PoV願景心理學 Chuck博士每月一信 2017-08










夏威夷 卡胡庫
2017 八月

August 2017

August may begin with some drama but it ends still and smooth. At the beginning all that can go wrong will go wrong but only with issues not fully dealt with that come to the surface to be communicated about and transformed. Most of the drama is gone by mid-August if not before and only the really big issues continue that long. It is in your best interest that what’s unfinished be opened up and dealt with as it is still affecting you and syphoning off energy meant for success, intimacy and general well-being.

        August is a month to focus, to get messy parts of your life in order, to catch up with yourself, to reconnect to your spiritual life and to generally ready yourself for whatever is coming next in your life. This is a time to prepare yourself by being wholehearted in all things. Prepare your mind by being miracle-minded. Spend some time to get in shape mentally, emotionally and physically and so any rigors you face are accomplished easily.

        August is a month where those dedicated to the healing path may find ancient parts of the mind surfacing or easily dredged up for healing. On the other side of healing such ancient issues it will feel like you have accomplished a fine thing. Going into it may feel like more of a challenge but with Heaven guiding you and backing you up you can have the confidence to have everything unfold with ease. If you are open, Heaven will guide you every step of the way and the most difficult situations can turn out smoothly and successfully.

        This is a great month to lessen your fear, a major root of all problems and to lessen your stress levels. This will both reduce your difficulties and remove obstacles in your path. What you accomplish in August can make the next six months easier and happier.

        August is a month where ancient guilt can be dissolved as the illusion it is. This in turn melts away doubt giving you the confidence for the success that awaits you.

        August is another month for being very productive in whatever you are doing.

        In August you may find that you rescue or are being rescued by those around you. Or both. This is a chance to feel your love for others and their love for you as well as Divine Love which brings the miracles where needed.

        May you have a beautiful and blessed month.

Kahuku, Hawaii
Nightlight Newsletter
August 2017



