
目前顯示的是 9月, 2017的文章


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《療癒疏離》 今天的卡片是《療癒疏離》。這反映了我們有所評斷,從生活中退了一步。今天,要藉著寬恕與結合,重新連結,好感覺到我們是連繫在一起的,有輕易與順流。如果沒有連結,那原本可以有平安的地方就會只剩下悲慘。祝你有個得力的一天,有愛有恩典! 從我的iphone送出 HEALING ALIENATION is the card for today. It reflects something that we have judged and stepped back from life. Today is a day to reconnect by forgiveness and joining so that we feel bonded and and there is ease and flow. If not there is only misery where we here could be peace. Have a powerful day of love and grace!! Sent from my iPhone


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《救贖惡魔》 今天的卡片是《救贖惡魔》。這反映的是歷史上的新時刻,惡魔、魔鬼、黑暗眾神可以得救贖的時刻。這些層面是古老小我的層面。當前,尤其是今天,我們可以利用天堂的協助,將這些古老的自我送回光中。讓這天成為恩典與奇蹟的一天吧! DEMON SAVING is the card for today. It reflects a new time in history in which demons, devils and dark gods can be redeemed. These are aspects of the ancient ego. Now and especially today we can avail ourselves of Heaven's help and these ancient selves can be returned to the light. Let this be a day of grace and miracles!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《淘氣》 今天的卡片是《淘氣》。這代表著好玩、淘氣的樂趣。這帶來的是歡笑、活力恢復、順流。這會用幽默擴展心靈的界線,並除去已成了妨礙的自我概念。祝你有個有歡笑、有樂趣的一天! NAUGHTINESS is the card for today. It means a day of play and rascally fun. This brings laughter, refreshment and flow. It expands the boundaries of the mind with humor and removes the self-concepts that make impediments....Have a day of laughter and fun!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《感知是一面鏡子》 今天的卡片是《感知是一面鏡子》。這句話引用自奇蹟課程,是責任性的核心本質。這句話,跟我們在做夢時一樣,有同樣的運作根據,是種願望的滿足,反映出我們內在的自我概念。也因此,我們了解了,自己只是在寬恕自己、自己的錯誤願望,於是也就比較容易去寬恕。「住在鏡子屋的人,不該丟石頭。」這是我幾年前編出來的一句老話。今天,要負起責任,將你的鏡子擦乾淨。祝你有個美妙好玩的一天! "PERCEPTION IS A MIRROR" is the card for today. It is a quote from A COURSE IN MIRACLES and it is the heart of accountability. It works on the same basis our dreams work as a form of wish fulfillment that reflects the self-concepts we have inside. This also is what makes forgiveness easier when we realize that we are just forgiving ourselves and our mistaken wishes. "People who live in a house of mirrors should not throw stones." This is an ancient saying I made up a few years ago. Today is a day to take responsibility and to clean your mirror. Have a fun and wonderful day!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《療癒制約》 今天的卡片是《療癒制約》。小我鍾愛制約,因為制約會消除選項,讓我們一成不變,我們會有自動化的行為,而不是深思熟慮下的行動。今天,要得到自由,選擇我們真心渴望之物。祝你這天有場美好的超越! THE HEALING OF CONDITIONING is the card for today. The ego loves conditioning as it eliminates options and puts us in a rut where we behave automatically rather than with forethought. Today is a good day to be free and choose what it is we really want. Have a beautiful day of transcendence!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《熟練》 今天的卡片是《熟練》。熟練代表開始了我們簡單、平安、力量的大師心靈。熟練會帶來所有平安裡頭要送給我們的豐盛、喜悅、健康、愛。精通會讓我們在非常真實、極為日常的層面上,向恩典、指引敞開。熟練的老手會回到自身的存在,明白自己不是一具身體。你內在的老手會嶄露出來的,過個平安與愛的一天吧! ADEPT is the card for today. It signals an opening of our mastery mind of simplicity, peace and power. It brings all the abundance, joy, health and love that peace has for us. Mastery opens us to grace and guidance on a very real and everyday level. The ADEPT comes back to his being and realizes that he is not a body. Have day of peace and love as the ADEPT in you surfaces!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《薩滿故事》 今天的卡片是《薩滿故事》。