士的卡片是《高峰體驗》。這指你生命中的重點之一,充滿愛的創造力和遠景。這有望成為美妙愉快的一天!有個最優質的一天!(譯者: 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) PEAK EXPERIENCE Posted: 14 Feb 2012 09:22 PM PST PEAK EXPERIENCE is the card for today. It speaks of one of the highlights of your life, full of love creativity and vision. This promises to be a wonderfully happy day! Have a most excellent day!


今天Chuck博士的卡片是《療癒利用性來攻擊》。任何時刻當我們開始利用性來從他人獲得利益,而不是給予他們,它就是一種形式的攻擊。情人節是個好日子,讓給予/接受取代這一切。祝美好。(譯者: 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) HEALING SEX AS AGGRESSION Posted: 14 Feb 2012 12:17 AM PST HEALING SEX AS AGGRESSION is the card for today. Anytime we set out to use sex to take from someone instead of give to them it is a form of attack. Valentine's Day is a good day to make it all about giving/receiving instead. Have a good one!.


今天Chuck博士的卡片是《療癒喪失的感覺》。今天所經驗到的不開心,都隱藏這種喪失的感覺。這是擺脫一些我們最深且最古老的失落的一天。有個幸福的重生!(譯者: 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) HEALING FEELINGS OF BEING BEREFT Posted: 12 Feb 2012 11:41 PM PST HEALING FEELINGS OF BEING BEREFT is the card for today. Whatever experience that isn't happy today hides this feeling of being bereft. This is a day to get rid of some of our deepest, oldest losses. Have a happy rebirth today!


今天Chuck博士的卡片是《療癒魔鬼(來自塔羅牌組)》。這象徵著療癒我們的我執,無知和限制的枷鎖。有個美好的一天!(譯者: 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) HEALING THE DEVIL (TAROT) Posted: 12 Feb 2012 HEALING THE DEVIL (FROM THE TAROT DECK) is the card for today. This symbolizes healing our ego, ignorance and the chains of limitations. Have a fine day!!


今天Chuck博士的卡片是《終止懷疑》。這讓我們往前進和探究什麼是真實的。這是戒絕自我懷疑,因為所有的懷疑都來自我懷疑。懷疑是進入一個全新層次的夥伴關係、成功及親密的最後重要一步。終止懷疑,迎接再次的流動。祝美好!(譯者: 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) THE SUSPENSION OF DOUBT Posted: 10 Feb 2012 11:30 PM PST THE SUSPENSION OF DOUBT is the card for today. This allows us to go forward and research what the truth is. It is a giving up of self-doubt as all doubt comes from self-doubt. Doubt is the last major step before partnership, success and intimacy at a whole new level. The SUSPENSION OF DOUBT welcomes the flow once more. Have a good one!


今天Chuck博士的卡片是《療癒粘連的陰謀》。粘連是一種犧牲和共依存的形式,混淆了我們界線。它中止了真正的個體化,因而也阻止了夥伴關係。當我們發現結合是療癒的關鍵時,我執就利用這種假冒形式的結合它來破壞我們,讓我們持續感覺毫無生氣。粘連大部分始自孩童失去連結時,且下意識地在那裡等待著,背負著我們且隱藏著恐懼和內疚,直至舊帳怨尤,使其變為主要的陷阱。有個釋放自己的美好日子!(譯者: 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) HEALING THE FUSION CONSPIRACY Posted: 10 Feb 2012 12:28 AM PST HEALING THE FUSION CONSPIRACY is the card for today. Fusion is a form of sacrifice and co-dependency that keeps us with muddled boundaries. It stops us from true individuation and thus from partnership. The ego uses it to sabotage us when we have discovered that joining is the key to healing. It then throws in this form of counterfeit joining that can keep us in feelings of deadness. Fusion begins most of the time in childhood with lost bonding and is waiting there subconsciously, burdening us and hiding fear and guilt until it becomes the main trap based on old grievances. Have a fine day of freeing yourself!


今天Chuck博士的卡片是《療癒嗜血的心靈》。這是療癒我們固執、消極、頑強不聽話、剛愎自用墮落為的只是要有不好的態度。今天是去清理我們走錯方向的好日子。這是所有長期問題的隱藏動力。有個好好清理的好日子!(譯者: 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) HEALING BLOODY-MINDEDNESS Posted: 09 Feb 2012 12:20 AM PST HEALING BLOODY-MINDEDNESS is the card for today. This is the healing of where we are stubborn, negative, recalcitrant and perverse for the sake of having a bad attitude. Today is a good day for cleaning up where we have been going in the wrong direction. This is a hidden dynamic of all chronic problems. Have a good day of clearing!


今天Chuck博士的卡片是《親密》。它表示愛勝過恐懼的正確選擇,選擇停止對我執及其分隔和自大的忠誠,並選擇結合來替代這些。有個甜蜜的一天!(譯者: 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) INTIMACY Posted: 07 Feb 2012 10:26 PM PST INTIMACY is the card for today. It betokens a right choice for love over fear and choosing to belay allegiance to the ego and it's walls and pride choosing to join instead. Have a sweet day!


