
目前顯示的是 2013的文章


今天 Chuck 博士的卡片是《療癒自釘十字架》。我們錯誤地認為,自我釘十字架將會幫助其他人,但事實並非如此。我們相信,自我受難將還清愧疚。它卻不會。我們認為將自己釘在十字架上時 ,不會 將別人釘在十字架上,但我們卻是將別人釘在十字架上了。是時候放棄這個瘋狂的自我受難的概念。有一個人在 2000 年前被釘十字架,從此沒有任何人會需要這樣做了。當我們攻擊自己,我們就在攻擊其他的人 , 尤其是那些我們所愛的人 .... 有個美好的一天! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) HEALING SELF-CRUCIFIXION Posted: 29 Dec 2013 10:42 AM PST HEALING SELF-CRUCIFIXION is the card for today. We have the mistaken belief that this will help others but it doesn't. We believe self-crucifixion will pay off guilt. It doesn't. We think we don't crucify others when we crucify ourselves but we do. It is time to give up that crazy notion of self-crucifixion. Someone was crucified 2,000 years ago so no one would ever have to do that again. When we attack ourselves we attack everyone especially those we love…. Have a wonderful day!!


今天 Chuck 博士的卡片是《療癒心碎》。我們的心碎用報復,仇恨和自我憎恨來鞭打我們。這還可能導致破碎的夢,這會是最痛的一種心碎。然而,心碎象徵著我們有著偶像和崇拜假神,我們以為這神會拯救我們且使我們幸福。所以現在是我們在接受所發生的事情及放下我們執著的療癒過程。我們不可能有個心碎,除非它對我們是重要需要去療癒的舊有碎片或還殘留著的心碎。讓我們祈求造物主的幫助 , 且記得我們是上帝心愛的孩子 , 配得每件好事 ...... 而心碎和隨之而來的痛苦,復仇等,不是神為我們設想的旨意。有個療癒和重新再生的美好日子! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) HEALING HEARTBREAKS Posted: 28 Dec 2013 12:34 PM PST HEALING HEARTBREAKS is the card for today. Our heartbreaks tie us into revenge, hatred and self-hatred. They can also lead to shattered dreams, which is the worst pain of a heartbreak. Yet, a heartbreak signals where we had idols, false gods we worshipped that we thought would save us and make us happy. So now we are in a healing process of acceptance of what happened and letting go of our attachments. We could not have had a heartbreak unless it was important for us to heal an old fracture or heartbreak that we have been carrying. Let us ask the Creator's help and remember we are God's beloved Child who deserves every good thing


今天 Chuck 博士的卡片是《療癒毒婦人心魔》。我們這方面的扭曲帶著消極和神經症,但它很容易被療癒。問自己內在有多少這樣的毒婦心魔和自我概念。看著他們形成一個殼包圍住自己,然後簡單地將殼爆破 ...... 有個美好的一天! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) HEALING THE TOXIC WOMAN SHADOW Posted: 26 Dec 2013 01:34 PM PST HEALING THE TOXIC WOMAN SHADOW is the card for today. This aspect of us is twisted with negativity and neuroses but it is easily healed. Ask how many shadows and self-concepts you have within of the toxic woman. See them as forming a shell around you and then simply bust out of the shell…Have a good day!


今天 Chuck 博士的卡片是《療癒殘留物》。出現任何情緒或有任何問題,事實上這都是從過去殘留下來的。今天恩典和順流可以療癒所有的模式。有一個好但非關鍵的方法,就是要回到源頭去原諒當時的每個人與事,直到你在平安裏,或開始從目前往回過去看,直到你得到平安。有個很棒的一天! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) HEALING CARRYOVERS Posted: 21 Dec 2013 10:57 AM PST HEALING CARRYOVERS is the card for today. Any emotion that comes up or any problem you have is actually a carryover from the past. Today the grace and flow allows you to heal the whole pattern. A good way but not crucial is to go back to the root and forgive everyone and everything there until you are at peace or start from the present and go backwards until you are at peace. Have a great day!!


今天 Chuck 博士的卡片是《天意》。天意是指上天既供應也在保護我們。我們可以放鬆。天堂是我們的靠山。有最好的一天! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) PROVIDENCE Posted: 20 Dec 2013 10:00 AM PST PROVIDENCE is the card for today. It speaks of Heaven both providing and protecting us. We can relax. Heaven's 'got our back'. Have the best Day!


今天 Chuck 博士的卡片是《成熟》。成熟就是有回應力和情緒的完整性,對自己的經驗和情緒 , 不怪罪別人。當回應我們,他人和情況,就邀請了合作的夥伴和輕易。有個美好的一天及享受成熟的獎勵! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) MATURITY Posted: 16 Dec 2013 12:49 PM PST MATURITY is responsiveness and emotional integrity that doesn't blame others for our experience and emotions. It is responsive to us, others and the situation inviting partnership and ease. Have a fine day enjoying the rewards of maturity!


今天 Chuck 博士的卡片是《療癒仇恨的陰謀》。仇恨來自於古老的心碎和報復。有些事情,我們希望得到但我們沒有得到 , 因而就將需要轉為憎恨。特殊的愛就變成了特殊的恨。所有仇恨的底端都來自於自我憎恨和我們試圖從他人身上要些東西來彌補遮蓋自我價值的缺乏。我們破碎的夢乃是因為失去連結所產生的需要 , 這是當我們選擇了分離,獨立和要依 ' 我的方式 ' 做事時所發生。這就是潛意識呈現出我們的分離和造成的自我概念的程度就是內心所隱藏自我憎恨的程度。我們因愛及自愛而生。其他的只是我們錯誤要分離的想法以及建造自我的身份。這掩蓋了自我憎恨裏的自愛,但我們真的無法改變神所建造的愛。我們只以為我們做到了。今天為了真實的愛 , 讓我們放下仇恨,自我憎恨的惡性循環。有個美好的一天! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) HEALING THE HATRED CONSPIRACY Posted: 15 Dec 2013 11:30 AM PST HEALING THE HATRED CONSPIRACY is the card for today. Hatred comes from old heartbreaks and revenge. There was something we wanted to get that we didn't get and the need turned to hate. The special love became special hate. Bottom line all hatred comes from self-hatred and the reason we were trying to get something from another was to cover over that lack off self-value. Our shattered dreams were built on need that came from lost bonding that came about when we chose separation, independence and doing things 'my way'. This is what the


今天 Chuck 博士的卡片是《療癒欺騙》。真相抬頭以及謊言和自我欺騙消失 , 帶來健康和解決所有問題 ...... 有個美好的一天! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) HEALING DECEPTION Posted: 14 Dec 2013 10:49 AM PST HEALING DECEPTION is the card for today. Truth comes to the fore and lies and self-deception fall away bring health and problem-solving of all sorts …Have a good day!


今天 Chuck 博士的卡片是《心愛的》。它講的是對你的伴侶 , 新湧上來的愛 , 這導致新層次的親密與成功。這可能是很甜美的一天,當你在一個全新的水平上 , 看到你的夥伴及自己的價值 ...... 有個美好的一天! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) THE BELOVED Posted: 13 Dec 2013 10:52 AM PST THE BELOVED is the card for today. It speaks of a new upwelling of love for your partner with new levels of intimacy and success as a result. This could be a day of great sweetness as you see the value of your partner and yourself at a whole new level…Have a fine day!


