
目前顯示的是 4月, 2018的文章


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《力量》 今天的卡片是《力量》。這反映的是,為了達陣成功、並體驗愛與喜樂,所需要的意志。我們是神聖力量的受造物,我們可以裝作沒有這份力量,但絕對不會丟失這份力量的。祝你有個幸福快樂的一天! POWER is the card for the day. It reflects all the will necessary to accomplish success and also to experience love and joy. We were created by Power Itself and we can cover it over but never lose it. Have a happy day!!!

【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《美》 今天的卡片是《美》。美會敞開心與心靈,創造順流與靈感。今天,釋放掉所有的評斷,享受你身邊的美,也享受你內在的美。祝你有個精彩美好的一天! BEAUTY is the card of the day. BEAUTY opens the heart and mind creating flow and inspiration. Today relinquish all judgment and enjoy the BEAUTY around you and in you. Have a wonderfully beautiful day!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《開放》 今天的卡片是《開放》。這說的是我們的敞開,可以領受一切要給我們的敞開。小我出於自我保護,試圖說服我們,關起門來,對我們才是最好的。我們領受的時候,隨之而來的愛,會消融層層組成小我的自我概念高牆。小我不關心我們的幸福快樂,它只在乎它能夠繼續生存。我們越能抱持著開放的心態,我們就越能看見小我沒有存在的必要。今天,讓我們大大地開放,領受天堂和生命為我們準備的一切。祝你有個極為精彩的一天! THE OPEN DOOR is the card for today. It speaks of our openness to receive all that is being given to us. The ego is out for its own self-preservation and so tries to convince us that it is in our best interest to keep the door closed. When we receive, the love that comes with it melts layers of the walls of self-concepts that make up the ego. The ego doesn't care about our happiness only its continued existence. The more we have an OPEN DOOR the more we see the ego is unnecessary. Today let us OPEN THE DOOR wide and receive what Heaven and life have for us. Have the most amazing day!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《療癒過度敏感》 今天的卡片是《療癒過度敏感》。過度敏感很容易就變成在求關注、求特殊性。然而這份敏感原有著另外的用途。這份敏感顯示了靈魂深處精美的才華禮物,可以真正幫助到世界的天賦。這份禮物會用在藝術或療癒方面,但非常能鼓舞人心。你可以將你的過度敏感交託給高層心靈,用在原本真正的用途上。祝你有個美妙又滿足的一天! HEALING OVERSENSITIVITY is the card for today. Oversensitivity can easily become a call for attention and specialness but it is really meant for something else. It shows the basis of a deep and exquisite soul gift that can really help the world. It can be in the arts or healing but it is quite uplifting. You can turn your oversensitivity over to your higher mind for what it is really meant for. Have a beautiful, fulfilling day!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《療癒拜金者(心魔)》 今天的卡片是《療癒拜金者(心魔)》。拜金者期待有人照顧他,會為了金錢、社經地位、名聲等事物而結婚。拜金者試圖從他人那裡獲取,夢想得到另一個人的照顧。這樣其實會降低一個人的自我價值感與自愛感。想要幸福快樂的話,這樣做是沒有用的。今天,我們可以療癒這份舊有的、有時還是很古老的自我信念,好讓豐盛可以自然而然地增加。祝你有個精彩的一天! HEALING THE GOLDDIGGER (SHADOW) is the card for today. THE GOLDDIGGER expects someone to take care of them and marries for money, status, fame, etc. It tries to get something from others and it dreams of being taken care of by another. This actually decreases a person's sense of self-worth and self-love. It just doesn't work for happiness. Today we can heal this old and sometimes ancient belief about ourselves so abundance can naturally increase. Have an amazing day!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《療癒對鬼附的害怕》 今天的卡片是《療癒對鬼附的害怕》。偽裝成惡魔的古老小我,用牠的負面、支配、不真的力量來嚇唬我們,但小我就是一場幻相,是我們心靈裡遠離光明的那一部分。今天,我們可以選擇轉向光明,因為只要面向光,心魔陰影便無法成形。今天,我們可以憶起那份神聖臨在,自始自終都是存在的;其他一切都只是小我的捏造而已。祝你有個美好至極的一天! HEALING THE FEAR OF DEMONIC POSSESSION is the card for today. The ancient ego in the guise of the demonic that scares us with its negativity and its domination or untrue power but the ego is an illusion, a part of our mind going away from the light. Today we can choose to turn toward the light because in facing the light the shadows are no longer visible. Today we can remember that Divine Presence is always here and the rest is an ego fabrication. Have the most beautiful day!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《療癒對競爭的補償》 今天的卡片是《療癒對競爭的補償》。我們因為自己的競爭而感覺糟糕時,會把這份感覺藏在某種防衛之下,以作出補償。這樣一來,就更難去找出、療癒這份感覺。競爭會破壞關係、破壞團隊合作,裡頭藏有對成功的恐懼。所作的補償或許是失敗、或許是不玩了,所以看起來不像是在競爭。