薩滿故事反映的是正在進行中的挑戰,而心靈力量、恩典,可以拯救到這一天。薩滿故事在呼喚我們,要給出一切來成功,或是退居其二,信任天堂的力量會展開道路,並提供得勝所需的能量。祝你有個偉大、有力量的一天!因為這不會只是一次性事件,而是如故事進行般,一章又接著一章! THE SHAMANIC STORY is the card for today. It reflects challenges afoot in which mind power or grace can save the day. THE SHAMANIC STORY calls for us to give it all to succeed or secondarily to trust in Heaven's power to show the way and provide the energy needed to triumph. Have a great and powerful day because this is not just a one time event but chapter after chapter as it is an ongoing story!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《熱切》 今天的卡片是《熱切》。熱切結合了忠誠、真理、誠意、真實、全心全意的承諾。這是奉獻的層次,使愛與服務成為可能,帶來可靠與高尚。祝你有最棒的一天! ARDENT is the card for today. It is a combination of loyalty, truth, sincerity. authenticity and wholehearted commitment. It is an aspect of devotion that allows love and service bringing in dependability and nobility. Have the best day!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《療癒歇斯底里》 今天的卡片是《療癒歇斯底里》。歇斯底里,是為了得到關注與特殊性,過度戲劇化地呈現你現有的感受。歇斯底里來自一個負面的自我概念。這個自我概念並沒有照你所渴望的方式來行動,所以這個自我概念給了你另外的好處。如果你的行為沒有歇斯底里,而你卻有個這樣的夥伴,代表你有一個歇斯底里的心魔人物,你壓抑了這個自我概念,並且做出補償。今天,要放下在這個信念與行為當中的憤怒、成癮、負面性。這些事通常藏在「透過給在要」的底下,並且會在你感到被拒絕、沒有得到回應時浮現出來。這些事掩蓋了你的天賦力量與權能。祝你有個美好平安的一天! HEALING HYSTERIA is the card for today. Hysteria is an over-dramatization of what you are feeling in order to get attention and specialness. It comes from a negative self-concept in which you have the other pay because they didn't act the way you wanted. If you have a partner like this rather than are like this in your behavior it means you have it as a shadow figure and have repressed and compensated for this self-concept. Today is a day to give up the anger, addiction and negativity involved in such beliefs and behavior. It usually hides under giving to take and comes out as feeling rejected rather than responsive. It hides your natural power and authority...Have a beautiful, peaceful day!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《理解的故事》 今天的卡片是《理解的故事》。這代表今天會有新的理解,並且從這一次建立起方針,以取得更多更廣的理解為優先。我們用誤會來分離,當個受害者來受苦,好可以偷偷地取得獨立;理解則會將我們連結在一起。你的生活中若能有理解,像不斷展開的劇本,那麼你就會覺得你的心靈與關係越來越成為一體。祝你有個很棒的一天,有著美好的新起點! THE UNDERSTANDING STORY is the card of the day. It means that new understandings can come to light today that sets a precedence for more and greater understandings from this time forward. Understandings bond us where we used misunderstandings to separate us and suffer as a victim so we could secretly gain independence. with understanding as an ongoing script in your life your mind and relationships will seem to unify more and more. Have a great day and a wonderful new beginning!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《療癒阻礙使命的冥界攻擊》 今天的卡片是《療癒阻礙使命的冥界攻擊》。冥界是古老的小我,是我們在「人類墮落」後評斷、分裂出來的。冥界是惡魔、魔鬼、黑暗眾神聚集之處。用天堂的幫助,這一部分的心靈就可以很輕易地轉化或移除。這部分的心靈是最叛逆的心靈,背離了光;今天,這事是可以翻轉回來的。祝你有個最得力、最得勝的一天! HEALING THE ASTRAL ATTACK TO STOP YOUR PURPOSE is the card for today. The astral is the ancient ego that we judged and split away after "the Fall." It is demons and devils and dark gods. This part of the mind is easily transformed or removed with Heaven's help. Today ask for the healing that redeems in which the darkness is taken back to the light. This the part of our mind which is most rebellious that turned away from the light and today that can be reversed. Have a most powerful and triumphant day!!
