
目前顯示的是 10月, 2016的文章


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《療癒膽小鬼心魔》 今天的卡片是《療癒膽小鬼心魔》。平常我們會壓抑膽小鬼心魔,做出補償;直到一個月一次的「越獄」,我們就會變得很膽小。今天,問問自己有多少個膽小鬼心魔,請求天使將這些幻相送進光中。祝你有個最棒的一天! HEALING THE SHADOW OF THE COWARD is the card of the day. This shadow is repressed and compensated for until there is a jailbreak about once a month and then we act cowardly. Today ask how many shadows of the coward you have and ask the angels to carry these illusions to the light. Have the best of all possible days!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《聖杯》 今天的卡片是《聖杯》。聖杯是耶穌在最後的晚餐所使用的酒杯,象徵不可能達成之事終究達成了,像是一場不可能完成的夢想。相傳亞瑟王最純潔的圓桌武士加拉哈德, 在國家危難時找到了聖杯。今天,每一個人都可以得到聖杯。不可能的事,在今天都可能達成,讓我們請求天堂的幫助,大膽爭取吧。祝你有個最精彩的一天! THE GRAIL is the card for today. THE GRAIL is Jesus's chalice at the last supper. It is a symbol of the unattainable that somehow can be attained. It is like the impossible dream. Legend has it that Sir Galahad, purest of all the knights of Arthur's round table, found it when the country was in need. Today THE GRAIL is available to us. Let us ask Heaven's help and go for what is unattainable that is attainable today. Have the most amazing day!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《療癒心碎故事》 今天的卡片是《療癒心碎故事》。心碎故事是我們寫的劇本,我們試圖要得到一些東西。我聽人說,他想要的是浪漫、控制、復仇、同情、或是愛。然而,這樣顯然是來自小我的策略,完全是不利於得到這些東西的。問問自己,有多少心碎故事,將心碎故事都交給天堂,用愛來取代。愛才能實現你在尋找的一切。祝你有個美麗的一天! HEALING THE HEARTBREAK STORY is the card for today. The heartbreak story is a script we write to try and get something. I have heard people say they wanted romance or control or revenge or sympathy or love. But this strategy, obviously from the ego, worked entirely against them. Ask how many Heartbreak Stories you have and turn them over to Heaven to be replaced by love which would fulfill all that you are looking for. Have a beautiful day!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《意願》 今天的卡片是《意願》。所有問題的根源裡都有恐懼,而意願可以穿透恐懼。因此,今天就盡你所能的領受意願、給出意願,祝你有個最棒的一天! WILLINGNESS is the card for today. WILLINGNESS cuts through fear, one of the roots of all problems. So, today receive and give as much WILLINGNESS as you can and have the best day!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《療癒悲傷》 今天的卡片是《療癒悲傷》。我們的悲傷來自於失落;我們有好好哀悼的話,新的開始就會出現。緊抓不放的話,就等於是為了嘗試滿足過去某種需要,擱置了我們的人生。這不會有用的,因為過去的已經過去了。我們只有在哀悼、放下後,新的開始才會發生,我們也才會經驗到重生。祝你有個最美麗的一天! HEALING GRIEF is the card of the day. Our grief comes from loss and as we grieve a new beginning emerges. To hold on is to put our life on hold trying to get some need from the past fulfilled. This never works because the past is gone. Only as we grieve and let go can a new beginning occur and we experience a renaissance. Have a most beautiful day!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《療癒憂懼》 今天的卡片是《療癒憂懼》。憂懼是一種隱伏的恐懼,能造成嚴重的破壞,會讓你從人生退縮。今天可以放下任何像憂懼一樣、深埋在心靈裡的情緒,也放下表面上讓你在人生中退卻的情緒。請求奇蹟,代替你所有的評斷與怨懟,化解驅迫憂懼的東西,好釋放憂懼。祝你有個了不起的一天! HEALING DREAD is the card for today. Dread is a form of insidious fear that can wreak havoc and shrink you from life. Today is a great day to let go of any emotions like this buried in the deeper mind or ones on the surface that have you pulling back from life. Ask for miracles to replace all your judgments and grievances and what drives the dread is dissolved and the dread is released. Have a stupendous day!!