今天 Chuck 博士的卡片是《療癒業力》。業力是藉由我們內疚和罪的觀念而行動且在運作中的舊模式。療癒可以藉由寬恕和自我寬恕而很容易地來達成。如此就不需要經由漫長艱辛的道路 , 來學會所需要學的功課 ...... 有個愉快沒有業力的一天! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) HEALING KARMA Posted: 12 Dec 2013 01:51 PM PST HEALING KARMA is the card for today. Karma are old patterns set in motion by our actions and tied to notions of guilt and sin. Healing can easily be accomplished through forgiveness and self-forgiveness so that lessons are not learned the long hard way…Have a delightful karma-free day!


今天 Chuck 博士的卡片是《療癒沮喪》。當一個人已經失去了對生命 、 工作或關係的活力和熱情時,這是時候全然地給出自己,讓已經籠罩內心的評斷過去。祈求恩典讓其輕易。歇息在神中 , 且更新 ... 祝美好! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) HEAING DISHEARTENMENT Posted: 10 Dec 2013 09:46 AM PST HEALING DISHEARTENMENT is the card for today. When one has lost energy and enthusiasm for life or work or relationships it is time to give oneself fully, past the judgments that have clouded your heart. Ask for grace to make it easy. Rest in God and be renewed…have a good one!


今天 Chuck 博士的卡片是《療癒與永恆的分離》。這所談到是再次與靈性連結和開放與上帝的管道。因此,我們認清到我們的大我和我們身為神的孩子的身份 .... 有個美好的一天! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) HEAING THE DISSOCIATION FROM ETERNITY Posted: 09 Dec 2013 06:11 PM PST HEALING THE DISSOCIATION FROM ETERNITY is the card for today. It speaks of reconnecting with spirit and opening the channel to God once more. So, that we recognize our Self and our identity as a Child of God….Have a fine day!


今天 Chuck 博士的卡片是《愉快》。生命經歷愉快也有痛苦。只有在追求愉快時,我們發現了痛苦。今天追求是沒有必要的。愉快就是簡單的來。就去享受和陶醉於愉快。它是 “ 道 ” 呈現的所有部分。持續的愉快來自愛和跟隨神為我們的旨意 ... 有個有趣的一天! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) PLEASURE Posted: 08 Dec 2013 10:42 AM PST PLEASURE is the card for today. Pleasure comes through life as well as pain. It is only in the seeking of PLEASURE that we find pain. Today seeking is not necessary. PLEASURE simply comes. Enjoy and revel in it. It is all part of the unfolding Tao. Continuous PLEASURE comes from love and following God's Will for us… Have a fun day!


今天 Chuck 博士的卡片是《療癒內疚的偶像》。這是當我們把罪惡感認為是好事 , 以為它會照顧到我們所有的匱乏和需要。但是,真實是當我們懲罰自己時 ,我們不可能往前 ,因為當有罪惡感時,就會自我毀滅。今天,我們讓所有這些假的神離去 , 然後去接受上天的恩賜。有個美好的一天! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) HEALING THE IDOL OF GUILT Posted: 07 Dec 2013 01:26 PM PST HEALING THE IDOL OF GUILT is the card for today. This is where we have made guilt into a god thinking it will take care of all of our wants and needs. But this could not be further from the truth as we punish ourselves when we have guilt and become self-destructive. Today we let all of these false gods go and receive Heaven's bounty instead. Have a fine day!


今天 Chuck 博士的卡片是《“除非給出否則沒有辦法擁有”》。它反映了給予和接受是相同的原則。有時要獲得你所需要的 , 唯一方法就是開始給出所需要的。有時看來我們需要它,但實際上這卻是埋在我們的需求 / 恐懼 / 怨尤底下我們有的禮物。當我們給出時 ,就 創造了順流,並為我們打接受之門 ... 祝美好! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) "NO WAY TO HAVE IT EXCEPT TO GIVE IT" Posted: 04 Dec 2013 07:34 PM PST " NO WAY TO HAVE IT BUT TO GIVE IT" is the card for today. It reflects the principle that giving and receiving are the same. Sometimes the only way to get what you need is to start by giving it. It seems we need it but actually we have that very gift buried under our need/fear/grievance. When we give it we create a flow and as we give we open the door to receive…Have a good one!!


今天 Chuck 博士的卡片是《重視》。重視他人讓我們有自我價值。任何我們所給出的就是給我們自己以及任何出自我們的部分都賦予了價值。因此,通過分享 , 價值就增加 ...... 有個重視自己和他人美好一天,並記住天堂全然地重視你 ... 有個美好的一天! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) VALUING Posted: 05 Dec 2013 01:08 PM PST VALUING is the card for today. VALUING others gives us self-value. Anything we give we give to ourselves and any giving on our part gives value. So value increases through sharing…Have a good day of VALUING yourself and others and remember that Heaven values you totally… Have a great day!

“你現在安全了”和 “先鋒的故事”

今天 Chuck 博士的卡片是《 “ 你現在安全了 ” 和 “ 先鋒的故事 ” 》。第一張卡談到的是要放鬆和有信心所必須的安全性,尤其是在尋找新的出路時,第二張卡反映了我們渴望發現新的且更好的方法,所以我們可以為了每個人的利益 , 繼續進階到下一個層次 .... 有個美好的一天!感恩節快樂 ... ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) "YOU"RE SAFE NOW" & THE PIONEER STORY Posted: 28 Nov 2013 02:38 PM PST "YOU'RE SAFE NOW." & THE PIONEER STORY are the cards for today. The first card speaks of the security necessary to relax and have confidence especially to find a new way and the second card reflects our desire to discover new and better ways so we keep going to the next horizon for everyone's benefit….Have a fine day! Happy Thanksgiving...


今天 Chuck 博士的卡片是《療癒集體的我執》。這包含所有尚未療癒的情緒以及在過去尚未學會的功課,也是我們身為一個整體尚未療癒的部分。要做到這一點,我們需要藉由靈性的幫助。否則,這個議題太大了。所以今天呼求你的愛,所有的愛,神聖的愛和神聖的存在來幫助。呼求得療癒以及為集體而求神蹟 , 這不會是困難的 ...... 有個超棒的一天! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) HEALING THE COLLECTIVE EGO Posted: 27 Nov 2013 11:25 AM PST HEALING THE COLLECTIVE EGO is the card for today. This contains all the unhealed emotions and unlearned lessons of the past that we as a whole have not healed. To do this we need to call in spiritual help. Otherwise the issue is too big. So this is a day to call in your love, all love, Divine Love and Divine Presence. Then there is no difficulty in asking for healing and miracles for the collective…Have a super day!!!


今天 Chuck 博士的卡片是《 療癒失去信心的故事 》。失去信心的故事乃是每個生命章節都是消極的故事,因為我們正把自己心靈的力量放在消極。療癒失去信心的故事是重新獲得希望和信任 , 且在生命中再次獲得回饋 ... 有個非常美好的一天! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) HEALING THE LOST FAITH STORY Posted: 26 Nov 2013 02:56 PM PST HEALING THE LOST FAITH STORY is the card for today. To lose faith as a story is to have chapter after chapter of negativity because that is where we are placing the power of our mind. To HEAL THE LOST FAITH STORY is to regain hope and trust in life once more with rewards to follow…Have a very fine day!