無論如何,今天都適合來療癒競爭,以及掩飾競爭的補償。祝你有個美好的一天! HEALING THE COMPENSATION OVER COMPETITION is the card for today. When we feel bad about our competition we hide it under some defense to compensate for it. This makes it harder to find and heal. Competition can ruin relationships and teamwork and it hides fear of success. A compensation may be losing or refusing to play so as not to appear competitive. At any rate today is a good day to heal both competition and the compensations that hide it. Have a wonderful day!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《老天的孩子》 今天的卡片是《老天的孩子》。這反映的是我們從造物主那得來的原始身分。不管我們想什麼、做什麼,只要我們放下小我,我們就會有老天的力量。小我的信念系統,會障礙、限制住我們這個屬於愛、天真無罪、力量的真實身分。讓我們放下所有的小我信念系統吧。祝你有個充滿奇蹟的一天! CHILD OF GOD is the card of the day. It reflects our original identity from the Creator. It we gave up the ego we would have the strength of God in whatever we thought and did. Let us relinquish all the ego belief systems that block and constrain us for this true identity of love, innocence and power. Have a miraculous day!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《首領》 今天的卡片是《首領(原型)》。首影是決策者,為團體、部落、公司、國家來負責。首領是為大家的抱負、安康、需求來負責。今天,為了大家的良善與福祉,承擔那份天賦權柄吧。支持大家,首領就會值得大家的支持。祝你有個幸福快樂的一天! THE CHIEF (archetype) is the card for today. The CHIEF is the decision-maker who is responsible for the whole band, tribe, company or nation. They are one who is responsible for everyone's aspirations, well-being and needs. Today assume the natural authority for everyone's good and everyone's interests. By supporting everyone a CHIEF deserves everyone's support. Have a happy day!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《平靜》 今天的卡片是《平靜》。這反映的是一段深刻平安的時光。此時,我們的心靈整理出真理、正確的觀點、以及重要的事、關乎幸福快樂的事。祝你有個美妙的一天! SERENITY is the card for today. This reflects a time of deep peace when truth and right perspective can straighten out our minds as to what is important and happy. Have a wonderful day!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《療癒過度擔心》 今天的卡片是《療癒過度擔心》。擔心是小我狡猾的攻擊方式。我們以為擔心某人,是在關心他;其實,是對他沒信心。針對對方的恐懼,是一種攻擊。然而,我們可以放掉擔心,反過來,給予對方信任與祝福。祝你有個精彩美好、 蒙受啟發的一天! HEALING EXCESSIVE WORRY is the card for today. Worry is a sneaky form of ego attack. We think we care about someone if we worry about them but actually it comes from a lack of faith in them.  Our fear for them is attack but we can relinquish worry and instead trust and bless them. Have a brilliant and inspiring day!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《尊重》 今天的卡片是《尊重》。尊重就是,想要人家怎樣待你,你就怎樣待人。尊重對方的外在、內涵、身體。這是給對方身為人、身為老天之子應得的認可。今天,先尊重你自己,挽回一直以來被你「扔到公車下」、被你犧牲掉的自己。這樣做是幫助不到誰的。今天,尊重會帶來復原。祝你有個超棒的一天! RESPECT is the card of the day. It is treating people as you would wish to be treated. It is respecting their person, their mind and their body. It is giving them their due recognition as a person and a child of God. Today RESPECT yourself first and recover yourself from all the times you "threw yourself under the bus." That never saved anyone. Today RESPECT will bring recovery. Have the best day!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《自愛》 今天的卡片是《自愛》。沒有自愛,你就會留在犧牲裡,把自己當受害者來對待。沒有自愛,你就會一直嘗試獲取外界的肯定與認同。當你有了自愛時,你就可以帶著愛給出這些東西,不會透過給在要,因而被拒絕、心碎。今天,將所有內心深處對自己的愛、還有一切天堂要給你的、對自己的愛,納入懷中吧。祝你有個美妙至極的一天! SELF-LOVE is the card of the day! Without it you stay in sacrifice and serve yourself up as a victim. Without SELF-LOVE you are always trying to get approval and recognition outside yourself. When you have SELF-LOVE you give these things along with love rather than giving to get which leads to rejection and heartbreak. Today embrace all the SELF-LOVE buried inside and all the SELF-LOVE Heaven wants to give you. Have a most beautiful day!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《療癒〔用困難的方式學習〕》 今天的卡片是《療癒〔用困難的方式學習〕》。我們若用困難的方式學習,就會掉入犧牲。學習其實是可以很輕易的,在結合、寬恕、或自我寬恕的瞬間,因果業力就能改變。今天,道會幫我們釋放所有耽擱自己的地方,於是當下我們就可以幸福快樂,不用等到未來某個時間點。