【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《振動》 今天的卡片是《振動》。這是生命的活力朝氣與電力般的熱情。祝你有個得力又有樂趣的一天! VIBRANCY is the card for today. It is aliveness and electric passion for life. Have a powerful and fun day!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《超越》 今天的卡片是《超越》,意思是無論我們現在的層次是什麼,都到全新的層次上去。超越,特別是反映在超越日常實相的靈性實相,有著更多的光與愛。祝你有個最美好、最有力量的一天! TRANSCENDENCE is the card for today. It is a going beyond whatever level we are on for a whole new one. It especially reflects going to a spiritual reality above our everyday one where there is more light and love. Have a most beautiful and powerful day!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《療癒內外在的大戰》 今天的卡片是《療癒內外在的大戰》。截然相反是屬於小我的東西。截然相反製造了兩極化,甚至是到了心靈發起大戰的地步。這件事涉及到了無意識層次,製造出與我們使命相反的對立,看似阻礙了我們的天命。今天,問問自己內外在有多少這樣的大戰?看見一層又一層的大戰堆在你的面前,然後靠著天堂的幫助,直直地走進中心。兩邊會為了你的緣故而分別退開。當你走到底時,再往前走一點,兩邊就會整合、消失,為你的天命留下新的層次。某層防衛無法再繼續阻礙你時,那層防衛就會逐漸消失。祝你有個美好、多產的一天! HEALING THE GREAT WAR OF IN AND OUT is the card for today. Opposites are of the ego. They set up polarities even to the point of great wars in the mind. They are so involving at an unconscious layer they set up opposition to our purpose and seem to block our destiny. Today ask how many of these great wars you have of in and out and see them pancaked in front of you one on top of the other. Then with Heaven's help simply walk down the center. The sides will split apart for you and as you reach the end walk further they will integrate and disappear leaving you with a new level of your destiny. When a defense can no longer stop you it fades away. Have a great and productive day!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《正向解離》 今天的卡片是《正向解離》。這反映的是,我們切斷一個擺明不真實的關係、狀況、情緒,這樣我們就無須面對幻相、面對攪擾我們平安的事。今天,祝你有個美好的一天,轉身離開不真的事,享受這股釋放! POSITIVE DISSOCIATION is the card for today. It reflects a place where we cut off an association, a situation or an emotion that is blatantly untrue so we don't have deal with illusions or what would disturb our peace. Today have a good day of walking away from what is not true and enjoying the release!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《療癒幸災樂禍》 今天的卡片是《療癒幸災樂禍》,SCHADENFREUDE這個字是德文,但美語隨即就借用了這個字。這個字的意思是,因別人的不幸而開心。今天,我們可以療癒這樣有惡意的議題,不讓那樣的經驗回到我們身上。願你有個平等互惠的一天! HEALING SCHADENFREUDE is a German word that is the card for today. It is quickly gaining American usage and it means the glee that comes of another's misfortune. Today we can heal such malicious issues and not have such experiences be returned to us. May you have a day of mutuality and equality!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《延伸的需要》 今天的卡片是《延伸的需要》。如果你不延伸自己,你就會開始縮小,於是就會讓自己往死亡的方向走。延伸自己,是給出一種愛的支援,這樣給你的生命帶來光明與喜悅。今天,將自己延伸至身邊的人,過個快樂的一天吧! THE NEED FOR EXTENSION is the card of the day. If you don't extend ourselves you begin to contract which heads us in a death direction. Extending yourself is reaching out a form of love and this brings light and joy to your life. Today have a happy day of extending yourself to those around you!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《戀人》 今天的卡片是《戀人》。這是塔羅牌裡的一張王牌。這張牌刻畫的是愛與溫柔、親密、結合的一天,帶來的是幸福快樂與美好。祝你有個精彩的一天,充滿喜悅與順流! THE LOVERS is the card of the day. It is one of the Tarot cards major arcana. It depicts a day of love and tenderness, intimacy and joining. It brings happiness and beauty. Have a wonderful day of joy and flow!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《有益》 今天的卡片是《有益》。無論我們在努力的是什麼,有益反映的是某個時刻,那時刻既對我們有所助益,又對我們有份祝福。今天,是成長與向上的一天。祝你有個快樂的一天! SALUTARY is the card for today.  SALUTARY reflects a time that is both helpful and a blessing to whatever our endeavors are. Today is a day of growth and movement upward. Have a happy day!