【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《光》 今天的卡片是《光》。光是現實表面背後的東西。光是狂喜,是純粹的愛。光是我們全部人再次進行進化的地方……祝你有個最容「光」煥發的一天! THE LIGHT is the card of the day. It is what is behind phenomenal reality. It is both ecstatic and pure love. It is where we are all evolving to once more...Have the most de-LIGHTFUL day!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《療癒認知扭曲「看自己是匱乏的」》 今天的卡片是《療癒認知扭曲「看自己是匱乏的」》。所有的分裂都會讓我們認知扭曲,看自己是匱乏的。我們的分裂雖然是為了打造出小我,變得獨立,卻會讓自己變得匱乏。這樣會扭曲到自己的形象,對我們的信心、自愛、天真無罪造成負面影響。老天可是把我們看成是祂的愛子。今天,我們可以放下自我形象的扭曲,欣然接受老天的看法。祝你有個美好的一天! HEALING THE DISTORTED PERCEPTION OF SEEING YOURSELF AS LACKING is the card for today. All separation gives us the distorted perception of seeing ourselves as lacking. When we separate we become needy though we separated to build our ego and become independent. This is a distorted image of ourselves and it affects our confidence, self-love and innocence in a negative way. Today we can let go of the distorted self-image and welcome how God sees us as his beloved Child. Have a fine day!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《高層心靈》 今天的卡片是《高層心靈》。這部分的心靈和「道」、和聖靈有聯繫。高層心靈有著我們在找的全部答案,我們只需願意為了真理放掉小我層面即可。高層心靈會帶來我們需要的恩典、指引、奇蹟。和你的高層心靈有更多的聯繫,過個最美妙的一天吧! HIGHER MIND is the card for today. This is the part of the mind that is connected with the Tao and the Holy Spirit. It has all the answers we are looking for if we are willing to give up aspects of the ego for the truth. It brings the grace, guidance and miracles we need. Have the most wonderful day as you connect even more with your HIGHER MIND!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《療癒對死亡的恐懼》 今天的卡片是《療癒對死亡的恐懼》。原則上,我們碰到的每道問題都有反映出對死亡的恐懼。我們有多害怕死亡,我們就有多害怕生活。對死亡的恐懼尤其會產生害怕各種改變、害怕性等問題。今天,讓我們釋放掉這項嚴重的恐懼,領受恩典,洗去恐懼。祝你有個美麗又有力量的一天! HEALING THE FEAR OF DEATH is the card for today. The fear of death affects basically every problem we have. The percentage we are afraid of death is the percentage we are afraid of life. It especially makes us afraid of change of any kind, afraid of sex, etc. Today let us release this grave fear and receive the grace that washes it away. Have a beautiful and powerful day!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《療癒對性的恐懼》 今天的卡片是《療癒對性的恐懼》。對性的恐懼就是對生活的恐懼。我們害怕給出、害怕領受。我們害怕敞開、害怕歡迎。我們害怕如果我們給出了,就輸了。這是小我給我們的說法。性是很自然的功能,如果有真正的連結,就可以帶來轉化。因此,小我才會設下各式各樣的陷阱,像是罪惡感、羞愧感、心碎,來掩飾我們對性、對生活的恐懼。享受這份療癒,還有療癒後的結果吧。祝你有個最樂於接受、最美妙的一天! HEALING THE FEAR OF SEX is the card for today!! The fear of sex is a fear of life. We are afraid to give and receive. We are afraid to be open and welcome. We are afraid that if we give we lose which is what the ego tells us. Sex is a natural function that has the ability to bring transformation if real contact is made. So, the ego sets up all kinds of traps around such as guilt, shame and heartbreak to hide our fear of sex and life. Today the unfolding Tao is bringing the grace to make healing easy. Enjoy the healing and the results. Have the most welcoming and wonderful day!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《療癒正向與負向的大戰》 今天的卡片是《療癒正向與負向的大戰》。這是很大的兩個極端,讓我們困在二元對立與分裂裡。大戰的目的就是要困住我們、讓我們分心、讓我們別無選擇。你可以先想像你所有這樣的大戰都疊在一起,接著請天使把你帶出戰場,到另一邊的大師心靈。在那裡有著更多的平安,更多對指引與恩典的敞開。