


HEALING THE IDOL OF WEAKNESS is the card for today. Weakness is an aspect of the ego. It wants us to be weak and rely on what's outside us. Every separation builds weakness and inadequacy. Then the ego has us rely on what is outside and make contracts with it with its promises to buoy us up. But the ego is the 'father of lies' and all of this leads only to pain and disappointment. The power of our mind and the power of Heaven's Love is always available to us if we would head for the truth. An idol is a false god we worship thinking it will save us or make us happy but nothing outside us will save us (Heaven is within not in the clouds) and weakness for whatever payoff we are using it for is a dark direction to head in. This could be a great day for regaining your strength as you switch allegiance from your ego to the Holy Spirit. Have a miraculous day!!