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《療癒荒蕪》 今天的卡片是《療癒荒蕪》。這反映的是療癒導致長期問題的深層無意識。這裡頭有怨懟,對於伴侶、父母、老天沒有拯救我們的抱怨。而底下是對老天的指控,是沒有說出來的主張:「老天應該由我來當」。否認與補償,把這個層次的事防衛得很好。然而,除非我們明白自己這部分的荒唐、沒有當責,否則沒有事情能夠得到療癒、化解。今天,恩典跟我們在一起,讓我們能放下折磨我們的無意識重大陷阱。祝你有個出色的一天,充滿自由! THE HEALING OF DESOLATION is the card for today. It reflects the healing of a deep layer of the unconscious that leads to chronic problems. It contains a grievance that our partner, our parents and God didn't save us. And beneath this accusation on God is the unstated claim that we should be God. This level is well defended with denial and compensation but until we realize the folly and lack of accountability on our part nothing will be healed or resolved. Today the grace is with us to let go of a major unconscious trap that has plagued us. Have an stupendous day of freedom!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《療癒消極》 今天的卡片是《療癒消極》。當我們感覺消沉時,一切都會變得更困難、更灰暗。今天,我們在靈性上會有所提振,你的心會有場新的開始。祝福自己、祝福世界、祝福你身邊的人吧。祝你有個美好的一天! HEALING DISPIRITEDNESS is the card for today. When we are feeling down everything is harder and everything is greyer. Today there is an uplift in spirits and a new opening for the heart. Bless yourself, the world and those around you. Have a great and beautiful day!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《療癒支配的偶像》 今天的卡片是《療癒支配的偶像》。這反映的是從恐懼裡釋放,有意願成功、平等、親密。我們不需要高高在上,也不需要低聲下氣,而是要肩著並肩。祝你這天有個美好的順流! HEALING THE IDOL OF DOMINATION is the card of the day. This reflects a release from fear and a willingness for success, equality and intimacy. We no longer need to be on top or underneath but side by side. Have a beautiful day of flow!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《天命》 今天的卡片是《天命》。天命反映的是我們來到世上要成為什麼樣的人。這是我們心靈中大師級的層面。天命是指,我們在日常的人性面上,我們要成為什麼樣的人。然後,我們漸漸成了天堂與人間之間的橋樑。最後,在最高層面,我們知道自己受造為靈魂,安全無虞、自由自在、沒有限制……祝你有個最棒的一天! DESTINY is the card for today. This reflects who we came to be. It is a mastery level aspect of our mind. It is who we came to be on a everyday human level. Then we graduate to being a bridge between Heaven and earth and finally at the highest level we know ourselves as we were created as spirit, safe and free and limitless...Have the best day!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《療癒自戀》 今天的卡片是《療癒自戀》。自戀是小我的層次,我們會受困於身體外表,讓一切都繞著我們轉。這樣會忽略到許多連結、結合、喜悅的機會。今天,我們可以找出自己這些隱性層面(或著也沒那麼隱性),並且放掉,進而擁有順流與領受的能力。祝你過個美好與驚奇的一天! HEALING NARCISSISM is the card for today. Narcissism is the aspect of the ego in which we are caught up in our physical appearance and we make everything revolve around us. This ignores the many chances for connection, joining and joy. Today we can find and let go of these hidden or not so hidden aspects of ourselves and have flow and the ability to receive instead. Have a day of wonder and beauty!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《療癒仇恨》 今天的卡片是《療癒仇恨》。仇恨來自於夢碎,來自「身旁某個人、某件事衝著我們而來」的信念。恨,代表我們向外尋求幸福快樂;然而潛意識顯示的是,除了我們自己外,沒有人在剝奪我們的幸福快樂。我們會這樣做,通常是要保持獨立、照自己的方式行事,不過也是在控訴各自的重要他人,包括老天。仇恨會與自我憎恨產生惡性循環,所以我們最好寬恕自己和那些當事人,好學會課題,讓生活前進。恨會製造出自我毀滅的生活模式,因此最好放下恨,換個比較好的方式。祝你有個精彩出色的一天! HEALING HATE is the card of the day. Hate comes from shattered dreams and the belief that someone or something besides ourselves has done something against us. Hatred means we are looking outside ourselves for our happiness but the subconscious shows that no one deprives us but ourselves. It is mostly to have independence and do things our way but also to indict different significant people around us including God. There is a vicious circle of hatred and self-hatred so it behooves us to forgive ourselves those involved,to learn the lesson and to move forward in our life.  