
今天Chuck博士的卡片是《神是好的》。我們沒有明白在無意識層面上,對任何我們的生活中所發生的事情或來自其他處的,我們都責怪上帝。我們也沒有意識到,上帝不可能做了那些事情,仍能稱之為上帝。所以剩下的就是我們為自己選擇了這樣可怕的經歷。因此投射的本質,就是將我們所正在做的及曾做過的都責怪在他人身上。我們墜入夢境和投射上帝把我們拋棄了,但像所有的心碎,我們用所發生的當作我們與人分離和用我們的方式做事的藉口。埋怨上帝只會阻擋上帝想給我們的恩典和奇蹟。今天,讓我們打開我們心靈,接受上帝所要給我們的一切幫助。有個奇蹟的一天! (譯者: 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai)
Posted: 21 Oct 2014 11:20 AM PDT

GOD IS GOOD is the card for today. We don't realize that at an unconscious level we blame God for anything that happens to us in life or from another. We also don't realize that God could not have done those things and still remain God. So we are who is left about who has chosen such dire experiences for us. It is the nature of projection that we blame on others what we are doing and have done. We Fall into the dream and project God threw us out but like all heartbreaks we used what was occurring as our excuse to separate and do things our way. Blaming God only blocks the grace and miracles He wants to give us. Today let us open our minds and hearts to all the help that God wants to give us. Have a miraculous day!!