今天 Chuck 博士的卡片是《神這位朋友》。還有什麼一位親密的朋友不會為你而做的?還有什麼一位這樣的朋友可以給得更多的?今天向你這位朋友呼求所有你應得的愛,幫助,喜樂和歡笑,且這是比你能想像的還多 .... 有個非常美好的一天!你這位朋友與你同行。 ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) GOD THE FRIEND Posted: 25 Nov 2013 10:59 AM PST GOD THE FRIEND is the card for today. What wouldn't a close friend do for you? How much more a FRIEND? Today ask your Friend for all the Love, help, joy and laughter you deserve, which is more than you can ever imagine….Have a great day!! Your Friend walks beside you.


今天 Chuck 博士的卡片是《療癒蹂躪》。這是一體階段的問題,因此它是來自無意識。這是個相當大的打擊,通常涉及幻滅破碎的夢。從靈性這個層面來療癒這議題會比從心理層面是輕鬆多了。這是請求神來幫助的好時機。痛苦和神是 無法 同時被記得的,我們可以就祈求痛苦從我們的意願之手被提升至神的手上,同時呼求得到和平的回應 ...... 有個燦爛的一天! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) HEALING DEVASTATION Posted: 24 Nov 2013 03:18 PM PST HEALING DEVASTATION is the card for today. This is a Unity Stage issue so it is coming from the unconscious. It is quite a blow to us and it usually involves shattered dreams. Healing at this level is so much easier from the spiritual rather than the psychological level. This is a time to ask for Heaven's help. Pain and God cannot be remembered at the same time and we could just ask that this be lifted from our willing hands and place in God's asking for a return to peace…Have a brilliant day!!


今天 Chuck 博士的卡片是《“這世界沒有一件真實的事。”》。這是奇蹟課程的一句話,反映出幻滅和夢境觀點的世界,以及我們心智與信念系統是如何的反映。如果我們都陷在這世界,我們將有偶像的惡性循環,痛苦,怨尤和我們所建立去遮蓋一個創造我們靈性的神和為神的孩子的自我身份。我們將不會經驗到人間天堂或超越這個世界上了天堂。有個試圖什麼是真實和持久的快樂一天! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) "THERE IS NOT ONE THING IN THIS WORLD THAT IS TRUE." Posted: 22 Nov 2013 04:00 PM PST “THERE IS NOT ONE THING IN THIS WORLD THAT IS TRUE." is the card for today. It is a quote from A COURSE IN MIRACLES and reflects both evanescence and dream aspect of the world, how it reflects our mind and belief systems. If we are caught in the world we will have a vicious circle of idols, pain, grievances and an identity that we have built to cover the one God created for us as spirit and Child of God. We will not experience Heaven on earth or break beyond this world to Heaven Itself. Have a happy day of going for what is real and lasting!


今天 Chuck 博士的卡片是《療癒對死亡的強烈吸引力》。這是我執 , 對死亡所吸引的另一層面 ,作為 對重大衝突的出路或處理幻滅之夢和幻滅的方式。今天,真理和光明展現生命之道。讓我們遵循著真實的道路 ...... 有個愉快的一天! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) HEALING THE FIERCE ATTRACTION TO DEATH Posted: 20 Nov 2013 12:28 PM PST HEALING THE FIERCE ATTRACTION TO DEATH is the card for today. There is another layer of the ego's attraction to death as the way out of major conflicts or as the way to deal with shattered dreams and disillusionment. Today truth and light show the way to life. Let us follow in the true way…Have a delightful day!!!


今天 Chuck 博士的卡片是《療癒醉漢的心魔》。它反映了我們用來懲罰自己卻已經分離且壓抑的自我概念。心魔說明我們有著許多的自我仇恨。他們可能會在靈魂或祖先的無意識層次被帶進來。可能會在不同的時間點被演出或補償出來 … 問一問你有多少這些心魔以及你都利用他們來做什麼 ... 然後把這些心魔交在上天的手上或像是做了糟糕的投資般 , 簡單地把這些放下 ...... 有些人從來不喝酒的卻有這陰影 ...... 而有時,藉由你身旁環繞著這些心魔 , 你知道你也有這些 ... 祝美好! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) HEALING THE SHADOW FIGURE OF THE DRUNK Posted: 21 Nov 2013 08:13 PM PST HEALING THE SHADOW FIGURE OF THE DRUNK is the card for today. It reflects self-concepts we have split off, repressed and which we are punishing ourselves for. Shadow figures account for a lot of our self-hatred. They may be brought in at unconscious soul or ancestral levels. They may be acted out or compensated for or both at different times…Ask how many of these you have and what you are using them for…then put them in Heaven's hands or simply let them go as a bad investment…Some people who never touch a drink have this shadow…Sometimes you know you have it by having these kinds of figures around you…Have a good One!


今天 Chuck 博士的卡片是《療癒傲慢》。這是去除位於他人之上 , 嘲笑他人的我執之牆。這是自以為是,膨脹自己和幸災樂禍。通常我們用這部分來補償我們的自尊,甚至傲慢到令人厭惡。今天這躲藏的隱藏傲慢 , 顯示在權力鬥爭和輸贏的大戰。讓我們今天趁未展開的過程來釋放自己的競爭和破壞性的我執態度。願你的日子充滿了正確的心智! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) HEALING ARROGANCE Posted: 18 Nov 2013 03:27 PM PST HEALING ARROGANCE is the card for today. It is the removal of walls of the ego that places itself above and is derisive of others. It is righteous, inflated and gloating. Typically we compensate for this part of us as the pride and even hubris of it is so off-putting to others. Today the hidden caches of arrogance shows itself in power struggle and the great war of winning and losing. Let us take advantage of the unfolding process today to free ourselves of a such competitive and destructive ego attitude. May your day be filled with right-mindedness!!


今天 Chuck 博士的卡片是《療癒幻滅的夢》。破滅的夢是心碎最痛苦的情況。今天是個很好的日子去療癒它 , 且讓你整個生命往前躍進。今天整個模式會打開,你可以將愛,神聖的愛和神聖的存在帶進來 , 把整個模式的根源消融掉 , 而改變你的生命 ….. 有個最美好的一天! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) HEALING SHATTERED DREAMS Posted: 17 Nov 2013 08:53 AM PST HEALING SHATTERED DREAMS is the card for today. Shattered dreams are the worst pain in a heartbreak situation. Today is a great day for healing and having your whole life jump forward. Whole patterns open up today and you can bring love, Divine Love and Divine Presence back through the whole pattern to the root cause melting it away and changing your life…Have the best day!!