祝你有個最精彩的一天! HEALING THE GREAT WAR OF POSITIVE AND NEGATIVE is the card for today. This is one of the great polarities that keep us in duality and separation. The purpose of a great war is to keep us so distracted and caught up we don't realize there is an alternative. If you imagined all of the great wars of positive and negative that you have, piled on top of each other you could ask your angels to carry you over them to the other side. It is a place of Mastery mind where there is much more peace and openness to guidance and grace. Have a most excellent day!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《療癒集體小我》 今天的卡片是《療癒集體小我》。這是大師、覺醒者的工作,不過「道」建議今天開放給所有人。當然,寬恕、將意願對準神的旨意,是從事這項工作最好的方法。不過,放下所有的評斷、讓聖靈為生活的選擇帶來辨識力,也是我們在《療癒集體小我》上可以做出的一項重大貢獻。耶穌說,要進入天堂的國度,前提是要先變得像小孩一樣;而放下讓小我做決定的特權,會是很大的一步……祝你有個精彩的一天! HEALING THE COLLECTIVE EGO is the card for today. This is the work of those in mastery and those awakened but the Tao suggests that this is open to all for today. Of course, forgiveness and aligning our will with God's are the best way to accomplish this Yet, also to give up all judgment and let the Holy Spirit bring the discernment into our lives of what to choose is a major contribution we can make to HEAL THE COLLECTIVE EGO. To give up the ego's prerogative of decision-making is a giant step in becoming like a little child, what Jesus said was a prerequisite for entering the Kingdom of Heaven... Have a stupendous day!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《薩滿故事》 今天的卡片是《薩滿故事》。這是一種心靈狀態。在這個狀態我們會了解,社會定義的現實不是真正的現實,並且,每個人都相信某件事對個人與社群有益的話,個人是可以運用自己的心靈力量來改變現實的。在最高層次,薩滿與源頭是相連的,由源頭賦予力量,可以超越平常的幻相。祝你有個最有力的一天! SHAMANIC STORY is the card for today. This is a state of mind we achieve in realizing that socially defined reality is not what reality is and that one can use one's mind power to shift reality as everyone believes it to be for the good of individuals and the community. At the highest level the shaman is connected with the Source and is empowered by the Source to go beyond what is normal but illusory. Have a most powerful day!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《受召的野心》 今天的卡片是《受召的野心》。這反映出我們受召要前進、成功,不是為小我,而是為了天堂、真理,以及我們的使命。今天,讓我們選擇對成功的真理給出一切,勇敢向前進,到全新的階段去。祝你有個最美妙的一天! AMBITION AS CALLING is the card for today. It reflects a place where we are called to go forward and succeed not for our ego but for Heaven, the truth and our purpose. Today let us choose to give all to the truth of our success and step boldly forward into a whole new stage. Have the most wonderful day!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡《專心注意》 今天的卡片是《專心注意》。這意思是,可能有件需要處理的要事正在從你眼皮底下悄悄溜走。首先,讓自己、讓自己跟天堂的關係回到中心。再來向外延伸到你的伴侶和小孩,再到你的工作與同事、再到你的親戚、再來是朋友……。順序可以隨意,看你覺得怎樣好就好;這方法會有用的話,是因為你有想專心注意的意圖。這會讓你保持警醒,就不會有不愉快的意外出現……祝你有個美麗的一天! PAY ATTENTION is the card for today. It suggests that there is something important that may be eluding your attention and needs to be addressed. You could quiet your mind, ask what it is that you need to pay attention to. Start at the center with yourself and your relationship to Heaven, then outward to your partner and children, then to to your work and the people involved, then to your relatives, then to friends, etc. You can do this in whatever order seems to fit for you; it is really the intention to PAY ATTENTION that makes it work. This allows for the vigilance that allows no unhappy surprises...Have a beautiful day!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《療癒叛逆》 今天的卡片是《療癒叛逆》。叛逆的模式深植於無意識心靈,並有三到七大塊的否認在隱藏著一部份。任一負面事件都顯示出,我們與權威人物、身邊的人、還有老天的無意識叛逆。今天,可以走到互惠性、結盟,因此可以讓一些大障礙消融掉。