Hatred makes a self-destructive pattern in our lives so it is best to let go and have a better way. Have a most remarkable day!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《神是真的》 今天的卡片是《神是真的》。多數人的生活都伴隨著健忘老天症。這樣等於是給小我一張署名空白紙的全權委託書,任小我宰割、讓我們背離愛與喜悅的神聖本源。今天,要憶起神是真的,我們是全然地被愛著的。祝你在老天的懷抱裡過個美好的一天! GOD IS REAL is the card of the day. Most people live in forgetfulness of God. This then gives the ego a carte blanche to run things and turn us away from the Source of Love and Joy. Today is a day of remembrance that GOD IS REAL and we are loved totally. Have a beautiful day in God's Arms!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《療癒氣餒》 今天的卡片是《療癒氣餒》。失去心就是失去生活的力量,變得消沉。今天,道可以幫助我們讓心痊癒。尤其是在我們和他人結合時更是如此。我們會再次受啟發,感受到生命之火,再次去愛。祝你有個美好、有力量的一天! HEALING DISHEARTENMENT is the card of the day. To lose heart is to lose life force to become dispirited. Today the Tao can help us recover our heart especially as we join with others. We can be re-inspired and feel the fire of life and love once more. Have a great and powerful day!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《誠實》 今天的卡片是《誠實》。這不只是致力於說出真相,也是致力於讓我們的潛意識心靈浮現在表意識。潛意識是我們懷有敵意、惡意、攻擊念頭、性幻想、自我攻擊、暗中破壞的地方。無論何時,只要我們在受苦,我們就是在潛意識裡選擇了獨立作為主要的報酬;這就是我們的「秘密故事」。我們利用痛苦事件,以蒙受不平感,來打造小我;然而,誠實來講,我們才是待之以不平的人。是我們沒有去幫助自己承諾過要幫助的人,反倒利用了對方的痛苦與錯誤行為,作為我們分裂與打造小我的藉口。今天,讓我們擁抱誠實吧!誠實會讓我們自由的! HONESTY is the card for today. It not only is the commitment to tell the truth it is the commitment to make our subconscious mind conscious. This is where we have spite, malice, attack thoughts, sexual fantasy as well as self-attack and sabotage. This is where we chose independence as the main payoff whenever we suffered. it was the "secret story" as we used painful events to build our ego on a sense of injustice though in all honest we were the ones who were unjust. It was we who didn't help the one we had promised to help but used their pain and misguided behavior as the excuse to separate and build our ego. Today let us embrace HONESTY as it ill set us free!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《「我是上主的神聖之子,我仍是上主所創造的我。」》 今天的卡片是《「我是上主的神聖之子,我仍是上主所創造的我。」》,這句話也是引自奇蹟課程。這是我們原始的身分,唯一真實的身分。小我用分裂製造出自我概念,屏障了我們對自己的認識。我們忘了自己是沒有限制的靈魂。因此,我們不只是懷著巨大的痛苦來打造小我,還將這痛苦怪罪到別人身上,沒有認出是自己渴望獨立。小我受制於世界,試圖在世界中滿足需要;然而,我們想要的一切早在創造之初就給了我們,至今仍存於我們的內心裡。我願你這天有著深刻的平安,明白自己真正的本質 ── 上主的神聖之子! "I AM GOD'S HOLY CHILD. I AM AS HE CREATED ME." is the card for today and a quote from A COURSE IN MIRACLES. This is our primordial identity, the only true one. The ego covered over our knowledge of ourselves as spirit with zero limits by making self-concepts through separation. So, we not only have tremendous amounts of pain to make our ego we blamed the pain on others rather than recognize our desire to be independent. This is our ego anchored in the world trying to get needs met while all the while everything we could ever want was given us at creation and is still within us. I wish you a day of deep peace and the realization of who you really are-- GOD'S HOLY CHILD!!"


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《佛陀》 今天的卡片是《佛陀》。佛陀從人生大夢裡醒了過來,明白生活是一場夢,而他是夢出這場夢的人。從那時起,有好多人都覺醒了,不再困在夢裡,而是自由了。今天,靠著佛陀的幫助,讓自己覺醒到你準備好的地步吧。這天,祝你既美妙又有啟發! BUDDHA is the card for the day. BUDDHA woke from the dream of life and realized that life was a dream and that he was the dreamer. Since then numerous people have awakened and not been caught in the dream but been free. Today with the Buddha's help let your self awaken to whatever level you are ready for. Have a beautiful, enlightened day!!