今天 Chuck 博士的卡片是《療癒前世的故事》。這些都是用故事在我們的夢中來展現我們無意識的模式。它們反映了模式和沒有學會的功課,並會以問題 , 甚至是長期的問題來呈現 ….. 無論你把這些用字義或隱喻來看,它們也沒多少效益 ,卻 值得將其改為幸福的故事。有個美好的一天! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) HEALING A PAST LIFE STORY Posted: 19 Nov 2013 08:17 PM PST HEALING A PAST LIFE STORY is the card for today. These are unconscious patterns as show themselves as stories in our dreams. They reflect patterns and unlearned lessons and can show up as problems, even chronic problems… Whether you take these to be literal or metaphoric they have no less power and deserve to be changed to happy stories. Have a fine day!!!


今天 Chuck 博士的卡片是《豐收的故事》。它談到的是我們許多年歲所播種過及照顧過的所有的愛,喜樂和豐富。今天到臨了,所以準備好自己去接納,領受和擁抱確實屬於你的這一切。有個很美好的日子! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) THE HARVEST STORY Posted: 16 Nov 2013 03:08 PM PST THE HARVEST STORY is the card for today. It tells of all the love, joy and abundance that we have already sown and tended for months and years. It is coming in today so ready yourself to accept, receive and embrace what belongs to you in truth. Have a great day!!


今天 Chuck 博士的卡片是《療癒忘記神》。這可以說是所有問題的根源。我們忘記了愛,我們是誰,我們所值得的。我們被鎖住在發病和恐懼裏,而不是合一。今天,我們記起愛且與上帝和我們身邊的人結合 , 成為回歸神的通道。有最美好的一天!! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) HEALING THE FORGETFULNESS OF GOD Posted: 15 Nov 2013 04:05 PM PST HEALING THE FORGETFULNESS OF GOD is the card for today. You could say this is the root of all problems. We forgot Love, who we are and what we deserve. We got locked in morbidity and dread instead of Oneness. Today we remember Love and joining with God and those around us as gateways back to God. Have the finest of days !!!!


今天 Chuck 博士的卡片是《療癒對死亡的強烈吸引力》。它象徵著我們正朝著死亡的方向,且有一個隱藏的信念,認為這將解決我們所有的問題。但任何遠離生命的 ,就是 遠離了光明和上帝給我們完美幸福的旨意。今天讓我們的意願參與神的意願 , 為自己完美的幸福而活。有個非常美好的日子! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) HEALING THE FIERCE ATTRACTION TO DEATH Posted: 14 Nov 2013 04:21 PM PST HEALING THE FIERCE ATTRACTION OF DEATH is the card for today. It signals where we are heading in a death direction and have a hidden belief that it will solve all of our problems. But anything that heads away from the life heads away from the light and God's Will for perfect happiness for us. Let us join our will to God's today for perfect happiness for ourselves. Have a very fine day!


今天 Chuck 博士的卡片是《願意覺醒,願意愛》。這說明了我們最深切的願望是尋找光明,愛與真理。這將帶我們走進人間天堂,更進一步到天堂 : 即是了解我們是靈性。運用我們的意願是比我們的承諾 , 有更多更多的力量。它賦予我們往前進得更多。它採用了我們的靈性力量,而不只是我們心智的意志力。有個最美好的一天! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) WILL TO WAKEN, WILL TO LOVE Posted: 12 Nov 2013 10:42 AM PST WILL TO WAKEN, WILL TO LOVE is the card for today. It tells of our deepest desire to find the light, Love and the truth. This will take us to Heaven on earth and then Heaven-- the realization of ourselves as spirit. Using our will is much, much stronger even than our commitment. It powers us forward that much more. It uses the power of our spirit not just of our mind like in willpower. Have the finest day!!


今天 Chuck 博士的卡片是《療癒過去生活的制約》。它談到是來自潛意識裡 , 正在影響著我們的靈魂模式。移除其中這些模式之一,增添了許多的愛和成功在我們的生活上 ...... 有個很棒的一天! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) HEALING PAST CONDITIONING Posted: 11 Nov 2013 08:13 AM PST HEALING PAST LIFE CONDITIONING is the card for today. It speaks of the healing of soul patterns that are influencing us from the unconscious. To remove one of these patterns adds a great deal more love and success to our lives…Have a great day!!


今天 Chuck 博士的卡片是《“感知是種選擇而不是事實。”》。這是來自奇蹟課程的一句引文。談到的是,對我們所看到的一切,我們負有最終的責任。今天讓你的認知是經由高層心靈,而不是經由你的我執 ... 有個美好的一天! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) "PERCEPTION IS A CHOICE NOT A FACT." Posted: 10 Nov 2013 07:17 AM PST "PERCEPTION IS A CHOICE NOT A FACT." IS THE CARD FOR TODAY. It is a quote from A COURSE IN MIRACLES and speaks of our ultimate responsibility in what we see. Today ask that you perceive through your higher mind rather than through your ego…Have a fine day.!!


今天 Chuck 博士的卡片是《療癒被卡住的自我》。這表示原在我們的生活受困之處,現在可以轉化了,所以我們可以前進以及進化到一個更好的地方。有個美好的一天! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) HEALING THE ARRESTED SELF Posted: 09 Nov 2013 08:02 AM PST HEALING THE ARRESTED SELF is the card for today. It signals a place we got stuck in our lives that can now be transformed so we can move on and evolve to a better place. Have a fine day!!


今天 Chuck 博士的卡片是《療癒存在的痛苦》。它反映了療癒所有存在的:來自生命和死亡的損失,悲傷,傷害和痛苦。這是一個放下對人與事執著,以便有喜樂和新的開始的重要日子。有個有力量的一天! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) HEALING EXISTENTIAL PAIN Posted: 08 Nov 2013 11:42 AM PST HEALING EXISTENTIAL PAIN is the card of the day. It reflects the healing of all the existentials: the loss, sorrow, hurt and pain that comes with life and death. This is a major day of giving up attachments to people and things so that there is joy and new beginnings instead. Have a powerful day!!


今天 Chuck 博士的卡片是《友誼》。它代表了遠方及近方的最好朋友。朋友可以帶來愛,樂趣,歡笑和力量。友誼是選擇的家人 , 能鼓勵和更新,創造順流和喜樂。今天就陶醉在友誼中享受美好的時光吧! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) FRIENDSHIP Posted: 07 Nov 2013 10:17 AM PST FRIENDSHIP is the card for today. It represents the best of friends far and near. It is the love, fun, laughter and strength that a friend can bring. It is kinship of choice that heartens and refreshes creating flow and joy. Have a great time today reveling in FRIENDSHIP!!


今天 Chuck 博士的卡片是《療癒魔鬼(塔羅牌)》。它代表著無知和我們被奴役之處,所以療癒這會創造出自由和覺知。無論你被卡住的是隱藏著或不太明顯,在今天都可被消溶掉,如果你願意順著流去開展的話 ... 有個美好的一天! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) HEALING THE DEVIL(TAROT) Posted: 04 Nov 2013 12:30 PM PST HEALING THE DEVIL (TAROT) is the card for the today. It represents ignorance and a place we are enslaved so healing it creates freedom and awareness. Whatever had you stuck whether hidden or not so hidden can be dissolved today if you are willing and go with the flow of the unfolding…Have a beautiful day!


