
今天Chuck博士的卡片是《療癒個人神話》。個人神話是隱藏創傷的補償。我們不再認為我們可以勝任,但卻認為超人或蜘蛛人行。個人神話通常內在有個呼求被擊敗的壞蛋。這是從我們早年生活傳下來的情境在最深的層面也反映出我們的心魔或掩埋的自我概念。對於個人神話,你可以問自己,如果你是一個傳奇,童話故事或歷史人物你會想要成為什麼人物?相信那跳出來的是誰然後問它始於何時是為了想掩蓋什麼痛苦以及發生時與誰在一起。看看你一直怎麼和這個神話生活著......有多少神話你喜歡它。祈求上天,整合舊的創傷和所有的個人神話,現在讓所做的一切不再是個補償,而是可以領受及給出......有個很美好的一天!(譯者: 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai)
Posted: 06 Jul 2014 10:56 PM PDT

HEALING OUR PERSONAL MYTH is the card of the day. A personal myth is a compensation that is meant to cover a trauma. We no longer think we can do the job but superman or spiderman can. Personal myths usually have a villain in them who we are called to defeat. This is a carryover from our early life situations and at the deepest level it reflects our shadows and buried self-concepts. For a personal myth you could ask yourself who you would be if you were a legendary, fairy tale or historical person and trust what pops into your mind. Then ask what year it began and what pain it was meant to cover up and who it occurred with. See how you have been living this myth in your life...How many myths do you have like it. Ask Heaven to integrate the old trauma and all the personal myths and now it is no longer a compensation but you can receive as well as give for what you do...Have a day of greatness!!!