祝你有個快樂釋放的一天! HEALING WHERE WE ARE LEARNING THE HARD WAY is the card for today. Learning the hard way puts us in sacrifice where learning can be learned easily and karma changed in an instant of joining, forgiveness or self-forgiveness. Today the Tao will help us relinquish every place we are delaying ourselves so we can be happy now instead of in some future time. Have a happy day of release!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《療癒〔是對的但不快樂〕》 如果要是對的,那麼除了小我想要的東西,其他的可能性就都消失了。當事與小我的願違時,小我就會因為自己的奇發異想而爭鬥或受傷,並且試圖用自己的行為或情緒控制旁人。這樣就讓別人成了錯的那一位,於是我們就陷入權力鬥爭之中。恐懼阻撓了前進與幸福。今天,我們可以釋放掉恐懼的信念系統與念頭。這天,靠著天堂的幫助,可以揭開許多需要釋放的東西。祝你有個美好又自由的一天! HEALING WHERE WE ARE BEING RIGHT BUT NOT HAPPY is the card for today. Being right closes the door on any possibility other than the one the ego wants. When things don't go according to the ego's wishes the ego then fights or gets wounded according to its whims and attempts to control those around us through our behavior or emotions. This makes others wrong and we are in a power struggle as a result. Today is a day when we can relinquish belief systems and thoughts of fear that stop advancement and happiness. This day can reveal much to be released with Heaven's help. Have a great day of beauty and freedom!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《領袖力》 今天的卡片是《領袖力》。領袖是指有願景的人,魅力無法擋,卻又保有誠信正直。他為己也為人,用運自身的天賦才華與個人魅力,回應求救的呼聲。領袖對己對人都是有回應力的,會幫助人也會被幫助。今天,聽見並回應求救的呼聲吧,這樣你和對方都會被送往幸福快樂的順流裡的。祝你有個美好、深受啟發的一天! LEADERSHIP is the card for today. A leader is a person of vision who is irresistible with integrity. He or she is one who answers the call for help using their gifts and charisma for their own as well as the common good. They are responsive to themselves and others and they are helped as they help. Today hear and respond to the calls for help as you and the ones you help will are moved into a happy flow. Have a great and inspired day!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《增添》 今天的卡片是《增添》。這說的是,在各個層面上的覺知、自我價值、領受能力有向上翻轉。今天,享受這道,享受你勞力所得的獎賞。祝你有個最棒的一天! INCREASE is the card of the day. It speaks of an upturn in awareness, self-worth and ability to receive in every area. Today enjoy the Tao and the rewards of your labors. Have the best day!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《療癒靈性與物質的大戰》 今天的卡片是《療癒靈性與物質的大戰》。這場大戰分裂了心靈,造成了衝突。小我不想讓我們有所明白、成就。我們不知道,其實此處是有路可走的,我們其實可以達成更大的平安、獲得更大的指引。今天,問問自己有多少場這樣的大戰?祈求天使空中救援 將你載到彼岸。祝你這天有份深湛的平安、愛與喜樂相隨! THE GREAT WARS OF SPIRITUAL AND MATERIAL is the card for today. This Great War splits the mind in conflict so we don't realize that there is a step past it in much greater peace and guidance that the ego doesn't want us to realize and reach. Today ask how many of these Great Wars you have and ask the angels to airlift you to the other side. Have a profoundly peaceful day and the love and joy the go with it!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《有耐心的堅持》 今天的卡片是《有耐心的堅持》。耐心來自於信任,堅持來自於承諾。這兩件事湊在一起,就會帶來信心,可以療癒一切的問題。今天,擁抱那道,讓自己有成功的信心。祝你有個極為美好的一天! PATIENTLY PERSISTENT is the card for today. Patience comes from trust and persistence comes from commitment. Together they bring the faith that can heal any problem. Today embrace the tao and let yourself have the confidence to succeed. Have a most wonderful day!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《保護者》 今天的卡片是《保護者》。保護者是心靈裡的一個原型、一股正向的能量,對自己和旁人都有助益。保護者負責保護守衛,看顧旁人、幫助有需要的人,療癒缺失的部分,省下恐懼與匱乏。保護者蒙得力量的恩典,並且分享力量,幫助別人。祝你有個滿是祝福、幸福快樂的一天! THE PROTECTOR is the card for today. It is an archetype in the mind, a flow of positive energy that is helpful to us and others around us. THE PROTECTOR guards and looks after those around them helping ones in need and bringing what is missing to heal what would otherwise lead to fear and scarcity. THE PROTECTOR is graced with strength and shares that to help others. Have a happy and blessed day!!