今天 Chuck 博士的卡片是《療癒正負的大戰》。超越這場戰爭會是對超越二元性邁出一大步,而要做到這 , 必須要有更高層次的意識。這使我們超越了願景階段到大師階段,大師階段乃是你靠著恩典而不是靠努力而生活。你可以呼求空運穿過這些大戰,因為大戰唯一的目的就是為了阻礙前進。當你藉由恩典而超越這障礙時 , 這些特定的大爭就消溶了。然後,你就可以認出所有一切都為了你的最佳利益,而不是為了正向或負向。它是所有關乎療癒和整體性和一切,如果正確使用會為給我們帶來更大的喜樂而服務 ... 祝美好! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) HEALING THE GREAT WAR OF POSITIVE-NEGATIVE Posted: 02 Nov 2013 11:48 AM PDT HEALING THE GREAT WAR OF POSITIVE-NEGATIVE is the card for today. To get beyond this war is a giant step in getting beyond duality and to do this it is necessary to go to a higher level of consciousness. This moves us beyond the Vision stage to Mastery where you live your life by grace rather than effort. You can ask to be airlifted over these great wars because their only purpose is to be an obstacle to going forward. When you are moved beyond it with grace the obstacle, in their case these particular great wars, dissolve. Then you can recognize everything as in your best interest rather than as positive or negative. It is all ab


今天 Chuck 博士的卡片是《療癒間諜心魔》。間諜的心魔是一個隱藏看似支持某人去抓到自己的“罪証”,去發現他們的不真實的或沒跟隨著共同的路線。所有的心魔,含著自我仇恨。他們通常是從被壓抑的自我概念中所分離出來,且許多的時候是對同一事物的自我概念群集。這些自我概念也包含著較輕微層度的分離和自我仇恨。一個心魔可能會是阻止你整個生命的錨。讓所有間諜離去,讓真理盛行 ... 有個燦爛的一天! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) HEALING THE SPY SHADOW FIGURE Posted: 06 Nov 2013 10:01 AM PST HEALING THE SPY SHADOW FIGURE is the card for today. The spy shadow is the one that hides seemingly supporting someone to “get the goods on them", to find where they are untrue or not carrying the party line. All shadows contain self-hatred. They are split off and typically repressed parts that many times are in constellation with self-concepts of the same thing. These self-concepts also contain separation and self-hatred but at a much lighter level. One shadow can be the anchor that stops your whole life. Let all the spies go and let truth prevail…Have a brilliant day!


今天 Chuck 博士的卡片是《奧秘》。此卡談到了我們與神及神聖的愛的連結 , 不只是一種想法,而是一種經驗。一旦這情況發生 ,在缺乏重要性之處, 世界的無價值瑣事會掉落 , 而真正看重的會是那具有價值的。今天對超出我們一般範圍的幸福的愛與歡樂,敞開地去體驗 ...... 有個最美好的一天! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) THE MYSTIC Posted: 05 Nov 2013 02:36 PM PST THE MYSTIC is the card for today. This card speaks of our connection with God and Divine Love not just as an idea but as an experience. Once this occurs the trinkets of the world fall away in their lack of importance and what really has value is what is valued. Be open today for the experience of Love and joy that go beyond our normal range of happiness….Have the finest day!


今天 Chuck 博士的卡片是《天國》。這談到的是當 “ 道 ” 的最高水平,流經你的生活中。今天讓恩典,神的愛,奇蹟和神聖的臨在環繞 、 充滿於你且為你祝福。當你接受時你也可以給,當你有這些經驗時 , 那麼你就學會你的生命功課,也體驗到合一。今天你可以接受的更多 ,那 你的生活就會像是在人間天堂 ... 有個美好的一天 ...... 其他的只是你害怕擁有一切而已! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN Posted: 03 Nov 2013 02:40 PM PST THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN is the card for today. It speaks of the highest level of the Tao as it flows through your life. Allow the grace, Divine Love, miracles and Divine Presence to surround, fill and bless you today. As you receive so shall you give and when you have then will the lesson of your life be learned and you experience Oneness. The more today you can receive the more your life can be a Heaven on earth…Have a fine day…Anything else is your fear of having it all!!


今天 Chuck 博士的卡片是《接受》。是時候了,今天去歡迎接受上天想要給身為神的孩子的你 , 所有的和平,歡樂和豐富。今天記得敞開。擁有一切 , 這也是屬於你所繼承的一部分 ... 祝美好! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) RECEIVING Posted: 01 Nov 2013 03:49 PM PDT RECEIVING is the card form today. it is time to welcome all the peace, joy and abundance that Heaven wants for you today as a Child of God. Be open today. Having it all is part of your inheritance…Have a good One!


今天 Chuck 博士的卡片是《療癒自我厭惡》。當我們無法站在自己的立場時,這時候是自我寬恕和要求神聖的愛及臨在帶來自愛 ...... 有個燦爛的一天。 ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) THE HEALING OF SELF-LOATHING Posted: 18 Oct 2013 12:14 PM PDT THE HEALING OF SELF-LOATHING is the card for today. When we get to a point of not being able to stand ourselves, it is time for self-forgiveness and asking for Divine Love and Presence which bring self-love...Have a brilliant day today.


今天 Chuck 博士的卡片是《療癒靈魂偷竊者心魔》。這是指一個人運用無意識,魔法力量且藉由如偷取他人的靈魂般 , 將對方能量的釋放關住 , 轉來做為他們黑暗魔法端的使用。這是一種罕見的心魔,但是人的內在仇恨,可導致這致命的自我攻擊。現在正是時候來寬恕這些有關我們自己的信念和融掉這些心魔,添加其能量至我們的完整性 ... 祝美好! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) HEALING THE SOUL STEALER SHADOW Posted: 17 Oct 2013 09:35 PM PDT HEALING THE SOUL STEALER SHADOW is the card for today. This is a person who through the use of unconscious, magical power is able to leach off energy and even stop someone's evolutionary progress by seemingly stealing their very souls to use the energy for their own dark magical ends. It is a rare shadow but one whose hatred within us can lead to virulent self-attack. It is time to forgive these beliefs about our- selves and melt down the shadows to add their energy to our wholeness... have a good one!!


今天 Chuck 博士的卡片是《療癒關係的陰謀》。這療癒了我們運用權力鬥爭,競爭,和爭奪控制、需求和特殊性,分散了我們與擁抱自己使命和帶來幸福的更高層次平等。今天是個真實而不是幻相的好日子 ...... 祝美好! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) HEALING THE RELATIONSHIP CONSPIRACY Posted: 16 Oct 2013 09:24 AM PDT HEALING THE RELATIONSHIP CONSPIRACY is the card for today. It is the healing of our using power struggle, competition, vying for control, needs and specialness to distract us from embracing our purpose and higher levels of equality that lead to happiness. Today is a good day to have truth rather than illusion....Have a good day!


今天 Chuck 博士的卡片是《療癒幻滅》。它談到放下幻滅和我們駐留的幻相。療癒幻滅讓我們將心找回來,讓我們穿越過去任何的抑鬱 , 然後回歸生命 … 有個有力療癒的一天! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) HEALING DISILLUSIONMENT Posted: 13 Oct 2013 03:14 PM PDT HEALING DISILLUSIONMENT is the card for today. It speaks of letting go of both the disillusionment and the illusion we were banking on. Healing disillusionment gives us our heart back and allows us to move past any depression and back toward life...Have a powerful healing day!