今天Chuck博士的卡片是《療癒死亡的陰謀》。這表明我們有個信念認為我們是個身體,因此將會死去,但卻被卡在死亡的方向,而不知道如何擺脫這些。問問自己,有誰是我可以原諒的人,這將轉化我的死亡表達和陰謀。原諒他們。放下你是身體的信念,並開始看見自己永恆的靈性。祈求上帝來幫助這一切。有個很棒的日子!(譯者: 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) HEALING THE DEATH CONSPIRACY Posted: 07 Feb 2012 05:52 AM PST HEALING THE DEATH CONSPIRACY is the card of the day. It suggests both the belief we are a body and therefore are going to die but also being stuck in a death direction and not knowing how to extricate ourselves. Ask yourself who is the one person I could forgive that would transform my death diction and conspiracy. Forgive them. Let go of the belief you are a body and begin to see yourself as everlasting spirit. Ask Heaven's help with all of this. Have a great day!


今天Chuck博士的卡片是《療癒積極-消極的大戰》。這個大戰,是過去三個星期來一直出現的療癒系列之一。大戰乃是無意識和集體意識的分裂,導致分離,二元對立,權力鬥爭和受苦。這場戰爭乃是在積極-消極之間。在大師階段這些都被解決而成為不可抗拒的光芒。這些戰爭的整個目的乃是要阻止成為大師和整個的下一階段。今天讓我們流在道中,信任過程,並讓這些對立面能透過恩典得以解決。祝美好!(譯者: 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) HEALING THE GREAT WAR OF POSITIVE_NEGATIVE Posted: 06 Feb 2012 08:05 AM PST HEALING THE GREAT WAR OF POSITIVE-NEGATIVE is the card for today. This great war is one in a series that have been coming up for healing in the last three weeks. The Great Wars are splits in the unconscious and collective minds that lead to separation, duality, power struggle and suffering. This war is the one between Positive-Negative. In Mastery these are resolved into being and its irresistible radiance. Those whole purpose of these wars is to block mastery and the whole next stage. Let us float on the Tao today, trust the process and let these opposites be resolved today through grace. Have a good one!


今天Chuck博士的卡片是《了解的故事》。它預示在頓悟上有了突破,且為更好的,改變了一切,讓你擁有更多的和平和自由。祝美好!(譯者: 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) THE UNDERSTANDING STORY Posted: 05 Feb 2012 06:47 AM PST THE UNDERSTANDING STORY is the card for today. It betokens a breakthrough in insight that changes everything for the better giving you more peace and freedom. Have a good one!


今天Chuck博士的卡片是《給予》。給予是一種愛,當我們給予時,幫助我們打開大門去接受。給予在我們生命中產生流動,藉由移動過去的障礙物,並打開我們的心去歡迎他人和神聖性來醫治我們。給予讓我們感到高興,並強化豐富,特別是有關於我們所付出的。有個美好的一天。(譯者: 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) GIVING Posted: 04 Feb 2012 06:54 AM PST GIVING is the card for today. GIVING is an act of love that GIVES to us as we give and helps open the door to receive. Giving creates flow in our lives, heals us by moving past obstructions and opens our minds and hearts welcoming others and the Divine. GIVING makes us happy and reinforces the idea of abundance especially in regard to what we give. Have a fine day.


今天Chuck博士的卡片是《不關你的事》。它可以幫助我們分辨什麼是會打擾或阻擋我們的事。它還可以幫助我們放下承接了一些會拖延我們的不真實工作或負擔。祝美好!(譯者: 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) NOT YOUR JOB Posted: 03 Feb 2012 09:01 AM PST NOT YOUR JOB is the card for today. It helps us discern what we would take on to distract or hold ourselves back. It also helps us let go of false jobs or burdens we have taken on to delay ourselves. Have a good one!


今天Chuck博士的卡片是《療癒我們輕視神之處》。這療癒了我們一切都得靠自己做的信念,這使我們羞愧的遠離我們的使命及在平時的表現。在我們輕視神的程度上,我們也中斷了自己與他人更深層次的夥伴關係和恩典。今天是再次歡迎神聖臨在的好日子。有個美好的一天。 (譯者: 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) HEALING WHERE WE VALUE GOD SO LITTLE Posted: 01 Feb 2012 09:23 AM PST HEALING WHERE WE VALUE GOD SO little is the card for today. This heals the belief that we have to do it all ourselves, which makes us shy away from our purpose and showing up in general. To the extent we value God so little we also cut ourselves off from deeper partnership with others and grace. Today is a good day to welcome Divine Presence once more. Have a fine day!


今天Chuck博士的卡片是《療癒移轉》。它標誌著將過去帶到現在。每當有問題時,它其實是來自過去的未竟事宜。今天去認識到過去的問題且療癒它,因它呈現阻止了我們去獲得現在的喜樂。有個美好的一天!(譯者: 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) HEALING CARRYOVERS Posted: 31 Jan 2012 10:07 AM PST HEALING CARRYOVERS is the card for today. It signifies that we have carried the past over into the present. Anytime there is a problem it is actually unfinished business from the past. Today is a day to recognize that and heal past issues as they show up to stop us from getting to the joy of the present. Have a fine day!