祝你有個最美麗的一天! HEALING REBELLION is the card for today. The rebellion pattern goes deep into the unconscious mind with three to seven major areas of denial to hide it. Any negative event shows our unconscious rebellion against authority figures, those around us and God. Today is a good day to come into mutuality and alignment and allow some big obstacles to melt away as a result. Have the most beautiful day!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《療癒我們阻礙神的愛的地方》 今天的卡片是《療癒我們阻礙神的愛的地方》!神的本性就是會給我們一切。而我們小我的本性就是想要保持分離、有特殊利益、得到特殊關注、試圖讓別人付代價來滿足自己的需要。今天,我們可以臣服,領受所有的愛、與我們需要的一切。祝你有個燦爛的一天! HEALING WHERE WE ARE BLOCKING GOD'S LOVE is the card for today! God by His Nature is giving us everything. By our egoic nature we are wanting to stay separate, have special interests and attention, attempt to get our needs at the expense of others. Today we could surrender and receive all the love and everything we need. Have a most brilliant day!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《療癒對覺醒的恐懼》 今天的卡片是《療癒對覺醒的恐懼》。為了讓我們體驗到天堂,覺醒會將我們從時間中的夢境帶到永恆去。我們之所以會支持小我,企圖從這世界中得到些什麼,其實是害怕失去這夢中實境,害怕失去自己的小我身分。然而,這不過就是場夢而已,因為小我只是幻相,我們總有一天會醒來的。我們療癒對覺醒的恐懼的話,也許我們現在就會醒過來。祝你有個最美妙的一天! HEALING THE FEAR OF AWAKENING is the card for today. Awakening takes us from the dream of time to eternity to the experience of Heaven. When we are supporting our ego to attempt to get something from the world, we are afraid of losing this dream reality and our ego identity. Yet it is only ever a dream as our ego is only an illusion and someday we will wake up. Maybe even now as we HEAL THE FEAR OF AWAKENING. Have the most wonderful day!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《療癒角色的惡性循環》 今天的卡片是《療癒角色的惡性循環》。角色的惡性循環,角色會創造另一個角色,造成下跌的惡性循環。角色會帶來精疲力竭、耗竭、在死亡區的感覺。今天,我們將會領悟到,角色是在用錯誤的理由做正確的事情。角色是現在先輸,希望之後贏回來。角色是基於評斷,所以會用退縮與道德優越感來不斷攻擊。今天可以來將這一切釋放掉,創造夥伴關係、親密、成功的可能。祝你有個了不起的一天! HEALING THE VICIOUS CIRCLE OF ROLES is the card for today. The vicious circle of roles is where one role leads to another in a vicious circle downwards. It leads to exhaustion, burnout and feelings of deadness. Today there is a realization that roles are a form of doing the right thing for the wrong reason. They lose now in the hopes of winning later. Based on judgment they continue to attack by withdrawal and moral superiority. Today is a great day to let all this go so that there may be partnership, intimacy and success. Have a stupendous day!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《保護》 今天的卡片是保護。儘管有這麼多可能威脅到我們的事物,我們仍是被保護的……威脅到我們的一切最終都不是真實的,都是源於我們心靈裡的信念與錯誤選擇。今天,我們是被天堂的力量、以及我們自身心靈的力量所保護的,我們還可以延伸這份保護。我們可以將未來交到老天的手裡,並且知道自己是被保護著的。所有的恐懼都跟未來有關,而神會幫我們處理這一切恐懼。祝你有個美好的一天! PROTECTION is the card of the day. Of all the things that could threaten us, we are protected...All that threatens us is ultimately untrue and originating in our mind from our beliefs and mistaken choices. Today by the power of Heaven and our own mind we are protected and can extend that PROTECTION. We could place the future in God's hands and know we are protected. All fear is about the future and God is handling that for us. Have a wonderful day!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《神的安撫》 今天的卡片是《神的安撫》。像個小小孩一樣,讓神的臂膀抱著。讓製造問題、阻礙到你的懷疑、不安、信念都融化在神聖完美、信實可靠的懷抱裡。唯一會障礙你的,是你的信念。你只要領受老天的禮物,就可以消除掉你的信念。