今天 Chuck 博士的卡片是《療癒不安全》。藉由愛和舒適的聯繫以及因寬恕而有了結合 , 這終止了分離。它終結了隱藏的抗拒和那只是短暫滿足你需要 , 隨後卻讓你感到空虛的外在事物。 所以當我們感受到不安全時 , 給出就療癒了不安全感,就如同接受上天的愛和禮物是一樣的 …. 有個美好救援的一天! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) HEALING INSECURITY Posted: 12 Oct 2013 01:55 PM PDT HEALING INSECURITY is the card for today. It ends the separation by the love and comfort of bonding and the joining that occurs through forgiveness. It ends hidden resistance and the need for things outside you which satisfy you only momentarily and leaves you empty afterwards. Giving during our insecurity heals it and so does receiving Heaven's Love and gifts...have a fine day of succor!


今天 Chuck 博士的卡片是《擁抱陽剛面》。積極的與金錢,成功和主動性的阻力即將結束。你將會有更完整的結果,可以讓真實的陰柔面進來 ( 譯者註解 : “ 陰柔面 ” 表 “ 接受度 ”) 而有更棒的夥伴關係 ...... 有個美好的一天! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) EMBRACING THE MASCULINE Posted: 11 Oct 2013 04:43 PM PDT EMBRACING THE MASCULINE is the card for today. The resistance to the masculine with its money, success and initiative is ending. You will be more whole as a result and be able to invite the true feminine for much greater partnership...Have a fine day!!!


今天 Chuck 博士的卡片是《療癒叛徒的心魔》。這是最原始的心魔。隨著我們的“墬落”開始,我執開始批判自己,包括我們的叛逆。我們有個反映了我們叛逆的整體世界。今天是可以 為 和平,健康和愛 , 來療癒並贏回在我們心智的這塊心魔部分的一天。原諒所有你叛徒的心魔和自己,並求他們被重新整合至你身上 ... 有個美好的一天! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) HEALING THE REBEL SHADOW Posted: 10 Oct 2013 05:05 PM PDT HEALING THE REBEL SHADOW is the card for today. This is the most primordial shadow. With the beginning of "The Fall" and thus the ego we began judging ourselves including our rebellion. We have a whole world that reflects our rebellion. Today is a day in which we can heal and win back this part of our mind for peace, health and love. Forgive all your rebel shadows and yourself and ask that they be integrated back into you...Have a great day!


今天 Chuck 博士的卡片是《療癒恐怖分子的心魔》。這是個隱藏的心靈,破壞你和你正在做的事,這顯然發生在我身上,當我試著在寫這張卡時 , 卻被酒店網路系統鎖住了。問一下自己你有多少個恐怖分子的心魔。原諒自己和你的信念系統,並交他們全都交託在老天的手上 …. 祝美好! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) HEALING THE TERRORIST SHADOW Posted: 10 Oct 2013 12:29 AM PDT HEALING THE TERRORIST SHADOW is the card for today. It is a hidden part of the mind that sabotages you and what you are doing, which obviously happened to me as I tried to write about this card and got locked out of the hotel internet. Ask how many you have. Forgive yourself and your belief system and put them all in Heaven's Hands...Have a good one!


今天 Chuck 博士的卡片是《療癒專橫暴政》。留意今天在那些地方你專橫殘暴。所有你看到的專橫都是你靈魂層面的專橫。接受它,寬恕它且讓它融化全回到純然的能量 ... 有個美好的一天! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) HEALING TYRANNY Posted: 07 Oct 2013 10:01 PM PDT HEALING TYRANNY is the card for the day. Be aware of where you have placed yourself in tyranny's way today. All the tyranny you see is your tyranny at a soul level. Accept it, forgive it and melt it all back in as pure energy...Have a fine day!!


今天 Chuck 博士的卡片是《極妙的智慧》。這是穿越自我和帶領朝向使我們幸福的智慧。其他的其實是短暫的。極妙的智慧透過愛來構建幸福。有個美好的一天! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) CRAZY WISDOM Posted: 07 Oct 2013 02:41 AM PDT CRAZY WISDOM is the card for today. this the wisdom that goes past the ego and its goals and leads to what really makes us happy. The rest is ephemeral. CRAZY WISDOM builds happiness through love. Have a fine day!


今天 Chuck 博士的卡片是《療癒隱藏的叛逆》。這意味著,今天任何負面的就是我們還唱著隱藏在潛意識或無意識的叛逆。療癒這防衛時,我們可以選擇,仍維持叛逆或選擇恩典和奇蹟來取代它。有個美好的一天! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) HEALING WHAT HIDES A REBELLION Posted: 06 Oct 2013 02:42 AM PDT HEALING WHAT HIDES A REBELLION is the card for today. This means that anything negative today is what we are sing to hide subconscious or unconscious rebellion. In healing the defense we can choose if we want to keep the rebellion or have grace and miracles instead. Have a wonderful day!!


今天 Chuck 博士的卡片是《自我揭露》。無論發生什麼事情 , 都可以呈現你自己的一些正面和負面的模式, ...... 你想幹什麼呢? ...... 做個幸福的選擇吧 ... 祝美好! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) SELF-REVEALING Posted: 05 Oct 2013 11:34 AM PDT SELF-REVEALING is the card for today. Whatever happens can show you some patterns in yourself both positive and negative...What do you want?...Make happy choices...Have a good one!


今天 Chuck 博士的卡片是《療癒以某種方式死亡的恐懼》。我們許多的恐懼將彼此送入歇斯底里的我執瘋狂,而且沒有意識到我們正在攻擊自己 , 就是每一個想法設計著我們的生活和我們的世界。恐懼意味著我們正在嘗試靠自己做所有的一切,我們已經忘記 “ 誰 ” 與我們同行。 “沒有什麼是要擔心的。”是來奇蹟課程的話語。每當我們如此說時,神就進入到我們分裂的心智,我們就在那裡完整了。當這話說得足夠時,你就來到和平 ...... 有個和平的一天! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) HEALING THE FEAR OF DYING IN A CERTAIN WAY Posted: 04 Oct 2013 01:28 AM PDT HEALING THE FEAR OF DYING IN A CERTAIN WAY is the card for today. Our fears feed into each other in a hysterical ego frenzy and we don't realize that we are attacking ourselves as every thought programs our life and our world. Fear means we are trying to do it all ourselves and we have forgotten Who walks with us. "There is nothing to fear." is a quote from A COURSE IN MIRACLES. It speaks of how whenever we say this statement God enters a part of our mind that was split and we are whole in that place. Say it enough times and you come to peace...Have a peaceful day!!


今天 Chuck 博士的卡片是《“所有的投資只有在你重視時才會保留著”》。當你珍惜東西時,它就保存著,如果你不再珍惜 , 它就會離開。如果你不珍惜自己,你就不會珍惜他人或事物 .... 祝美好! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) INVESTMENTS Posted: 03 Oct 2013 12:39 AM PDT "INVESTMENTS LAST ONLY AS LONG AS YOU VALUE THEM" is the card for today. You keep something only as long as you value it and if you stop, it goes away. And if you don't value yourself you can't value others or things ....Have a good day!


