
Chuck 博士每日一卡《療癒期望》

今天的卡片是《療癒期望》。期望是要求,而要求是出於需要。這些事皆會造成自我挫敗。除非你放下期望,否則你會領受不了、享受不到你收到的東西。如賓州桂冠詩人Sam  Hazo所寫:『什麼都期望的話,就會像是一無所有;什麼都不期望的話,無論是得到什麼,都會像是萬事俱足。』用這句話作結很恰當。放下期望,抱持目標。如此一來,就是在邀請渴望之物,不是在推開。祝你這天充滿愛與領受。今天是可以出現奇蹟的!

HEALING EXPECTATIONS is the card for today. Expectations are demands and demands come from needs. All of them are self-defeating and you won't be able to receive or enjoy what you receive until your expectations are dropped. As the Sam Hazo the poet laureate of Pennsylvania writes, "Expect anything and everything seems like nothing. Expect nothing and anything seems like everything." This sums it up exactly. Let go of expectations and have goals instead as this invites rather than pushes away what you want. Have the best day full of love and receiving. There can be miracles today!!



