
當失敗與罪惡感融在一起時,會導致自我攻擊和自我懲罰。它在任何隱藏著復仇和古老的心碎,還有我們仍未克服失敗之處。今天是清理失敗和所有與之相連的古老黑暗模式。如果我們可以承擔責任,把失敗看作我們的失誤,馬上就可以把它交給上天來清除掉。有一個美妙的一天!(譯者: 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai)

HEALING FAILURE is the card for today. Failure and guilt are fused together and they cause self-attack and self-punishment. In whatever area it is in it hides revenge and old heartbreaks and defeats we haven't gotten over. Today is a day to clean out failure and all of the old dark patterns connected with it. If we can take responsibility of the failure as our mistake, we can immediately turn it over to Heaven to undo. Have a fabulous day!!