今天 Chuck 博士的卡片是《療癒對冥界的開放》。冥界是古老的我執,有時被描述為魔鬼,惡魔等。我們會因處在無意識裡或因情緒或肉體的放縱而對冥界開放。也會因心智的許多裂痕,將自己對冥界打開。你可以問自己有多少和受怎樣的影響。然後祈求神或你高處的朋友之一,用光明來修復這些裂痕和塗抹平這整個區塊 … 有個美好的療癒一天! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) CLOSING THE OPENING TO THE ASTRAL Posted: 01 Oct 2013 02:28 AM PDT CLOSING THE OPENING TO THE ASTRAL is the card for today. The astral is the ancient ego sometimes depicted as devil, demons, etc. We can get openings to the astral through being unconscious or being indulgent emotionally or physically. We can have many rifts in our mind that open us to the astral. You can ask how many and what effect it has had on you. Then ask God or one of your Friends in High Places to repair these rifts and plaster the whole area over with light...Have a fine healing day!!


今天 Chuck 博士的卡片是《奧秘》。它指著想從無益的期望及怨尤所凝化的幻相界中逃離的人。這人是願意把時間花在愛的世界且明白上帝以及祂的愛。有個最美麗的一天 ​​ ! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) THE MYSTIC Posted: 29 Sep 2013 10:15 PM PDT THE MYSTIC is the card for today. It signifies someone who wants to escape the world of illusions made by idle wishes and cemented in by grievances. It is someone who wants to spend their time in the world of love knowing God and His Love. Have a most beautiful day!


今天 Chuck 博士的卡片是《療癒嫉妒的陰謀》。這意味著療癒孩童時的需要和缺乏連結。這療癒了佔有和不安全感,讓人體驗到他們在關係中的依賴。今天恩典將療癒這個大陷阱,並恢復了連結,使相愛輕易。有個美好的一天! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) HEALING THE JEALOUSY CONSPIRACY Posted: 28 Sep 2013 11:02 PM PDT HEALING THE JEALOUSY CONSPIRACY is the card for today. It means the healing of childhood needs and lack of bonding. This heals the possessiveness and insecurity that makes one experience their dependency in relationship. Today grace is offered to heal this big trap and restore bonding that makes love easy. Have a fine day! 


今天 Chuck 博士的卡片是《“這事對我沒有任何助益。”》,這也是奇蹟課程的一句話。這是療癒創傷,創傷後壓力和問題的極好箴言 , 是句很有力量的文字。你只需宣告這話語後,觀看你的感覺和對事件的看法是否有任何改變。如果它是進入無意識的話,感覺可能會變得更糟,但這是好的。在宣告幾次後,通常它會開始轉好,實際上,你可以繼續說,直到你達到光明與喜樂 ...... 如果宣告六次 , 仍未改變,就表示你已經投注在問題上 ... 有個美好的一天! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai)"THERE IS NO GAIN... Posted: 27 Sep 2013 11:27 PM PDT "THERE IS NO GAIN AT ALL TO ME IN THIS." is the card for today and a quote from A COURSE IN MIRACLES. These are words of power that is an excellent mantra in healing trauma, post-traumatic stress and problems. You simply declare the words and see if there is any change in your feelings and perceptions of the event. It may get worse if it dips into the unconscious but that is good. In a few declarations it typically starts getting better and you can actually keep saying it until you reach a place of light and joy...If it hasn't changed after about six statements you have an investment in the problem...Have a great day!


今天 Chuck 博士的卡片是《療癒犧牲》。要走出犧牲這種角色 ,就是形式的 去做卻沒給出自己,你得放掉死寂,倦怠和攻擊。當療癒了犧牲,你同時也療癒了受害者和分離的獨立。透過分離來獨立乃是我執的自我建構計劃,它隱藏在犧牲底下。犧牲試圖現在失去而在將來獲勝。它不會讓你所有的辛勤工作有所獲得,因為它其實是隱藏內咎的防衛。今天脫掉犧牲的自己。犧牲這不是上天為你的計劃 ... 有個最釋放的一天! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) HEALING SACRIFICE Posted: 27 Sep 2013 12:02 AM PDT HEALING SACRIFICE is the card for today. In getting over this role which is a form of doing but not giving yourself, you give up deadness, burnout and attack. By HEALING SACRIFICE you also heal victim and dissociated independence. Independence through separation is the ego's plan to build itself and it hides under sacrifice. Sacrifice seeks to lose now and win later. It doesn’t let you receive for all the hard work because it is really a defense to hide guilt. Today divest yourself of sacrifice. It is not Heaven's Plan for you...have a most freeing day!


今天 Chuck 博士的卡片是《療癒無意識動機,導致沒有任何可以滿足我的故事》。無意識的動機通常像是這樣:上帝做錯了,所以現在我可以是上帝 ; 或我怕上帝和祂的愛,因為這會把我拉離這個世界 ; 我沒有完成履行我所有的夢想。今天,這一切變得清楚,如果我們決心要找到使我們不快樂的阻礙 ...... 有個燦爛的一天! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) HEALING THE UNCONSCIOUS MOTIVATION THAT LEADS TO THE NOTHING PLEASES ME STORY Posted: 25 Sep 2013 01:25 AM PDT HEALING UNCONSCIOUS MOTIVATION THAT LEADS TO THE NOTHING PLEASES ME STORY are the cards for today. The unconscious motivation is usually something like : God did it wrong so now I can be God or I am afraid of God and His Love because it would pull me out of this world and I haven't done what I want to fulfill all my dreams. Today it becomes clear if we are so resolved to find the block that keeps us unhappy...Have a brilliant day!!


今天 Chuck 博士的卡片是《療癒道德優越》。道德優越是種競爭和評斷。它認為自己比他人更好。我執總是力求比他人更好,如果不能,它就比他人更糟。今天讓平等的祝福到來 , 帶來夥伴關係和順流。祝美好! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) HEALING MORAL ASCENDANCY Posted: 23 Sep 2013 09:54 AM PDT HEALING MORAL ASCENDANCY is the card for today. Moral ascendancy is competitive and judgmental. It sees itself as better than others. The ego always seeks to be better than others and if it cannot it seeks to be worse. Today is a day where the blessings of equality can come about bringing partnership and flow. Have a good one!


今天 Chuck 博士的卡片是《允許》。允許是一個領袖的素質,讓自己及他人自由 , 使有阻塞處產生順流。這是真的 ...... 你是被允許的 ... 大膽一試吧 ... 有個最美好的一天! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) PERMISSION Posted: 26 Sep 2013 01:48 AM PDT PERMISSION is the card for today. It is a leadership quality that frees ourselves and others creating flow where there was stoppage. It is true ...you are PERMITTED... go for it...Have the Best Day!