祝你有個最光榮的一天! CRADLED BY GOD is the card for today. Be like a little child held in God's Arms. Let your doubts, uncertainties and beliefs that have made your problems and held you back be melted away in the Arms of perfect Certainty. Your beliefs are the only things obstructing you and you can simply receive God's gifts to dispel them. have the best day full of splendor!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《引導者》 今天的卡片是《引導者》。引導者反映出無形的靈性幫助。當我們傾聽引導者的智慧,穿越眼前的課題時,引導者就會往前進。今天,對你的引導者所說的話保持開放,因為引導者會帶來恩典,還有許多的祝福……祝你有個愉快的一天! GUIDES is the card of the day. It reflects our unseen spiritual help. They advance as we listen to their wisdom and move through our lessons down here. Today be open to what your GUIDES are saying as they bring grace and many blessings...Have a fine day!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《童貞》 今天的卡片是《童貞》。這是對青春純潔之物的頌揚。反映出新鮮感與看事情的新方法。這會帶來「第一次看見那人事物的美麗與驚奇」的能量。今天,讓自己因此而更新、受祝福! THE VIRGIN is the card for the day. It is a celebration of what is youthful and pure. It reflects freshness and a new way of seeing things. It brings the energy of seeing something for the first time in its beauty and wonder. Today let yourself be renewed and blessed as a result.!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《療癒家族秘密》 今天的卡片是《療癒家族秘密》。幾乎每個家族都藏有秘密。我們害怕如果秘密被知道了,人們就會瞧不起我們。然而,這些東西仍是留在內心裡,在罪惡感與羞愧中潰爛化膿,造成另外的問題。今天,至少要對自己承認這些秘密,改變你看待這些秘密的心靈。這樣,你和你家人才有療癒的機會。祝你有個最滿足的一天! HEALING FAMILY SECRETS is the card for today. It is a rare family that holds no secrets. We are afraid that if secrets are revealed people would think less of us but then these things remain inside and fester in guilt and shame leading to other types of problems. Today admit these secrets at least to yourself and change your mind about them so healing can be accomplished for you and your family. Have a most satisfying day!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《自然發生》 今天的卡片是《自然發生》。自然發生,是領袖力、幽默裡頭的關鍵元素,會增加好玩的成分,創造靈感出現的機會。祝你有個很棒很好玩的一天! SPONTANEITY is the card for today. It is a key element in leadership and humor. It enhances play and opens the door for inspiration. Have a great and playful day!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《首領(原型)》 今天的卡片是首領(原型)。這是最初的原型之一,是無意識裡對我們有用的正向能量模式。今天,天賦權能會浮現,或是提升到更高一層,好幫助許多人。你的權能來自神的權能,會協助到你的聯盟,增進互惠,往正向未來發展。祝你有個愉快的一天! THE CHIEF (ARCHETYPE) is the card for the day. This is one of the original archetypes, which is a pattern of positive energy in the unconscious that works for us. Today there is a place of natural authority that emerges or is raised to a higher level meant to help many people. Your authority which comes from The Authority will help the commonweal building mutuality toward a positive future. Have a fine day!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《療癒正向與負向的大戰》 今天的卡片是《療癒正向與負向的大戰》。這顯示我們的心靈深處有著兩極對立,把我們的注意力從平安與大鴻運中轉移開來。如果我們認出我們有多少這樣的大戰,又看出這些大戰層層疊疊地積累在一起,我們就可以直接走向戰場的中心。兩方會退開,好容納我們。我們可以帶著一群維護和平的天使,走進中心。當我們走過戰區大約十步後,雙方就會整合成一整體……祝你有個最美妙的一天! HEALING THE GREAT WAR OF POSITIVE-NEGATIVE is the card for today. This signals a polarity deep in our mind that distracts us from peace and great good fortune.. If we recognized how many we had and that these wars were pancaked on top of each other, we could walk down the center of the battlefield. The sides would split apart to accommodate us. We could walk down the center with a band of peacekeeping angels. When we got about ten steps past the war zone the sides would integrate into wholeness...Have the most wonderful and beautiful day!!