
今天Chuck博士的卡片是《療癒恐懼》。 在任何負面情緒中,恐懼是情緒的根源。在任何負面的經驗裏,恐懼是根本的肇因之一。我們害怕往前走一步。因為我們擔心我們無法面對,或害怕會因此會失去些什麼東西。但恐懼是當失去連結時所發生的一個幻象。我們失去連結而經驗受苦時,骨子裡卻因這受害而只是想要獨立。但獨立是個角色,並不會讓我們能領受或享受。
Posted: 18 Aug 2011 04:16 PM PDT
HEALING FEAR is the card for today. Under any negative emotion fear is the root emotion. Under any negative experience fear is one of the root causes. We are afraid to proceed to the next step. We are afraid we cannot handle it or we are afraid we would lose something. But fear is an illusion that comes about when we lose bonding. We lose bonding and suffer some painful experience when underneath our victim experience we are wanting independence. But indepence is a role and doesn't let us receive or enjoy.
Today we make the choice for love. Today we invest in trust instead of fear. Today big steps are possible as we invoke our courage for a better way. As it states in A Course in Miracles, you can only be frightened if you forget Who walks beside you. Have a great fear-busting day!