今天 Chuck 博士的卡片是《療癒黑暗與光明的大戰》。大戰乃是無意識的碎片,是我執使我們繼續保持感知二元性。大戰的目的是阻止我們往前進。今天請求老天空運你通過這象徵著黑暗與光明大戰的爭戰,因為一旦你通過這戰爭,它就會消失。就是去為你現在正進行中的許多層次的大戰 , 呼求神的幫助 。 這會帶回新的完整性,願景,創意和使命 … 祝美好! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) HEALING THE GREAT WARS OF DARK AND LIGHT Posted: 21 Sep 2013 10:48 PM PDT HEALING THE GREAT WARS OF DARK AND LIGHT is the card for today. The great wars are fractures in the unconscious that the ego uses to keep duality in perception going. The purpose of the great wars is to stop us from going forward. Today ask Heaven to airlift you over the battle symbolizing the great war of dark and light because once you are past it, it will disappear. Just ask for it on as many levels as you have this war going. This brings back new wholeness, vision ,creativity and purpose...Have a good one!


今天 Chuck 博士的卡片是《療癒壞主意》。當這張卡出現要被看見 ,是要 問在何處或它是什麼,無論它是從當下或來自過去,所以,當你看到它,你可以分辨它,且放下它 , 就如同它是個壞主意,不值得投資。祝美好! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) HEALING THE BAD IDEA Posted: 20 Sep 2013 10:14 PM PDT HEALING THE BAD IDEA is the card for today. When this card comes up ask to be shown where or what it is either from the present or from the past so that when you see it you can recognize it and let it go as a bad idea and not worth investing in. Have a good one!


今天 Chuck 博士的卡片是《成就》。今天將你的眼光朝向大目標 , 道正在支持你 , 讓這一切都能完成。今天你也可以因你的成就被表彰和獎勵 , 有個非常棒的一天! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) ACCOMPLISHMENTS Posted: 19 Sep 2013 11:48 PM PDT ACCOMPLISHMENTS is the card for today. Set your sights on going for big goals today as the Tao is supporting you in getting it all done. You may also be recognized and rewarded today for your ACCOMPLISHMENTS...Have a great day!


今天 Chuck 博士的卡片是《療癒害怕下一步》。 害怕下一步帶來爭鬥,疾病和災難性的問題,如果我們害怕下一步。我們恐怕無法勝任的處理下一步,但無法勝任是靈性生活的一個先決條件。我們得無法勝任去呼求上天的愛和力量來療癒這欠缺。然而我執不會嘗試做一個不想要成功的任務,因為我執將隨之融化而打開了這道牆。當擔心下一步被療癒了,我們就邁向下一步或下一章節 ... 有個美好的一天! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) HEALING THE FEAR OF THE NEXT STEP Posted: 10 Sep 2013 03:31 PM PDT HEALING THE FEAR OF THE NEXT STEP is the card for today. The fear of the next step brings fights, illnesses and catastrophic problems if we are afraid of the next step. We are afraid we are inadequate to handle the next step but inadequacy is a prerequisite for the spiritual life. We need to be inadequate to ask for Heaven's Love and strength to heal it. Then our ego doesn't try to do a task it doesn't really want to succeed in because part of it would melt as the walls opened. When fear of the next step is healed we move onto the next step or the next chapter...have a fine day!


今天 Chuck 博士的卡片是《療癒壞蛋的故事》。它描述著,我們一次又一次不斷地在當個受害者或者為了不想成為受害者,而一直當個加害者。在較簡單層次來看,我們要不是原本就是受害的依賴者;就是個獨立者,因為我們不想成為受害者反而成為無心的加害者。今天放下所有這些受害者加害者的故事,讓神成為我們所相信力量 ( 此文來自奇蹟課程 ) ,放掉所有這些負面的故事 ...... 有個很美好的一天! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) HEALING THE VILLAIN STORY Posted: 18 Sep 2013 11:42 PM PDT HEALING THE VILLAIN STORY is the card for today. It depicts a place where over and over again we have been a victim or have been a victimizer to keep from being a victim. At a lighter level we are either dependent and become a victim because of the way we are or we stay independent so as not to be a victim becoming an inadvertent victimizer. Today is a day to let all that go and let God be the strength in which we trust(ACIM) giving up all such negative stories... Have a great day!


今天 Chuck 博士的卡片是《“免於各式痛苦的唯一方式 , 就是改變自己的心智。”》。這是奇蹟課程提到幫助,甚至拯救世界的一段話 。 放棄自我攻擊,而且知道自己是神的孩子是無辜的 , 就是放掉所有攻擊的想法,這樣行就使世界免於任何的痛苦。有個最有力量的一天! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) "TO LOSE THE WORLD..." Posted: 12 Sep 2013 05:53 AM PDT "TO LOSE THE WORLD FROM EVERY KIND OF PAIN IS BUT TO CHANGE YOUR MIND ABOUT YOURSELF." is the card for today. This quote from A COURSE IN MIRACLES shows the way to help and even save the world. To give up self-attack and to know ourselves as the innocent child of God is to give up all attack thoughts and in so doing free the world from every kind of pain. Have a most powerful day!!


今天 Chuck 博士的卡片是《療癒分離焦慮》。當我們與一分離時 , 這焦慮就一直與我們在一起。它沒有真正發生 ; 只是我們相信它是真的 。 分離和焦慮這不是真的,除非我們希望它是真的。今天將會是結合的一大步 , 如果那是你所希望的 …. 祝美好 ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) HEALING SEPARATION ANXIETY Posted: 13 Sep 2013 04:31 AM PDT HEALING SEPARATION ANXIETY is the card for today. This is the anxiety that has been with us since we started separating from Oneness. It didn't really take place; we only believed it did so the separation and anxiety is not really real except as we want it to be. Today is a big step in joining if you wish it...have a good one!


今天 Chuck 博士的卡片是《療癒正負的大戰》。大戰乃是潛意識一些主要的分裂 ,創造出 對立和衝突,製造了分離和二元性。我執利用這些,讓我們忽視他們。今天問你有多少這些特殊的大戰,請你的天使將你空運通過這些大戰,好讓你可以享受一個新的和平與整體性 .... 有個美好而快樂的一天! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) HEALING THE GREAT WAR OF POSITIVE-NEGATIVE Posted: 15 Sep 2013 11:32 PM PDT HEALING THE GREAT WAR OF POSITIVE-NEGATIVE is the card for today. The Great wars are some of the main splits in the unconscious mind that set up opposites and conflict creating separation and duality. The ego has made these to keep us from going past them. Today ask how many of these particular Great Wars you have and ask your angel to airlift you over them so you can enjoy a new place of peace and wholeness....Have a fine and happy day!


今天 Chuck 博士的卡片是《療癒好鬥》。好鬥是我們想要爭戰的慾望。這是我們的自卑感。它是想主導及要贏的慾望。好鬥企圖遷怒他人。療癒這元素讓我們回到謙卑,渴望學習和靈性或真正讓我們快樂之事。讓我們把目光往內看到問題真正所在之處以及打開覺知的新大門。有個美好的一天! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) HEALING PUGNACITY Posted: 14 Sep 2013 10:49 PM PDT HEALING PUGNACITY is the card for today. Pugnacity is our desire to fight. It is the "chip on our shoulder." it is the desire to dominate and win. It seeks to displace our anger on another. Healing this element returns us to humility, the desire to learn and spirituality or what really makes us happy. We turn our gaze inward to where the problem really is and new doors of awareness open. Have a fine day!