
 負責任就是為我們的生命負起完全的責任。明白所有的一切,都是我們的選擇。我們原本可以用每件不幸事故來前進,卻因為害怕我們的天賦才華和發光閃亮,而以這些不幸來隱藏自己和責怪他人。選擇當受害者來隱藏罪惡感而不往前進,並在能助人之處卻評斷和責怪他人。負責任讓原諒變得容易,因為我們意識到錯誤的選擇導致人生的不幸,而非轉化。願有個充滿力量及賦權的一天!(譯者: 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai)

ACCOUNTABILITY is the card for today. This card represents taking full responsibility for our lives. It is the realization that we chose it all. We could have used every mishap to step up but in being afraid of our gifts and to shine we used these events to hide and blame. We chose to be a victim and to hide our guilt for not stepping up using it to judge and blame others where we could have helped them. ACCOUNTABILITY makes it easy to forgive because we realize it was our misguided choices that led to mishaps in our lives rather than transformation. Have a powerful and empowering day!!

ACCOUNTABILITY Posted: 24 Jan 2016 11:12 AM PST



