2012 這年

2012 這年
Chuck恰克-史匹桑諾 博士 夜光通訊 2012/01/01
(譯者: 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai)


最輕鬆完成療癒的方式就是回到所有療癒的源頭 - 上帝。回到源頭帶來恩典和奇蹟,那是藉著光照亮黑暗去除我執的危害。



我們為此刻而來的。這改變是發生這一切的緣由。 是放膽去給予及療癒的時候。開悟比較不在乎我們外在發生了什麼。它們漂浮在道上,注意內在的生命。如果它們繼續朝向被神所了解的或充分的覺醒,追求更多的相互關聯且放下所有的執著,就會喜樂而不分離。所有的老師及療癒師,會尋找內外在的平衡,而其他的人要不是較專注其中一點就是另外一項。兩者都會發生改變,但這完全由你決定要專注於那一項。



今年將有一道彩虹到來,那不單單像以往一般正常的彩虹,而是我們會通過的凱旋門。 重要的是依賴神的力量而不是自己的計畫。如果我們重視療癒勝過我們希望的外在世界的成就,我們的成就就會增長,幫助的人就較我們所知的還多。 當你可以使事情有所差異時,保握每個療癒的機會,不要逃避或放縱自己。


一月:認清你是神的小孩, 配得擁有所有的好事。
三月:療癒道德優勢、 優勢及特殊性。


恰克 史匹桑諾
Kahuku , Hawaii 夏威夷

The Year 2012
Posted: 01 Jan 2012 05:39 PM PST
Nightlight Newsletter by Chuck Spezzano
The Year 2012

The year we have all been waiting for is here. It is to be a year of major change with more twists and turns than a mystery thriller. The greatest danger in the world this year is that an epidemic may occur. The greatest danger in the inner realm is complacency. Do not be the horse who is whipped to go forward. Be the smart horse who moves at the shadow of the whip. Major shifts and the unfolding that occurs as a result will continue for the next four years. Do not try to drink the waves or even swim them. Surf them. This will occur by you making healing your first priority. Look at areas in which you have chronic problems: Money, career, relationship, family, health, weight, heartbreak or depression. All reflect a place you are frightened to change and go forward, places of old pain, need for specialness, self-attack and attack on others.

The easy way to accomplish healing is to go back to the Source of all healing – God. Your return to the Source brings you the grace and miracles needed to excise the perniciousness of the ego by shining light where there was darkness.

How the world is with the fight for control simply reflects our ego doing the same thing in our mind. There is a growing groundswell of people looking to generate a new way based on partnership and community rather than just a number of people behind the curtains pulling the strings. Yet, the only way a new way can work is if we start with ourselves and slay the ego with its specialness and pride.

There will be both power shifts on the outside as well as on the inside as we turn away from the ego. These shifts of power that represent a new beginning are present through the year 2024 and what we are able to achieve up through 2024 will set the tone for the next thousand years.

This is the time we have come for. This change is what it’s all about. This is a time for courageous giving and healing. The enlightened are less concerned with what is going on outside us. They float on the Tao paying attention to the inner life. If they continue on toward being God-Realized or fully Awakened, they pursue even greater relatedness and letting go of all attachments so there can be joy instead of separation. Those who are teachers and healers will seek a balance of change on both the inner and outer planes while others will concentrate more on one or the other. Change will occur on both planes but it is for you to decide where you want to concentrate.

In every unhappy circumstance, we are called upon to avail ourselves of the transformation and transcendence that Heaven offers. If we are willing to acknowledge our hidden ego payoffs in regard to what we experience negatively and sincerely ask for Heaven’s help, change will occur easily and gracefully for us. Illusion will be removed and even greater truth will prevail.

It is important to trust the unfolding no matter how things look, so as a result, things will turn out well and with aplomb.

There is a rainbow coming this year and not just one that moves ever before us like a normal rainbow but one that we will pass under as an arch of victory. It is important to rely on Heaven’s power rather than in our plans. If we value healing more than what we hoped to accomplish in the outer world, our accomplishments will grow and we will help more than we know. Take advantage of every opportunity for healing and do not avoid or indulge yourself when you can make such a difference.

The courage of your generosity is crucial this year as it will reinforce your belief in abundance as a way of life.

The main themes for the coming months are:

 January – Recognizing yourself as a Child of God deserving every good thing.
 February – Letting go of goals that impede you.
 March – Healing moral ascendancy, superiority and specialness.
 April – Following your dream and embracing your destiny. The Arch of Victory.
 May – Healing pride, pomposity and grandiosity.
 June – Living a life that is an Inspiring Story.
 July – Healing guilt that stops wholeness and health.
 August – Creative, shamanic and spiritual vision.
 September – Healing desolation. Time of danger. Turn to the Source.
 October – Goal setting; what do you want?
 November – Healing anal fallacies of control and that life needs to be a certain way.
 December – Healing our desire to take.

May this year be full of abundance, transcendence and health.

Nightlight Newsletter
The Year 2012
Chuck Spezzano



